The Lunas´ pavilion:

This really IS a garden! I contemplate, full of happiness, the fresh greenery that extends before my eyes as far as my eyes can see. Here and there the strangest plants flourish. Exotic aromas fill the air, the breeze makes the laden palm and coconut trees sway. At least fifty fountains pour crystal clear water. On one side and the other I discover caged colorful birds or little animals that run free among the flowers. Perched on the branches of the trees I observe pigeons of different kinds.

I can't get out of my dumb astonishment. I prostrated myself on my face and kissed the ground, while raising a prayer of thanks to the Magnanimous. This place must be the earthly replica of the Great Heavenly Oasis.

— Come, leave your prayers for later. It's time to introduce yourself to the other suns.- Lady Citié hurries me. Today she seems impatient and moody.

I get to my feet and follow her, walking the granite walkway that winds between flowers and fountains and cages… Citié's wooden shoes make a characteristic clap-clap against the pavement and I smile, biting the inside of my cheek so as not to explode in laughter.

After a short while of walking, we arrive at an interior mansion and Citié does not allow me to appreciate in detail the wealth and apotheosis of valuable objects scattered throughout the place. The little woman takes me running after her. I try to keep up with him, my feet are in soft and comfortable sandals, but this heavy outfit that they have put on me is really annoying, the fabrics are black and thick. So too is the hayab and veil that I have been provided with. From head to toe, only my eyes are visible.

In a moment we came to a wide pavilion, supported by silver columns. Everywhere I see divans covered with cushions and fine silks or thick furs. Four women rest on the divans in different relaxation postures. The maidens who bathed and dressed me the night before are now busy going back and forth between the divans, bringing and carrying drinks, dates and small portions of meat to the women who rest complacently, while other young women in cruder clothes and crickets around around their necks, massage them, braid their hair, smear their bodies with aromatic oils or simply fan them.

—She's here!- someone yells. - The new girl is here!

I wrap my arms around my body and brace myself for the avalanche that I know will hit me at any moment… The four women got up as one and ran to surround Lady Citié and me.

—Girls, girls, please, decorum!- Citié exclaims, scandalized.

— Leave your decorum for later.- a riposte.

—We were dying of curiosity!-another shrieks.

—Come on, come on, don't be shy.- A slender, red-haired girl, dressed in blue fabrics of different shades, addresses me. Her fiery hair contrasts sharply with her ebony-dark skin. She is slim, athletic, and her eyes are as reddish as her hair.

—Zai, you know that you have to follow a protocol…- Cítiê scolds

—You and your protocols!-Zai protest.

—Calm down, sister. You're going to scare the new girl.- Another girl comments that…I open my eyes wide. She is identical to Zai. Well, no. They are not exactly the same. The face is the same, and the height, and the clothing is similar. But her hair is white. Totally and completely white. And his eyes, like silver.

An incessant chatter reigns around me.

— Shut up Mem, can't you see...

— It's enough!

They all turn in the direction of the arch that opens in the opposite direction from where we are standing. A woman with platinum hair and wearing pastel silks walks towards us. His movements are graceful, slow.

It reminds me of those of a gazelle.

This woman is also tall, but not as tall as the Zai and Mem twins. Her hair is tied up in an intricate hairstyle of braids set with tiny translucent stones that shimmer in the sun. A silver ribbon covers her forehead and in the center of it rests a huge, oval red stone. The silvery hair and this reddish jewel make a huge contrast against her snowy skin.

The rest of the women fall silent instantly and move away from me with lowered heads. I stand with my forehead high and my eyes wide with astonishment. Even Lady Citié is in a reverent pose before the newcomer.

— Apparently, you are still all a herd of riotous cows.-The golden-haired woman whispers. Even though his tone is low and slow, I can't help but notice the venom in his words.

— So much time trying to teach you the manners worthy of the Kuraní nobility, and you still behave like the savages you are.

A poignant silence reigns in the pavilion. The golden haired woman walks towards me and looks at me contemptuously. Shaking his head disapprovingly.

—Tzk, tzk. Cítiê… haven't you explained to this little camel worshiper that she must keep her eyes lowered to those of higher rank?

Lady Cítiê cringes, and I see that she trembles with fear but does not look up or offer any explanation.

Meanwhile I stand with my head held high, the blonde's evil black eyes fixed on mine. It's like I'm measuring my strength and I refuse to be the first to look away. A long, commanding eyebrow rises, and my opponent's eyes widen. For a moment he stares, his entire body stiffening in spasm. His face, which until now had shown contemptuous feelings, becomes expressionless and empty. The jewel on his forehead vibrates, emitting a blinding flash.

I cover my face with my arm and close my eyes. It is as if a second sun had been born, coming from the woman's forehead, a sun redder and closer than the real one.

Suddenly the flash stops. The woman awakens from her trance blinks a couple of times, then resumes her superior stance and mocking expression.

I remove my arm from my face and face her once more.

— Lucky for you- ... He says, showing me his teeth. As a viper would do before attacking... - I must present myself immediately before the Emperor. The eastern rebels are gathering and the council will meet in fifteen minutes. Otherwise you would pay dearly for your insolence.

He turns, his gaze sweeping over the rest of the women and landing on Lady Citié.

— Cítiê, I hope you will teach this newcomer the appropriate way to behave in my presence…or I will.- Saying this, he turns around and leaves. Crossing the arch of stones through which Cítiê and I have come.

— Who the hell was that?- I huff indignantly.

The other women close in a circle around me and Citié silences me with a sign with her hand.

—Keep quiet , don't be reckless.- the little woman scolds me.

— She´s right. It is not convenient for you to make an enemy of that cobra. - Advises the white-haired twin.

The other women shake their heads negatively.

— Could it be that you're crazy?- another woman screeches, her brown hair frizzy in thick curls as she rocks her head. This one is taller than me, but not as tall as the twins, and she has a frankly friendly and curious expression in her vivid brown eyes.

Citié removes her hand from my mouth and spends a moment brushing imaginary dust off her traditional costume.

—Well, well, girls, calm down.- Says the little woman. - To answer your question, the lady who has just left is Lady Cassandra, our beloved's first wife.

He turns to me and continues. — I am Lady Citié, second wife of our beloved.

— We are Lady Zai and Mem…- says the red-haired twin.

— We are the third and fourth wives of our beloved.-answers the white-haired twin.

— I am Lady Burya, the fifth wife of our beloved.-The woman with the big brown curlers sings.

The other lady is silent. His face is a grimace of disgust. He growls and walks away with his back to us. She wears provocative, flowing clothes that reveal her incredible curves and her long legs. Her face is heavily made up around her green eyes and her hair is black and extremely long and straight, almost reaching her knees. It is gathered up in a huge braid adorned with colored ribbons. A silver anklet tinkles on one of her ankles.

Lady Citié snorts. - She is Lady Sarab, sixth wife of our beloved.

— Is she mute?-I ask quietly.

The other women burst into giggles and shake their heads.

The beautiful woman with the braid stops, and over her shoulder throws an answer at me.

— No, I'm not mute . It's just that I refuse to say, even if it goes against protocol, that I love that bloody tyrant.

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