Chapter One

Mon, May 3, 2021

Hayden's P.O.V.

Everything around the room seem to blend to form a big blur. I'm aware of where I am, but nothing else make sense. I sit motionless with Benji on my right while other pack officials littered the room. As, dad rambles on about pack related affairs, It seems important to him and the people sitting with us in the meeting room. However, I don't find it relevant to this dialogue with land near our pack that is rip for the picking, it just doesn't seem all that significant. Furthermore, why was I required to be here for a meeting when I am not even interested in being an Alpha.

“Why am I even here again? What's so critical that the dad need to see us?” I thought to myself.

“Hayden! Are you even listening to me?” dad question, the lines on his forehead pull together to establish a deep frown.

I am pulled from my hypnotic state as someone wave their hand in front my face while calling my name. The culprit on my right stared at with confusion and a slight hint of anger. I am a little out of sort as my wandering brain connects to its surroundings again. I quickly give the meeting room a once-over only to fine Countless pack official gazing at me with worry and concern emotion hitch on their faces. But among all these emotions, only one dominated the atmosphere, Dad borehole in me with his piercing blue eyes that hold nothing but shame and disappointment. I swiftly lower my head before his gaze could burn me any more than it already have.

“You may continue elder Alden” dad command with a bit of hostility.

“Has I was saying, everything is in place for Hayden's coronation tonight, some nearby packs have already arrived, but the arrival of the river pack is still uncertain” Alden told my dad.

“Umm, I am convinced that the river pack think they are better than us, but if they down show that's fine. Thanks for the heads-up, elder Alden, and is there anything else you would like to add before I take over?” Dad question.

“ No Alpha.” elder Alden answers.

“If, and this is a big if, the river pack should confirm their invitation, please get them settled in the west wing. And Dean, please be reminded that the Mercy family is schedule to arrive today. So, I would like to be notified as soon as they're at the gate. Also get one of the omegas to ensure that their rooms are in order for their arrival” Dad told his beta.

“Yes Alpha.” Dean and elder Alden answers simultaneously.

The boring meeting when on for some hours as dad listen to each member's concerns and worries and Given his advice where it's needed. As, the uninteresting meeting carry on, I tried to dedicate myself to the task of staying focus, even though it was a challenge. Even as the gathering concluded, I still didn't get a confirmation to why I was needed here. So, if, this is one of my dad's lesson about always knowing what happening in one's pack than I am not buying into it. It's no foreign knowledge that I don't want to reign, it's well known throughout the pack that being a leader isn't in the stars for me. Not only that, but I don't have this so-called magical gene that elder Alden claim I possess, I was one of the first Alpha to be born with a submissive gene. So, It's very obvious that I couldn't lead a school of fishes, much less a darn pack of wolves.

I'm not dominant like Benji or dad. But for some reason, elder Alden is convinces that I'm something great, something untouchable. However, I don't believe I am touched by the moon goddess like he thinks I'm. And, to prove how farther he is willing to take his obsession with me to, he even went as far as to tell my dad that I “Hayden Trop” had a special path set-out for me. And, that I would be unstoppable once I turn eighteen and find my other half, like elder Alden predicted. So, now my dad's set on waiting to see what happens, so to say I hated elder birdbrain is an understatement.

It's four years and dad haven't given up hope, all because one dimwitted couldn't keep his big mouth shut. Dad was dead set on doing things grand, that way I would have a greater chance at finding my mate; So, he invited all the nearby packs he knew. But, omitted the ones he dislikes. At least find my mate is his top priority so, that's something we can both agree on. So now, here I am waiting for the worst birthday of all time to begin, where dad will completely disown me when he sees that there is nothing special about me.

“Dude, what's your problem? At least pretend like you care about the pack, and it's crisis” Benji shouts, drawing me from my chain of thought.

I flinch away from Benjamin as he towers over my small form, I immediately look around the room only to realize that the meeting had end and only Benji and I remain in the once crowded room. As I quickly shift back to face him to ask when the meeting had ended, but I am meet with a Slight scowl. It seems please with my silence, but how am I to answer a question he clearly knows the answer to. Benjamin is one of my best friends, we knew everything about each other so, was it clear as day that I don't want what they're fucking selling. He shouldn't have any difficulty figuring out what my issue is? I stared at him blankly as realization hits him and his slight anger I wash away to be replaced by pure bitterns. I narrow my eyes at him as I tried to figure out Why he's angry, when I am the one who's being forced into something he doesn't want.

“What's there to explain, Benjamin, every single member of this pack is waiting for me to claim a title I don't want. To be honest, the only thing I truly want from this is my mate” I whisper in a harsh tone.

“Hayden, come on, it's your birth right we're talking about here” Benji replies with amusement and my irritation rose within me. Ever since I Turned thirteen I've told Benji that I didn't want to reign, but it seems to just go through one ear and out the next, to him, me not wanting to rule was a ridiculous joke.

“Benjamin, I can't do this right now, dad's waiting for me to begin our lesson” I inform him with irritation as I vacated the seat that held me prisoner.

“We need to talk about this now” Benji demanded.

But what's left to talk about, I've already said everything I had to say. And me wasting any more time on something he refuse to acknowledge would make me late for my lessons with dad. So, him having to talk this minute is irrelevant. I know my dad, I can guarantee you he's waiting for me in the library. And, if there's one thing I am certain of is, no one keep Colton Mason trop waiting, but Benji just wouldn't give me a break. I hissed my teeth in frustration as I successfully push pass him to leave him behind, but before I could reach the door, I'm grab by my forearm and harshly spin around to face Benji. He glares daggers at me as he tightens his grip around my arm; I struggle to regain balance after be harshly pulled.

I have heard members of the pack complain that his anger was like a rogue wave you would rather not be caught in. He couldn't control his temper, but it's never been directed at me, I have only heard his dad complain to my dad about Benjamin uncontrollable aggression, but today I've the opportunity of witnessing it first hand. It's partly my fault that his is this upset, I know how much he hated when his demands were met with silence. So, me provoking him wasn't helping the situation either, either was me called him “Benjamin” when I damn well know how much he loathe his first name. Therefore, me doing all these extra shit to irritate him I should have anticipated his reaction.

“No! You don't turn your back on me, Hayden!” He hisses with anger before continuing, “We need to talk now! You will not give up your birth right, it's a gift from the moon goddess herself and I will not stand aside and watch you throw it away because of your selfishness” he all but growls threateningly and fear pool in my belly as I see the blazing fire in his eyes.

“You're scaring me” I whine from fear and his grip tighten. Benjamin's more dominant than I am and takes pleasure in demonstrating it. He who be perfect for the position that they so blindly wanted me to take, that only downside is that he doesn't have Alpha blood, and it's the most crucial aspect.

“You're hurting me” I pleaded as I kept trying to get my arm from my captor dead grip, but Benji just wouldn't let go.

I whimper with relief as his unwavering grip slowly ease, allowing me to pull my arm from him. His face morph into shock as guilt slowly bathe his features. I, too, looked at him with shock, I couldn't believe that Benjamin Price my best friend had just physically abused me, how could he manhandle my delicate body like that? I thought as I qickly cradle my throbbing arm in swaddle as I slowly back away from the predator. Before, he could even utter an apology, I was already running out the door. I couldn't believe Benjamin did that to me.

As I walk through the halls of the pack home to get to the library, I tried fruitlessly to wrap my head around what Benjamin did. I mean, I've known him since we were in kindergarten and from then we've been friends, best friends even, but now I am doubting we are even friends. Not only that, but I even know about the little crush he as on me, but the myth about his anger issues prevented me from reciprocating his feelings. But I'm guessing it's not really a myth if I just got a taste of his temper.

“It's official, I'm terrified of Benjamin now” I told Zameir through our telepathic link.

“You're telling me” Zameir replies in a stress voice

Unlike most werewolf counterpart, zameir showed up on my ninth birthday and has never left me since. It was unusual for a wolf to have a counterpart at such a tender age, which was one of the main reason elder Alden thought I was some special wolf. Like me, zameir isn't interested in ruling either, So I am not scared that I would lose him if Dad disown us at midnight.

I hurried through the deserted hallway that led to the library. My session started half on hour ago, and I'm just strutting into the library. Dad's going to crucify me for being late, but it wasn't me fault. Benjamin is at fault for not being able to keep his temper under wraps. My eyes immediately found dad sitting at a workstation in the rear end of the empty library with his nose buried between a book. But as soon as he sensed my presence, his eyes shot up to meet mine and anger quickly consume them like a blazing wildfire. I had already disappointed him once today and to do it again guarantee me a place on his shit list, as his blazing gaze holds me prisoner. It feels as though I was a convict on dead row as his crippling anger paralyze me. He growls at me, and it shook the frame of the house as he throws the book across the room before jump to his feet.

“I'm sick and tired of your crop, boy” dad shouts from across the room. “For months you've been neglecting your duties to this pack” he finished with a finger pointing in my direction. I watch him with fear as the vain in his forehead threaten to rupture.

“I-I-I” I stutter as words seem to fail me all of a sudden. It seems like everyone wanted a piece of Hayden pie today.

“Speak up boy! You're a god-damn Alpha, so act like it” dad's fist slam onto the table-top and a tower of books falls to the ground as he shouts.

I jump with a fright, and tears cloud my vision and panic drag its filthy hands down my spine, if this was enough proof that I wasn't an alpha I don't know what was. I whimper uncontrollably as my head drop into submission and I tried to make myself as small as humanly possible.

“Hayden, look at me and stop that whining” dad commands in a baritone voice.

But I couldn't meet his piercing blue eyes, which boreholes into me. I shake with fear as my muscles feels like stone inside my body and my heart beat to an erratic drum as my head swim with dizziness. Dad's disappointment at my submission ignite our bond as it incinerate everything inside me. It's one of the worst feeling to disappoint the person you feared.

“What's going on here” a sweet velvet voice bless the air.

Mom's sweet honeycomb scent sooth my raging heart and calm my soul as she comes to stand before us, dad's anger eased tenfold as her presence calm him too. Moms the Luna of the pack and one of the great person on earth, her presence always seem to bring out the best in people. As the Luna is one of the most important members of the pack apart from the Alpha, she's also, considered to be the Luna of backbone of a pack. Without her, Colton would go insane, and the pack would be lost. Not only does she carry the dad's worries, but the pack members too.

“Do I need to repeat myself” mom asks as her left foot tap on uneasy rhythm on the wooden floor.

“It's nothing Mary-lee, just talking to our son about his duties” dad grumbles.

“That didn't sound like talking to me, it sounded more like you yelling at my baby” mom replies with concern. “I can smell the fear rolling off him, Colton” she continues.

He sighs loudly before sitting back down on the once forgotten seat. He grumbles profoundly as mom's interference. Even though her presence calm me down a little, it still did nothing to relinquish the fear I feel. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, I silently sob as the overwhelming feeling of tension wash over me in crushing waves of anxiety.

Suddenly, a hand is place on my back, and she was turning me around to face her has she tilt my head up to look at her. Her worrisome green eyes stare back into my watery ones. Immediately, her warm hands were cupping my already flush cheeks has she tries desperately to stop the tears from falling.

“Oh my poor baby, come here” I'm instantly pulled into a warm hug that soothe my fear at once, she cradles my small form as she slowly rock us from side to side in a berceuse motion and her hand rubs small circles into my back while she tries to calm me.

“You baby the boy too much, that's why he's so darn delicate” he shouts at mom.

“I need to talk to your dad, so go to your room,” shh told me before flash a glare at him.

I nodded slowly as I took small calculated glances at dad, but his face still hold that same disappointing look. There was no hint of worries or concern for the horror he had put me through just now.

“As soon as am finish I will bring you some caramel tea to help you calm down” she told me as she pulled away from me to drop a kiss to my forehead.

“But we haven't even begun our session yet” dad argues. I stiffen as I heard those words and an unsettling Tension threaten to consume me once more, but mom determination only grow as she quickly save me from the yelling maniac.

“Colton you have already stressed him out enough for today, plus you have been coaching him on pack laws for over nine years, I think he deserves a break from you” mom commands.

Dad doesn't utter a word as mom usher me out of the library. I feel guilty turning my back on him, but mom was right, I needed a break from him.

*By:- Martin Crane.

Author's Notes.

Okay, so 2344 words down, wow! That was a lot of typing, Anyway, I'm enjoying writing this book. I'm slowly building my characters and plot. I intend to end this book at 50 chapters, depending on my mood.

For all who may read this story, I just want to clarify it that Hayden is not a mamma's boy.

I'm glad I got that out there…

On a more serious note, I would like to end each chapter with a positive message, it's just to put a little sunshine in your day or night, I don't know what time zone you're on.

Positive messages .

(Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.)




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PS. Chapters will be uploaded every other Friday or maybe earlier.

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