Chapter 3
Damon walked down a dark, lonely and quiet street after he had left the beautiful Gloria in tears.
He had warned her the first day they met that he wasn't looking for love and she shouldn't expect any show of love from his side. He only needed someone to talk to and have a little fun with but I guess she didn't listen to him and now she is left completely heart broken.
Well that's none of Damon's business, she doesn't mean a thing to him_ come to think of it, no one meant anything to him and he wouldn't want it any other way else...
Damon was walking at a steady pace but all of a sudden he slowed his steps almost to a stop when he sensed something. He wasn't alone, someone or something was trailing him and even though there wasn't a trace of anyone, not even a shadow movement or sound Damon was certain he was being followed.
His senses never fail him.
“I know you are there, come out." Damon said calmly as if he was talking to someone he is familiar with, not necessarily a friend though.
Everywhere was still silent and dark with no trace of a soul but then the night breeze felt a lot colder on Damon's skin before something shocking happened out of the shadows a tall, handsome looking man with dark, long hair like Damon's but golden color and brown eyes like that of an eagle that reflected something beautiful but yet sinful materialized in the open.
Damon didn't look phrased at all. Probably because he already knew who exactly the man was and that he had been trailing him for quite some time.
“Hello, dear brother."
The handsome man greeted in a soft, friendly tone but a somewhat evil smile.
“I am not your brother." Damon was quick to respond and that only made the strange man smile the more.
“What do you want, Roshan?"
“I am here to take you home, little brother."
The man who Damon identified as Roshan answered.
“I have no home."
“Of course you do. Have you forgotten who you are?"
“I know exactly who and what I am and my answer still remains the same."
Roshan let out a soft sigh.
“Why do you do this to yourself? You suffer yourself so much when you can live the life of a king that you are born to live."
“The way I live my life is no one else's business except mine. You can tell that to the one who sent you," Damon had a bitter frown on his face as he spoke and somehow one could tell that the anger he was feeling wasn't towards Roshan but the one who sent him whoever that person is.
“You know there is a limit to The Dark Lord's patience? Not even his son can escape his wrath for so long. You will be wise to remember this when next you decide to disregard his orders," Roshan warned.
“If you are done you can now leave." Damon said with an unconcerned attitude, causing Roshan to smile.
”Where do you even plan on going? Do you enjoy wandering aimlessly?"
“Bye." Damon then turned around, having no wish to give him a reply on that question but then paused.
”Don't think about following me again unless you want to compare how my wrath is similar to that of my father's." He warned before walking away...
“The boy got guts. I will hand it to him but for how long will you keep running away from your destiny?"
Roshan said inwardly with a smile before vanishing back into the shadows….
Nelly, a tall, sexy, super model decided to pay her friend Gloria who is also a model like her a surprise visit in her city but when she got to her friend's apartment she was left in shock at the state she met her friend in.
Gloria was seated on the bare floor and she looked pale and unkept. Nelly also noticed that her friend had been crying her eyes out. It was evident in her eyes as they were still wet, also on the floor were littered with lots of empty bottles of alcoholic beverages. In fact Gloria was holding onto a half empty bottle as well.
”Hey girlfriend, what's wrong with you?" Nelly inquired with a concerned attitude as she approached her.
“He left me. Why will he leave me?" those were the words Gloria kept mumbling but they made no sense to Nelly.
“What? Who?" She inquired.
“The love of my life," her face reflected her great sadness as she spoke.
“Don't tell me you are acting this way because of some foolish man?" Nelly frowned.
“He is no ordinary man, he is something special." Gloria tried drinking from her bottle of wine but Nelly snatched it away from her hands.
“Enough of this. I can see you are drunk and that's why you're saying loads of crap." She kept the bottle away, far from her friend's reach who made an effort to reclaim it.
“Stop this! No man is special and no one is definitely worth shedding tears for. You hear me?"
“Please tell him to come back to me, please tell Damon not to leave me," Gloria sounded like someone deluded to Nelly.
“My God. What has this fellow done to you? But don't worry I will get you fixed up." Nelly said then stood.
“Go freshen up and get dressed. We are going out." She further instructed.
“Where to?" Gloria asked.
“What you need now is food and good sex and you will forget all about this Damon of a fellow." Nelly said.
Damon wandered on for hours in the night and ended up finding himself in front of a bar, as the huge sign post read.
Dark Moon Bar
Something else caught Damon's attention in the sign post and it was the address of the Bar.
Lake Hill Town.
He didn't realize that he had crossed towns which was definitely not his intention; he just wanted to walk about, waiting for the day to break since he never falls asleep, like never. That's one of the many plagues he faces in his cursed life.
No rest and he doesn't grow old or feel pain either. He could practically stab himself multiple times and not flinch. However the long walk had made him thirsty and water alone won't be able to quench his thirst, he needs something even, much stronger.
Alcohol, a lot of it!
Guess he is at the right place then. So Damon decided to stay a bit more in the new town.
Stepping into the fully occupied bar Damon instantly sensed the presence of something not human, like himself. Two of such beings actually.
They ain't exact creatures like him, these are nightwalkers or as the humans call them, vampires but come to think of it no other creature was exactly like him. He is a totally different kind of monster, an abomination that should have never happened many would say while there were some people who seem to think he is God's greatest gift to the universe but Damon chose to go with the first.
A monster that shouldn't exist.
“What would you like to have sir?" The bartender that looked more like a bouncer asked as Damon got to the stand.
The man is freakishly huge and big and if Damon was an ordinary man he would usually feel intimidated by him but Damon is anything far from ordinary.
“Two bottles of whiskey," Damon said and the bartender had a surprised look.
Meanwhile, inside the four corners of an elegant, expensive restaurant that had clean, sparkling floor tiles and beautiful round tables of four chairs painted in red and white with three big chandeliers stationed at the rooftop that extended almost to the floor level alongside with classic french windows.
“Why did you bring me here?" Gloria who was now all dressed up in a short blue gown and long heels, looking back to her pretty normal self said.
“I told you to eat and have good sex," Nelly replied as she looked for a perfect spot to sit..
“But I don't want any of that," Gloria protested in a low tone.
“Yeah, but you need them especially the latter and that's why you agreed to come here with me. I didn't tie you up and drag you to this place. You came on your own freewill so stop acting like a child, okay? I am trying to help you here." Nelly said using a shunning tone.
“This isn't going to work, there is no way I can forget about Damon." Gloria said, wearing a sad face.
“Hey, can you just stop whining and please don't make that face. How do you hope for a man to approach you when you are looking like the bride to be of Shrek? So please smile for me." She said adding a bit of humor at the ending part of her statement and Gloria managed to smile.
“Good, let's go sit over there." Nelly pointed at a free table close to the window.
They walked slowly to the table and all the while Nelly was busy checking out possible sex mate for her friend Gloria as well for her self and the place is filled with handsome, rich men and one in particular had caught Nelly's attention. Two men actually.
“Check out you at 3 o'clock," she said in a whisper to Gloria as they sat and Gloria turned to the direction.
“Not there, I said your 3 o'clock," Nelly corrected in a louder whisper.
Gloria apologized then turned to the right direction this time around and when she did she saw two handsome looking men in suits, seated staring at their direction.
One of them was black and the other white.
The black man had an afro haircut and neatly full, trimmed beard that fit his head perfectly plus his visible dimples at the side of his cheeks added to his handsomeness everytime he smiled and to top it up he had a good fashion sense as he was wearing something classic.
A light shade of gray colored suit and jacket with black inner shirt and black Italian shoes.
His white friend is also handsome but unlike his friend he didn't have an afro haircut or beards nor dimples. He is clean shaved with a normal trimmed haircut and a straight cheek but he is handsome nonetheless and he also has good fashion sense.
He was dressed in black blazer that has white stripes on them and an inner plain white shirt. He was wearing black shoes as well and both friends were putting on expensive gold watches on their wrist.
“Ain't they super handsome? And I am sure the black man would be a freak in bed. Have you ever had sex with a black man before? I have and it's an experience I won't be forgetting any time soon. So I will suggest you go for the black man and I think he likes you. He is giving you those sexy eyes." Nelly said, talking naughtyly.
“I am not interested in any of them," Gloria said, sounding uninterested.
“What? Do you have eyes at all? Can't you see the specimen of a man staring directly at you? I am sure your Damon is not half as handsome as these men," Nelly said and Gloria gave her the mean eyes.
“None of them compare to Damon. No single man on earth does, okay?" she replied with a serious look.
“Okay, okay jeez. I wonder what he even looks like? Anyways, that doesn't matter. Just try and have fun, okay? Remember we are trying to make you feel better so please make an effort to have a great time." Gloria said then she noticed that the men had stood up and were coming in their direction.
“Smile, they are coming here and please don't be mean." She quickly told Gloria.
“Hello ladies. Mind if we sit with you, beauties?" The white man stretched out his hand out for a hand shake.
“No, I won't mind. We won't mind at all." Nelly said, taking his hand in a wide, lovely smile.
“Thank you," he said, then sat down and his black friend also sat down.
“My name is Richard by the way and this is my very good friend Donald." He introduced and Nelly also introduced herself.
“Nice meeting you two. I am Nelly and this is my beautiful friend, Gloria." She said and Gloria faked a smile at them.
“I must say she is really indeed very beautiful," Donald the black man said, giving Gloria the sexy eyes...
The men ordered for food and drinks to be brought at the table and after a not too long conversation Nelly stood up.
“I am going to use the restroom," she announced before she whispered to Gloria.
“I will be going now, have fun with him." She winked at her then walked away.
Few seconds later.
“Excuse me, I will also need to use the restroom." Richard said, coughing out awkwardly before walking to the direction of the restroom.
Of course none of them wanted to use the restroom, they are actually leaving to go make out and ultimately have sex together.
“So...tell me about yourself." Donald tried to start up a conversation with Gloria when they were alone.
“I will save you all the drama. Let's go have sex." She said and a surprised expression formed on Donald's face.