The Hard Choice

The Royal family exchanged glances at each other, wondering what he meant. But it soon became clear when Prince Archie began coughing hysterically. It was so intense, that his hand went up to his chest as his knees dropped to the floor.

King Zachary could see things weren't going as planned. Even Mona who had been initially scared suddenly became disappointed and focused her fear on the Princess.

"I am telling the truth!" She wanted to blurt out, but the stern look on the Alpha's face restricted her words.

King Zachary knew Jagger too well; he could go to any length to keep his words. So, when he said he didn't want to repeat himself, he really didn't want to.

Hopelessly, he leaned back on his chair. "Razi", he called the guard behind him, not having the strength to look at him.

"My King", the guard bowed.

"Go get the Princess".

Princess Raziya was pacing tho and fro the room, unable to keep calm despite her mother's pleas and attempts. Even her siblings had tried convincing her she didn't need to worry, but the overwrought Princess wouldn't listen.

How would she keep calm when she didn't know what the outcome of the meeting would be? Would the Alpha fall for their 'Mona lie'? What if he doesn't? She really couldn't see herself facing any trouble.

The Queen and her eldest children stayed seated on the bed while Raziya continued pacing tho and fro.

"Should it be taking them this long?" She suddenly asked, sliding her gaze between her mother and siblings. "Maybe we should send someone to go check what's happening".

"Seriously, Raziya, you're worrying too much", The Queen touched her forehead. "What makes you think they won't believe Mona did it?"

"It's funny how you all are so comfortable with sacrificing someone else for your own mistake", Rana snorted, not sparing her sister a glance. And instantly, Raziya's mood snapped to the conceited princess she was known for.

"You do not have anything good to offer, Rana. So, I'd suggest you just keep shut", she stated brazenly, making the eldest Princess glare at her.

"What did you just say, Raziya...?"

"Oh! Yes, you heard me right. And don't even think of chipping in the elder sister stuff 'cause you're not acting like one! Why didn't you make the sacrifice for me? If you really wanted to, you'd have claimed you were the Princess who went hunting".

"And why should I own up for your foolishness?" Rana got to her feet. "For years, you never gave me the respect I deserved as your sister. So, what makes you think I'd want to play that role at this dumb moment of yours?"

"Enough! Both of you!" The Queen snapped in, but Raziya added a huff.

Before anyone could stop her, Rana budged forward and stung her cheek with a slap.

"Rana!" Prince Archie gasped and stood up, including their mother who was taken aback. And as for Raziya, she held her cheek in so much astonishment.

"I have had enough of your foolishness, Raziya", Rana pointed a finger at her. "No one disrespects me as much as you do and now, I wish that Alpha does not believe Mona and finds out you were really the one behind the shot".

"Rana! What is wrong with you?!" The Queen exclaimed but was ignored as the eldest Princess started walking to the door.

She opened it intending to walk out but was interrupted by the appearance of a guard who looked like he was about to knock. For a moment, she was startled but quickly blended it.

"What is it?" She quirked a brow at the guard. Everyone in the room could see and hear him.

"Sorry for the disturbance, but the King demands the presence of Princess Raziya in the meeting hall".

Raziya never thought she could feel her blood stop flowing through her veins. She never thought she could feel so much amount of fear as she felt at that moment.

Her hand fell from her cheek as she turned swiftly to her mother.

"Isn't that where ..the meeting is taking place?" She was beginning to panic.

Even Rana who was still holding the door suddenly felt fuddled.

" you know why he's calling for her?" The Queen stepped forward, but the guard looked reluctant. It wasn't a part of their job to disclose details they weren't permitted to.

"I'm sorry, My Queen, but it'd be better if the Princess finds out herself".


A few minutes later and Raziya, her mother and her siblings were all walking toward the hall. The Queen had to hold her hand since she had grown so nervous and with each closer they took, so did her anxiety increase.

Finally, they got to the entrance of the hall and Raziya stopped walking. She scoured her eyes around and without being told, knew the Alpha when she saw him. Tho, she could only see a part of him since they were still by the door, his all-black appearance described who he was. A few boys were standing behind him, and while his legs were imperiously placed on the table, he chewed on an apple.

Mona was standing beside them and with dawdled steps, Raziya went forward. She could feel her fear increasing with each step she took and for some reason, she felt relieved that he hadn't even turned to look at her.

With her siblings behind her, she stopped in front of the table while her mother went round to stand beside the King. And that was the moment the Alpha looked at her. Having a glimpse of his cold eyes for a second, Raziya's blood grew cold. She actually never expected someone that young to be the Alpha. With everything she heard about him, she'd expected him to be someone old and scary. Although, he looked scary.

"She's the one, Alpha", the beta whispered to his ears.

Evenly, Jagger took a big bite from his apple.

"Princess with a red hair", he crunched. "It seems the only way to perfect your hunting skills was by shooting my gamma. How is that so?"

Just listening to him, Raziya had confirmed what her mother said about him being a sadist. She looked at the King, then at Mona, wondering why the plan wasn't in motion.

"Al... Alpha", Mona suddenly chipped in, seeing how scared the Princess was. "What I'm saying is the truth. Indeed, I shot the arrow".

Jagger took another bite from his apple, but this time around, he did it with his eyes staring at Raziya in a different way; in a way that seemed fearful.

Raziya caught him staring for a second and the look in his eyes, made her think he wanted to hurt her.

"What a shame", his words were muttered. "You are ready to sacrifice the life of your maid just to keep yours. How selfish".

"It's the truth!" Raziya wanted to blurt out, but the look on his face was restricting.

"Please, I really did it. Just believe me and let her go" Mona sniffled.

"I think you should stop lying. I was there and you were clearly not the one who shot it", the beta said.

"And what exactly is your problem?!" Raziya snapped. "Why do you think she'd lie? If she said she did it, then so be it! Stop meddling!" Now, that was somebody she could talk back at.

"Queen Heba, you might want to tell your favorite daughter to watch her tongue", Jagger suddenly said as he another bite from his apple.

Raziya lowered her diffident eyes to the floor, not wanting to have a crossword session with him.

Silence dipped in as Jagger finished up his apple and reached for another. It was funny how everyone just stilled and watched him eat.

"Now, I think I love this game", he suddenly chuckled, staring at his apple. "You all are so certain the maid pulled the string... right?"

Nobody answered, except the King who simply bopped.

"Then, you should have nothing to fear", Jagger added.

The Royal family exchanged glances at each other, wondering what he meant. But it soon became clear when Prince Archie began coughing hysterically. It was so intense, that his hand went up to his chest as his knees dropped to the floor.



Rana and the Queen called in shock as they ran to him. Even the King had sprung to his feet with eyes dripping from curiosity.

"What is happening to him?!"

Next was blood rolling down his nostrils.

"Please!! What are you doing?!" The Queen turned to Jagger, amidst tears.

"Why are you even panicking?" Jagger sprawled his arms and asked. "It's just a little spell; you do not have to worry about your only son. If truly your daughter is innocent like you claim, he will not die. But if you've been lying and refuse to confess, then I'm afraid the Queen might have to bare another heir", he shrugged and took another crunch on his apple.

"Jagger, stop this!" King Zachary's eyes were going red and it was more painful he couldn't do anything. "This is not the right way to handle this".

"What's happening to him?!" Rana cried out when the Prince's eyes rolled up and turned all white.

"No! No! Archie!" The Queen wailed.

Raziya was transfixed, her tears robbing her off her ability to speak. She looked into the face of the Alpha and was befogged at how pleased he looked watching them cry. So, it was true all along? He derived pleasure from the pain of others? What would be her fate in the hands of someone like him?

"Just stop! It was the Princess! She shot the arrow, not the maid!" Raziya's breath was suspended when she heard her father's words.


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