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Chapter 5

Then, Rhianna headed to the door, but before she could reach the doorknob, Nathan blocked her, his towering height now standing in front of her.

She could even smell his aftershave gel, and his smell was so enticing.

"Not so fast, babe, my personal chef prepared breakfast for us." He said calmly, intently looking at her, but didn't bother to move in front of her.

His hot gaze thoroughly darted her. His eyes moved down to her lips, which were slightly parted.

"Damn!" He cursed. "Don't do that in front of other men, babe." And before he could react, he gently pulled her, and kissed her lips.

She gasped, his kisses were different from last night. Last night was savage, as if he wanted to ravage her mouth.

But now, he is kissing her torridly, he is just dropping small kisses on her lips, tasting it with the tip of his tongue.

She closed her eyes, she hates to admit it, but she loves what he is doing to her mouth, especially to her body. She can feel his body becoming rigid.

She is now holding his hard and lean muscles. And before she could ask for more, he stopped.

He is now breathing heavily, his body is pressing her tenderly. His eyes were lustful, his hard buddy was bulging obviously in his pajamas. Whooah! What a great morning!

"Stay for a while, babe." His voice was almost pleading. His lips darted her neck, and gently bitten her skin. She shivered at what he just did.

She took a heavy sigh, this man really brought her different kinds of feelings.

There are times that she was pissed, there are times that she felt pampered and safe, and most of all, he brought a sensuality within her.

"Alright, but I need to go home, my dad might get worried about where I am."

Nathan went to the couch where she saw paper bags of a famous clothing line.

He smiled, and handed her the paper bag. "You try this, babe, go and get change." He caressed her arm, and she just obeyed like an obedient sheep.

She just nodded, without looking at him. What is happening to me? Why do I have to follow his every order? That's what she's thinking.

She opened the paper bags and found a set of pairs of underwear, two dresses and a coat.

There's also a pair of white strappy sandals in the other bag, with flip flops. There's a floral dress in the bag, it's above the knee, and it fits her just fine.

She turned around in front of the mirror several times. She smiled at how she looked.

She went downstairs, while walking, she can't help but to be amazed of what she is actually seeing right now.

The room she was sleeping in was just a picture of the whole house. It's a Mediterranean style, with a touch of class and modesty.

She saw Nathan waiting for her in the dining hall.

He was sitting on the other side, while the butler pulled out the chair for her on the next side.

"I think it's too much for breakfast," she commented, while looking at the food that was served on the table.

"I don't know what you like, so, I ordered them to cook what was good for breakfast, without adding much carbs."

"Let's eat." Nathan commanded her. "After this I want you to come with me, babe."

She glared at him. "I am going home, Mr. Wolfe, I'm sure my father is so worried right now."

"After we ate, you can call him, just tell him you are with me."

She dropped the knife and fork on the table, she stood.

"Why do you keep on ordering me, Mr. Wolfe? And what I don't like about it, is you are so assuming, as if I don't have the right to disagree!"

The food was good, but it lost its appeal to her.

"Sit down, babe, and finish your food." There's a warning in his voice.

"If you don't want to see me in my ruthless side, as the other people say about me. You better sit down and finish your food!"

She slowly sat down, she wanted to cry, she felt so helpless, her heart was pounding fast, in the mix of anger and fear.

She was biting her lips, to stop her tears. Help me Lord! She silently prayed.

Their breakfast was finished, and she admits, she didn't enjoy it much.

After applying a light make up, she checked herself in the mirror. When she was satisfied with her looks, she went to the grand staircase, where Nathan was waiting.

There's something in his eyes, that she could not give a name. Was it admiration?

"You looked gorgeously beautiful, babe." Nathan praised her, that made her heart beat faster than usual. He gave her a light kiss. She remained silent and didn't argue.

"You will go home when I tell you, babe, just be nice to me today, and you can go home." He gave her a dashing smile. After that, he became serious again.

Why did he shift moods in an instant?

They rode in his red sports car, she didn't talk while he was driving.

"What are you thinking, babe?" He faced her for a while, then focused his eyes on the road again.

"Are you thinking about me? Why are you here?" He seems so serious again.

"Why would I think about you? You beast!" Before she could stop her mouth, the word spilled out.

She was in rage, when he suddenly stopped the car, in the middle of the road.

He suddenly pulled her close to his body, and kissed her roughly.

"Let me go!" She managed to scream in the middle of his kisses. But he was so strong. She even hit his arm and face with all her strength. But Nathan was really strong. They were both gasping when Nathan released her.

"I told you, babe, you wouldn't want to see my dark sides. I still have my darker side, so don't push me."

"I will sue you!" She said in a small voice, but full of bitterness.

"Sue me then, babe, sue me." Nathan told her and started the engine again.

Rhianna and Nathan arrived on a beach port in Daytona, after travelling for almost two hours. She missed this place, she grew up there, and made many memories.

Two men approached Nathan and handed a key, while guiding them into the big and modernized yacht.

The yacht reminded her of the movie remake of Overboard starring Anna Faris.

It looks big and proud, its look was magnificent.

"What are we doing here?" She asked him, deep inside her heart, she felt excited.

They will go on a sail for sure. But she just asked it to start a conversation. Nathan was quite silent, and his silence unnerved her.

"We will sail, eat, and sip champagne." Nathan looked at her, his gazed rake through her whole face, down to her body.

"I hope you'll like this, you onced lived here so I presume you gonna like it here, especially a yacht sailing."

She just smiled and said "I would love it here."

"Good to hear then, babe." He grinned. His smile really affected her that much.

She really wondered why this man easily shifted his mood, he's like a bipolar.

"Shall we? Let's make beautiful memories here, Rhianna." He extended his hand to her. His voice was so soft that it almost melted her heart away, erasing her annoyance.

It penetrates her body and soul, touching her very heart, changing the way she feels towards him.

His hand was big, warm and strong, she saw protruding veins on his arms and hands.

"Sure Mr. Wolfe." He was frowning at what she said. Instead, he remained silent, until they got inside the yacht.

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