Chapter 5 : Christy
The night was fast approaching now , and it was begining to seem like my plan was going to work , even though Luke had not shown up yet , that night was suppose to be practice free night so everyone would be in their rooms , no one would obviously see me leaving. Now the only thing i am worried about is how i would get out of that place without making a scene , these Omegas obviously don't like me , even if they did , who would allow me even put them in bigger trouble ? Oh and then the iron door , how would i even get it open without breaking it down , that is definitely another thing I have to think about , and i know for a fact that these Omegas will not even help, but whatever happens , I would be glad if they didn't even scream or make a mess that would give me up ..
Despite everything that had happened between yesterday and today, I thought that Adrian would come back to check on me at least , that he would think about what we have been through in the past and all the things i have done and sacrificed for him, But No, he is no where to be found near the white room, he has probably even forgotten about my existence.
" Luna . . . My name is christry . . . " Someone said moving close to my supposed private place , I don't know the name , and i don't think i have ever heard of it, at first i wanted to tell the person off, I really do not want to be disturbed. It is better if i don't make any friends at all , it would be easy to detach myself when the time comes and then my whole plan of running away would not ruined. But then, when i looked at the person calling me , it was the older woman who had defended me the other time.
I gave her space to join me in my small corner " You don't have to call me that , I am no more the Luna, I have been striped of that title , just call me Lisa " She said
" No , no matter what , you will always be my Luna. " The other woman said firmly , she looks like someone in her mid fifties , but still very strong and agile " Do you not remember me ? " she added
Honestly, I didn't want to sound rude but i don't remember her face so i tried to remember as quick as possible , it was not coming " I am sorry , I don't think I remember your face "
But she smiled instead , she didn't seem to take offence " I thought you wouldn't, I am more than happy to refresh your memory. Do you remember sometime last year , you were going about looking for the Omegas and checking how we were and rendering help to the ones that needed help ? "
I am still trying to remember , so i just nodded. But she continued " My aged mother was weak and was about dying at that time , and I had no means of taking care of her because i just could not , you offered to help , gave me money and even followed me to the doctor to make sure that i was not discrimated or unattented to " Oh yes! I remember her now , she was looking very tired that time , she was looking even aged and it struck me that i needed to help them , they reminded me of my mother and grandmother.
" Yes ! oh my gosh ! I almost didn't know it was you , how is your mum now ? " I asked genuinely curious
" Oh my mama is gone now , she left peacefully, and i was able to bury her in a place where she had always wanted with the money you kept sending to us, we always get the money, they never came late. When i reached out to the accountant , he told me that you always set aside the money to be paid to me , I never got a chance to thank you all those times , so I am here saying thank you and I am pledging my loyalty to you " She said , and really demonstrating it , she stood up and bowed down before me , I was immediatlely taken aback , the rest were looking at us now , I had only done that because I knew they would need the money and I know how it feels having money one day , and then no having money the next, it might make someone who is unable to work but taking care of her agile mother think so much that it might affect their health, I picked her up " Please stand up , I am really appreciative of all this but i don't think this is neccessary , I don't need you to pledge your loyalty to me because of that " She stood up , she is a lovely woman , and her smile bright.
" I know I don't have to , but i want to , I have been meaning to get to you , But I couldn't , there were people around you all the time " She said and I thought of the irony of that , I am left with no one now. Then I suddenly remembered " What are you doing here ? What did you do ? "
" Nothing , I did nothing , I just volunteered , I thought it would be better to be away from here, than staying in this pack , I have tried to get some work since my mama died instead of waiting for the money you always bring in , i wanted to just work , i didn't want to feel worthless, I don't have any family around here , so there is really no reason for me to stay here. Nobody would give me any job , they keep saying that i am too old and I would not be able to to do most of the work, but we both know that, that's not really the only reason , they just don't want me to do anything to tarnish their image " She said smiling, maybe she has already gotten used to her own fate like I am used to mine too. Or maybe she is just trying to look at the bigger picture.
" You made all of us have hope again , we were able to get visits from the Alpha when you started coming, it had never happened before , you gave hope to a lot of people. He never showed up before you started coming to visit us. You don't have to apologize for anything., you did more than enough " she said.
At the mention of Adrian, my wounds opened again, I had thought that they said out of sight was out of mind , but now that was not also working. Even though I don't feel like I used to feel about him anymore, his face is still clear in my mind. . . And the face of the sick bitch he had cheated on me with.
" But why did you volunteer? I think here is more than enough and better than going to the Alpha King, there is no certainty there, have you not heard any of the rumors going about the pack about the Alpha King. Alpha King's mansion is not a place you want to be. I hope you don't regret your decision of going there when you still have your free will. I am dreading the place as much as possible, so I am going to escape here before the D-day "
" I don't think it is as hard as people think it to be. He is a mad king like they have always said. Yes , i agree he is a mad king , Just like his late father. But something i have learnt from a few Omegas who have managed to come back from there is that as long as you avoid the Alpha king, everything would go well with you , you won't face any issues at all , but only if you avoid him. Everything will be better if you are lucky they find out about your former status. You might even be able to buy back your freedom. But whatever you do ,please do not forget me"
Luke! I smelled him , he was coming to help me out , he was coming to take me away from going to the place i dreaded the most, i thought to myself, i was just too happy that i stood up instead of thinking about what Christy or answering.
As i stood up and walked towards the iron door without replying her older woman , there he was " Oh thank you so much for coming back , i was already thinking you would not be able to come for me as we have agreed " I smiled at him , but he was not smiling back, maybe because he didn't want to get too familiar and he just felt he should just do his best and get out of there. But i just knew something was not quite right.
He opened the iron door and guestured to me to come, i quickly checked if i was still with the money i had taken with me earlier, and made my way to the door, that was when i felt Christy holding my hand back, she shook her head as if telling me not to go. But how would she tell me not to go when i have been waiting all day for this opportunity.
" I am sorry Christy but i have to go. I have been waiting for this one chance, I would be a fool not to take it " I told her off , removing her hand from mine.
" Then i am coming with you " she said firmly
" No ! You cannot come with me, I am not putting you in danger. I am not even hundred percent sure this would be successful " I tried to warn her but she was not listening to anything i was saying , seemed like her mind was made up.
" Luna please, you are wasting time " Luke said , I could hear the urgency in his voice.
" Okay come. Let's go " I finally agreed, it was better than arguing back and forth when both of our minds were made up.
We exited the room with trails of eyes behind us , we walked towards the rare end of the park after running for about five minutes when i saw flashes pointing to our faces. THIS IS A TRAP! AND I HAVE JUST BROUGHT THIS INNOCENT WOMAN WITH ME TO BE PURNISHED !