Chapter 5

“Aren’t you done with it?” I almost snap after taking a look at my reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time. And my statement was directed to my sister who has been working on my hair for so long now.

She was presently brushing it down just so I could look more flashy... her words. And I know I should have fought against it due to how time-consuming it would be, which it presently is, but I already know better than not to go against her when she has set her mind to something.

“Hold still,” she says as she pulls on my hair a little, which gets a slight whimper from me. What did she do that for?

“And how many more minutes do I have to wait?”

“Let’s say about thirty,”

What she says makes me focus my gaze on her reflection through the mirror. And just like every other time, it was blank. No emotions to it. Not even one to tell if she was kidding or not. Why the hell would I want to be seated here for thirty more minutes?

“Did you just say thirty?” I ask for clarification with my gaze still on her reflection.

A brief stare was thrown back at me before she stares back at the hair that she has in her hand. “Did I say thirty? I meant to say three...” she says in contrast to her previous statement, and no lies, that got me a little annoyed because she had me thinking already. The more annoying thing about it is the fact that she maintained her neutral expression even after that.

“Don’t be pulling my legs like that again. You know how much I hate it,” the cautioning spills out of my mouth, with my annoyance apparent laced through it. “Besides I still am pissed with you after finding out you told on me to mother.”

Silence followed up after that with me staying put and her doing what she had to do. It was rather uncomfortable for me already because even the moon goddess knows that I hate staying in one place for too long while working on myself. You know, the usual things ladies do. I’m never keen on those kinds of things.

Eventually, she lets go of my hair which gives me the chance to admire the way I look through the mirror. Cassie was right. I have to look more flashy, and that was how I was now. Guess it wasn’t bad after all to allow her to work on it.

“I had to tell her, Soma,” I hear Cassie say. And it was at that time that I was slyly touching my now glowy hair. “You acted out of conduct so what other thing did you expect me to do so you could at least get back in order? I was thinking about you and the rest of us,”

“That’s the same thing mom said. And I consider it bull,” I admit, turning around on the seat so I could directly face her. And because she was on her feet, I have to gaze up. “You all should understand that this is the lifestyle I choose to live. I don’t want my role as a leader to be the reason I won’t do what I please,”

“Not when it affects the lives of those under you,” Cassie interjects instantly. “What do you think their reaction would be when they find out that you are acting wild? Not something they would want to emulate,”

“If you’re that perfect, maybe you should take up the role of Alpha instead. I can always pass on the mantle to you so I could at least live my life the way I please. I was never meant to be the leader in the first place, anyway,”

Cassie frowns at my statement. And not just any frown, it was deep enough to tell she was displeased. “I do not want the role. If I ever did, I would have made my intentions known all along. So I do not. But it does not mean I do not want something else. And it is to be on standby while I watch you run on the pack in the right way. And I will definitely be here to help you the best way I can so you could stay on the right path,”

“Urrgh,” I grunt as I stand up to my feet. “I can’t wait for you to get a mate,” I say as I start to approach the doorway while adjusting my long leather robe.

“Why?” she asks.

“So you can leave me the fuck alone!”

And as I open the door to get out of the room, I sight Mark in the doorway with his hand raised.

He was clothed in a similar robe to mine which was adorned with symbols representing the heritage of our pack. And since today has sort of a special occasion, it was basically the right thing to wear.

“Hey,” he says, giving me a lazy grin as he puts his hand down. “I was just about to knock,”

I nod. “Let us go now,” I tell him, and before I finally step out of the room, I turn around to give my sister a look. She was staring directly at me when I do so. After a sigh, which was because I was about to pass on temporary responsibilities to her, I eventually walk away with Mark already leading the way.

He leads me through the hallway out of the building. Right outside, beside three automobiles, were a certain number of warriors. Practically, they were going to be our escorts to our destination which was in another territory.

“I thought I told you I only wanted a few,” I say as I turn my head to look at Matthew who was right beside me.

“I know you did, but I have to be more cautious of likely disasters that could happen along the way. It is basically for our safety,”

“Not like we can’t take care of ourselves on our own,” A scoff follows my statement before I walk up to one of the automobiles and then get into it through the backseat with the aid of a warrior

Mark gets into the backseat with me through the other side, and a few moments later the car was on the run out of this territory. About twenty minutes later, we were completely out of the Blood Crescent pack territory.

As the ride wasn’t intended to be fun, not much was said between Mark and me on the way. Not because I did not want to talk with him — he has not offended me in any way — but because I have little desire to converse with him. Especially when I know I was going for business.

I’m glad he did not push with it and just brought up brief talks for us to deliberate on. Pecks of having a best friend that knows a lot about you.

I believe it took like an hour but we eventually arrived at the Dark Moon pack which was located up east to the Blood Crescent pack — my pack.

We were granted quick entrance into the territory after the guards confirmed our identities. Glad it wasn’t something that caused rancor as I was worried I would not be recognized, knowing that I might not be recognizable due to being a new alpha.

The territory of the Dark Moon was much similar to ours. Except for the strictures of most of the residential quarters, there was no reason why this place would not be referred to as the Blood Crescent pack as well. And being that it was my first time here, I wanted to get familiar with it a little so I was fascinated with the things around.

The car I was in came to a halt in front of a building, which like others, was similar to the structure of my pack. Through the front window, I could see beings standing in front of the building, and two of them stood out among all of them due to their choice of clothing.

“This is it,” Mark says and I am prompted to nod before I get out of the car after it gets opened on my behalf by a warrior of mine outside.

The air over here feels a lot different that I have to take it in when it hits my face. I briefly close my eyes at the impact and later on, I was on my way up to the building with Mark tagging along.

“Alpha Soma...” one of the two men that stood out says, with his hand held toward me which I take into mine instantly. He is actually huge and that is sort of exposed because he chose to put on a fitting button-down shirt that had its sleeves raised to his elbows.

“Alpha Tyrone, I presume?” I say in return.

“Yes,” he nods with a slight smile tugging at the side of his lips. And after the confirmation of his identity, I take my hand out of his. “And here’s my brother, Leonard, who is also my beta.”

I look to the other man beside him but I am instantly affected by the creepiness he has on him. And it all has to do with the smirk he has on his face.

“Hi,” he says, licking his lips as he holds his hand out for a shake.

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