Chapter two
Thur, May 12, 2022
Malachi's P.0.V.
Two days has pass since we left that rathole in Fort land. I was glad to finally be able to leave that Godforsaken place. The old abandon house we were shacked up in was cover in a web of vines that wrapped around it like a blanket. The paint on the walls had deteriorated from age, and the floors would shriek under the weight of Jame's heavy boots. The pipes in the old place would moan its distress every hour and also the place had this powerful odor of musk and death that. In Almost nooks and Cranky of the abandon house was a little creepy crawly just wait in the shades to run their disgusting legs over your skin when you least expected it.
“James really knew how to pick these ratholes” I thought to myself.
So to say I am glad to finally leave that dump was an understatement. But even though, we are running from another dump to someplace unknown, there's just one tiny mystery that's weighting heavily on my mind. Why are we running? Even though I have asked countless questions about why we are running or where we are off to, my parents still refused to provide me with any answers. So, I have come to the conclusion that we are running from an invisible enemy, that only my parents knows about or can see. That's the only logical explanation that I have come up with, and it actually makes sense, it's the only solid reason for them to keep me in the dark.
But apart from the crappy living and the unanswered question, what really bugs me the most is every time I answer a question, my mom Lora would speak to me like I'm some vicious wild bear. With her calm, calculated words that she attempted to use to soothe me. It irritates me whenever she does it, but she just keeps doing it over and over again. Yes, I know I'm a little prone to letting my powers reek havoc when I didn't get what I wanted, but that gives her no right to talk to me like that. Because of her overzealous habit, I would give up on the fruitless mission of trying to score some information.
I stared at the endless line of trees that slowly pass by my window. Has the engine of our beat down minivan produce a Rattling cough just before turning off the main road and onto a gravel path that leads into a forest. The forest seen to vibrate with countless colors, as the trees and bushes takes on a more illuminating green. It seems undisturbed by the pollution of mankind, as happy animals sing out their joy. The peaceful feeling of belonging wash over my bones and my body sink into my seat as my muscle loosens up. Even my parents seem to relax from the pleasant feeling the forest produces,
Tommy, who laid sound a sleep on my lap also, Hums his comfort. His body curled into a fetal position as his thine lips parts to release a soft snore from his body again. His short brown curls rest in a hive of mess and His long eyelashes flutters as his eyes wonder behind his eyelids. Tommy is the most delightful person you will ever know when he's a sleep, that is. As soon as those eyes open and his mouth begins to move, all you want to do is shoot yourself; all because He won't shoot up until he's a sleep again.
Tommy has none of the trades Lora and I possess, but James and Tommy share a common trade; talking your ear off and their constant need to protect the family. It's like he wanted to be like our father, which isn't strange, consider I too wanted to be like him once upon a time. As a young wolf, I would imitate everything James did, from the way he walks to the way he talks, I want to be exactly like him. However, that's then, as I got older and saw him for what he truly is, I soon lost interest in being like him and began to hate him. By the time I was fourteen, the man I once called dad was now James to me; because, what type of father up-roots his whole family because of his selfish needs.
“How was I to look up to a father like that” I question my subconscious.
So, it's safe to say I have some unspoken resentment for my father for stealing my childhood. Not only did he put me through this, but to have Tommy endure it as well is just cruel. Tommy's not allowed to attend school or have any social contact with the outside world because James feels that it is unsafe for us. So, it is natural for me to hated him for doing this to us without asking for our consent. I am so sick and tired of the dysfunctional family, as soon as I find my mate, I am not thinking twice about leaving them for a new one.
I let out a sigh before check in my wristwatch to see it's a little pass three in the evening, and we still haven't reached how destination, yes. The little van roar to life as James put his foot on the pedal to try to pump out some more speed from the van, but his efforts are useless. The van can barely push forty miles per hour without burning out, but James is dead set on reach before night fall.
“ How long until we are there?, My legs are cramping up” I grumble with frustration.
“Just relax Mal, we will be there in a few minutes” James respond.
“Great” I Hum in answer.
“ That you will answer promptly, but not why ---” I try to say but was rudely interrupted by Lora condescending words.
“Calm down sweetheart, remember your breathing exercise” she told me for the sixth time today.
“I am calm already, any calmer and I would be on drugs” I shout at her as the rage that wasn't there a few seconds ago seep into my bones.
“What the fuck is wrong with these people” I question myself.
My ears ring like a bell as my wolf Alistair growls his irritation at Lora's attitude. Alistair is my wolf counterpart and a badass motherfucker, unlike most wolf my wolf counterpart, he has been with me ever since I could understand what a wolf was. I'm not sure when he actually showed up, all I know is that I have known him all my life. He's a very dominant wolf that doesn't like to be told what to do, but with her constantly telling us how to behave wasn't helping with my already out of whack powers.
With steady deep breaths; I try to calm an overbearing Alistair down, but my efforts when to shit when Tommy stir from his slumber. A low growl fell from my lips as I tried desperately attempt to envision myself somewhere else. I rest my forehead against the window to let the coolness calm me as my eyes fluttered shut, and my breath gets deeper. I tuned out the noise that surrounds me and focus my attention on calming my wolf.
When I reopened my eyes, I am a little surprise to see that James is pulling up to an old gate. The walls that held it in place seem like it didn't belong with such an ancient gate.
“Where's James taken us this time?” I question silently.
From the corner of my eyes I saw two strange figures emerge from behind the wall, they take a defensive stand behind the gate. Alistair and I quickly take a defensive form as whole. One of the figures slowly but cautiously approach the van, leaving the other to man the gate. The man I can now see clearly stood just outside the driver's window. He stood about my height and was packed with muscles. James Promptly removed the barrier that separated us from the stranger, so they can speak freely.
“Are you lost ROGUES” the stranger asks with a smirk plastered on his face,
“ROGUES” Alistair growls for the umpteen time today.
“Is he fucking blind, does he see us with charcoal eyes” Alistair mumbles profoundly as the insult stung like salt to on open wound.
I might not know much about pack and their phrases, but judging from Alistair reaction, I am guessing, ROGUES is basically calling us filth. So, where does this sorry excuse for a wolf get off calling us filth. I growl as the sour word flood my vain with its poisonous venom. The bear of a man look at me with distaste as I size him up and look for his weaknesses, in case it comes to a fight I need to know how to take him down.
“He as to be” I told Alistair as my anger rise along with his.
“We are the Mercy family, we are here to see the Alpha.” James replies with confidence, it's like what the piece of shit said didn't hurt him.
The man look at James with disbelief before he turns to his friend, who waited by the gate for conformation on what the James had said, but his friend was already opening the gate to let us by. The strange man steps back from the van with a look of guilt and a victorious grin bless my face as I see the man's discomfort at belittling us. The van rustles to life again and tug through the gate, as the van pulls the rusty gate I see several men and women who walk along the walls on the inside. As they check for any weaknesses along the barrier that protects them from the outside world.
“Wow” Tommy mutters in awe has he force his body between the console to gaze through the windshield at the playground that's a head of us.
A gasp escapes me when I see what lay before my eyes. Just beyond a few oak trees laid a huge town, that buzz with life. A massive number of people move through the town as they go about their daily life's; Some with grocery bags strap to their shoulders as they hurriedly try to rush to some place new. Or mommy's watching their kids play happily on the playground. I've never been to or seen a pack, much less a town this big, before. I am left in a state of awe as various houses in a variety of colors illuminate the community that hid in a forest of thick green. We even passed a few malls, fast food place and even some fancy looking restaurants; This place is literally heaven.
Our family bond incinerates with Tommy's joy, and the fierce fire left a trail of goosebumps on my skin, too Sway with excitement as me eyes met a new part of the town I have yet to see. As James drives farther into the town, Tommy and I fell more and more in love with the majestic place. I could see myself staying here and starting a life of my own. However, before I can get too comfortable in the fictitious life my mind conjures up, Alistair is there with his logical mind to snatch me back to reality.
“Don't get to attach, kid, we might not even be here that long.” Alistair mutters with disappointment. “I'm giving this place a month tops before it starts to become just a Memory” he continues.
“Couldn't you just let me have this, if only for a minute Alistair” I ask but he only umm in answer.
“You're such a mood killer” I sigh.
“Am a realist, Malachi” zameir tells me.
But even if I don't want to believe it, It's true. As soon as James realize we're getting too comfortable, he will drag us to some place forgotten by time because he's a god-damn narcissist, who refuses to see his family happy. So, Alistair is right, it's best to be as nonchalant about this as possible. I swiftly give the magical place a once over before I harden my heart against what's to come.
James abruptly pulled into a luxurious driveway that house two high-end cars, The white rolls-Royce wraith coupe sit proudly beside a black Porsche panamera. The two beauties looks stunning in front of the prestigious Palace. Our little out-of-place minivan squeak towards the driveway as it pull up behind the Porsche, as I stared up at the Palace from my window in the car, I could now see why the man before called us ROGUES.
“Don't you ever fucking say that again” Alistair hisses.
Even though he doesn't like the word, it's true, we don't belong here with our hand-me-down clothes that have lost their color from too much washing. We just scream poor, rather we like it or not, the man was right. It felt uncomfortable disturbing the nature order of thing here with our presence; As we step from the weeping death trap to gaze up at the Palace that stood at an unimaginable height. The Palace lite exterior dominates the atmosphere, with its rich eggshell stone walls, and it's ceiling to floor windows that caress its structure. There's no denying it's aristocracy design or the beautiful arch that outline the porch. But what really pulls me to admire its beauty even more is the bed of well manicure flowers that wrapped around the base of the Palace like vines on a tree. It's breathtaking, and I could help but to ease up on the restriction I had put on my heart, so my mind wouldn't stray to thoughts of a life here.
Suddenly, the front door swing open, and a couple emerged from the house with the top of a head cover in white hair peek just over the man's shoulder. I can't see the other person that follow behind the man; I can only see the white hair. The bear of a man immediately secured a possessive arm around the slander woman's shoulder that stand next to him as their smile fill with an emotion I can't describe.
“James” the strange man called out before moving the few feet to wrap James in a tight hug.
Immediately, my head swiftly snap to the front of the porch, ignoring the affection man and James shares. My eyes quickly zeroed in on the handsome young man that stand in the spot his father once stood. His presence drew me in like a beacon as the air around us buzz with on unknown rhythm. The erotic sound of our heart thump to a radical beat as they Hums together to form our bond. He's piercing green eyes bore into me as he held me under his curious gaze.
“He's enchanting.” I thought to myself.
He's Petite form look as if it would fit perfectly against mine, and his feminine feature only added to his beauty. His sandy blonde hair hang in ropes of white curls just below his shoulders as his perfectly sculpted eyebrows pulled together in confusion. His jaws clench as his plush lower lips disappear between his teeth. But It was already too late, I had already heard the soft moan he tried to hide as a little cute blush taint his cheeks, before he swiftly lower his head in submission. A smirk pull on my lips as I took him in my perfect mate.
The air surrounding me becomes consumed by his intoxicating scent and no matter how much air I pull into my withering lungs they still refuse to inflate. An unnatural heat burns through me as my blood quickly turns to lava in my veins. I hiss in pain as Alistair growl his need to claim what is ours and an unfamiliar electricity zap through my body and I slowly start to burn with need.
“Mine” Alistair and I said in sync.
Suddenly, my knees become wobbly, and a possessive growl escape me, to shake the ground. Soon after, the overwhelming feeling of my powers showed its ugly head.
Before I knew it, I'm on my knees as the young man produced a soft whine of worry and concern, but his whining only magnifies the nuclear war raging with in me. Anxiety that didn't belong to me flood the newly forming bond and a watery sod left my throat, ass the grip I have over my powers break free to devour the atmosphere.
“Oh shit” James shout.
*By:- Martin Crane.
Author's Notes.
Chapter three is already on paper, it just needs to be type, so just enjoy this one for now. If there is any confusion, it's because you haven't read the prologue yet, but I am the same when I'm reading. I only read it if it's vital to the story.
Positive messages from Crane.
(When life puts you in tough situations, don't say “Why me” say “Try me.”)
Follow for future updates and new stories, don't miss out on anything because it doesn't stop at Alpha Hybrid.
PS. Chapters will be uploaded every other Friday or maybe earlier.