Chapter 3
Althea turned and tossed on her bed unable to sleep. Each time she tries to shut her eyes, it's almost like the pain and betrayal flashes through her eyes making her relive everything that has already happened. She's getting married, at eighteen. Her mates are done with highschool trying to figure out how to get into college and she's here, about to be sold to a man that she has never met. One that wouldn't think twice before killing her if need be
She had read a lot of books over the years so she has a glimpse about what's going to happen to her. What if she dies or worse? Thinking about these many possibilities has her reeling in fear. She was almost certain that she'll die of panic attack before the morrow because her heart was almost stuck In her throat.
Althea didn't know how she was able to sleep because the next thing she knew when she woke up was that it was already the next day.
She rubbed her eyes and sat upright on the bed as she stared outside her window. She wanted to take in everything for the very last time before she leaves.
A soft knock on the door jolts her back to reality. She didn't want to respond because she felt it was her father knocking but when she heard her aunt's voice, she gave her permission to enter.
Tina walked into the bedroom to see her niece sitting down dejectedly on the bed. She noticed how swollen and puffy Althea's eyes had become. She also didn't fail to notice the dark circles around them which is an indication that her niece hasn't slept at all.
Tina took a seat next to her on the bed and took Althea's hands into hers.
"How are you feeling?" She was forced to ask.
Althea gave a low laugh that doesn't reach her eyes "You don't have to do this Aunt but since you're asking, I'll let you know that I'm fine"
"Sarcasm doesn't suit you"
"What's the point of saying the truth? Would it change anything? Will it stop this barbaric act that I'm about to get involved in?" Althea responds with a serious face and it took a while for her aunt to realize that she's only using her words against her.
"I stayed up all night thinking what my life would be if I was born as something else. Maybe a flower that sprouts beautifully and is free"
"Even flowers are disturbed my weeds and most times doesn't make it as well" her aunt counters "You're better than a flower Althea. You're a light that's going to shoot out through this darkness. Your birth was nothing more than a gift and blessing to us and I know deep down in my heart that you'll get through this" Tina adds and gave her palm a light squeeze. "Now go ahead and shower. I've made breakfast" she announced before exiting her room.
Althea walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower letting the water cascade down her body, soothing all her muscles before applying her body wash. She finished and dried herself with a towel then proceeded to use her lotion. When she was done, she put on her clothes and joined the others on the dining table.
Her aunt gave her a small smile before dishing up for her
"Good morning Althea" her father greeted but she simply ignored, making him sigh in defeat as he continued with his food. The nerves and audacity to think that she wanted to have a conversation with him. If she had her way, then she would wish him non-existent in this world.
They finish having breakfast and Althea picked up her bag and with the help of her aunt, they boarded a cab that drove them straight to the airport.
All through the journey to the airport, she rubbed her hands nervously, as she doesn't know what to expect.
Joshua kept on looking at Althea from the corner of his eyes not knowing how to console her or salvage the situation because she doesn't want to talk to him. If she had her way then she wouldn't even be seated here with him and he can't blame her for it. He messed up as her father and it's only fair that she despises him.
They arrived at the airport and after waiting for a while, their flight was announced and they boarded the plane set for New York.
Joshua noticed how scared Althea looked and tries to hold her hand but she pulls it away from his grip.
"Please don't try to be the father that you weren't eighteen years ago. It's pointless. I can handle myself" she said in a voice that stuns him. He wasn't expecting her to say that to him. He knew that she was upset with him but he didn't think that it was up to this extent.
The flight took off in less than ten minutes.
They arrived at the airport in New York City at mid-afternoon. Joshua walked towards the arrivals section with Althea trailing behind him.
They were about to board a taxi when a black SUV with tainted windows pulled up in front of them at the entrance.
It winds down and Althea gulped down nervously when she spotted the men inside wearing black attires with matching sunglasses. One even had a scar running down his cheeks that disappears down his neck. Who are these people and what do they want?
She looked at her father and back at them.
"Get in" the one next to the driver said to them in a cold and demeaning voice that startles her.
Her father opened the door of the passenger seat and urged her to go inside.
Terrified, but not wanting to speak up, got into the car and so does her father before shutting the door.
Althea doesn't know where she was being taken to add the knowledge of that made her heart throb against her chest. She was scared and visibly shaking. What if they wanted to do something else to her? She refrained from asking her father questions because she doesn't want to to talk to him.
The drive was quiet until they pulled up in front of a huge gate with armed men guarding it.
They drive through and Althea realizes that it's an estate with a huge mansion situated at the center.
The car came to a halt and one of them stepped out to open up the door for them. They both hopped down and Althea was amazed at the building in front of her. It was painted white and it looked like a palace if not bigger. Her eyes scanned through the environment and she saw more armed men. She gulped fearfully. They weren't looking at her but she felt like they could see through her.
"This way, boss Is waiting for you" The other man who was behind the steering wheel announced as he led them towards to the direction of where the "boss" was and they followed.
They walked past a huge hallway and her eyes sighted a green house built with transparent glass and filled with different exotic plants that she hasn't seen before. Her heart warmed at the sight and somehow it relieved her of the fear that had accumulated in her mind.
They arrived at a room fully furnished and was led inside to sit down. Althea doesn't fail to acknowledge how glorious the room was. Everything inside was made of white and black. It was nearly cleaned and graciously decorated. The house was so luxurious that she felt out of place in it. Whoever lives here must be a trillionaire and that's a fact.
The door flew open and an old man probably in his late sixties walked in. Althea studied him closely. He wore a robe that swept the ground as he walked and his fingers were richly ardorned with expensive rings. On his mouth was a cigarette clamped together that he smoked from as he took regal steps towards his throne like chair and lowered himself on it. He dismissed the other men leaving them both with just him and the one that drove them here.
She watches her father kneel down in front of him and he shoved her so that she does the same as well.
"My lord" Joshua began "This is my daughter Althea, the one I promised to give you as payment for your kindness".
Althea stared at her father as he spoke. She couldn't believe the words that were spewing from his mouth. So he really wants to sell her off?.
"Come my child" He said in a deep, rich baritone voice that sends chills down her spine. With shaky hands, she stood up slowly and walked towards him. She stood in front of him, head still bowed down, facing the ground.
"Look at me" he ordered and she raised her face to stare at his.
"She's beautiful" he confessed "I am very sure that Xavier would be impressed with her."
Costello whispered to the guard in front of him and he nodded before leaving the room. He arrives later with a box and handed it over to Joshua.
"A small reward for keeping your other end of the bargain and not double crossing me. The guards will see you off" Costello waves Joshua off instantly and he leaves after thanking him profusely.
Althea watched the exchange with nothing but pain as the tears streamed down her cheeks.