The Old Man Is My Husband?
The doctor said Mr Ben had quickly responded to medications. She had decided on when to discharge him back home. Nora felt a bit relieved, Mr Ben's smile was coming back on his face. And he smiles more often now. Especially when he smiles and exposed his white cute teeth it is like having breakfast in the morning and getting satisfied for the whole day. Anna on the other hand was happy to see those beautiful smiles on his face again.
" You should smile often dad, it looks really good on you" she grins and tried hiding her pain.
'' Anna you need to go and start backing your things, your suitors would be here soon'' Mr Ben said, after smiling for a while. '' So soon?'' Anna's heart throbbed, her eyes bugged out, she said within herself.
'' O_okay dad'' she appeared in her room, slammering the door against herself, falling to the ground shedding tears, Anna knelt beside the threshold, she didn't take note that she wasn't the only one in the room.
Nora was there already helping her pack her things, and she was almost done. Rising from the bed, Nora sat in front of her, wiping the tears off her cheek. '' You need to be strong Anna and know you are a strong girl. Please promise me you will be alright'' she felt the wetness on her cheek.
The sound of the crunching ice on the road was loud, and the sound of the engine must be doing a lot of work. Warming the temperature in the car and also climbing on the ice. '' I think he is here!'' Nora said swiftly.
Anna stood up in a hurry and wipe her tears completely. '' Is it the man? I__ I mean I am to get married to?'' She stuttered, slightly pushing Nora away from the window, to see who was coming out of the car, and if it was the man she was going to get married to, she wants to see how he looks exactly like, was it the exact beauty that has been rumored she wants to comfirm that herself. Surprisingly, it was not a young man who has just alighted from the car.
'' Who is that man?'' Anna squint her eyes focusing on his face, it was not one she has seen before. '' Oh I guess, it's the neighbour's visitors'' Anna and Nora said at the same time, the only heir to Yul's group can't be as old as that right? And yes, he can't be pinned to a wheelchair, at least from the rumour she has heard, he was a complete man with an unrealistic beauty. People say they don't believe he was human, humans can't have such perfect beauty like a demigod, and the amber eyes like a beast.
There was a knock at the door, it was exactly at Anna's room. '' No, dont sweat it, I will get the doors'' she told Nora who was about to see who was at the door.
'' Mom?'' she said, staring at her eyes. There were unfathomable, she couldn't tell if she was happy or sad, they were just combined. '' I hope you are ready Anna, your suitor is here to take you home'' she said, with exactly no expression on her face, and she wasn't staring much at Anna's eyes.
'' Suitor? Where did he come from? How come I didn't see him before he got into the house?'' her orbs eyes, widened again.
'' He owns the car outside, come out quickly, it won't be good keeping him waiting'' she said dryly, shut the door afterwards.
'' Hey, what did mom say? Why the look on your face?'' Nora asked. '' Mom said that man we saw a few minutes again is my husband__'' she spoke wryly, and the frustration was written all over her eyes.
'' What, that old man?'' Nora screamed, unbelievable. '' She said I shouldn't keep him waiting, let's go'' Anna said like she has no fight in her anymore, she has accepted her fate.
Anna appeared in the living room, she met her parents speaking with the old man, but the atmosphere was mysterious, especially the look on her dad's face. '' Uhm_ dad?'' she called, directing all of their attention to her.
Old man Yuka's eyes shrank into a big smile as he set his eyes on her. '' I was about coming to get you, so you could sign the contract'' he forced a smile. '' I'm her dad, let me have it'' Anna still tries to breathe, she tried convincing herself this was her fate, getting married to the old man...
She took the documents from him, and without reading through them carefully, she arrived her eyes at the last page of the paper, where she could inscribe her signature. '' Here, take it. I've signed it. Congratulations you just got yourself a wife'' she said with a straight face, reaching her hand for a handshake.
'' Haha__ I can tell you didn't read the papers before signing?'' the old man laughed, taking the signed documents from her. '' Yes, there was no need to read them anymore, since I am getting married to you'' she kept her face straight when the words escaped her lips, her impassiveness was very obvious.
'' Since you didn't read it, I would explain to you, the contract you have just signed'' he pout.
Anna's brow curved in an arch shape, listening to him. '' You have just signed to marry my grandson, Lucian Freud. And in the contract, you must never tell him, that I have made the contract with you, to get you married to him. It must remain a secret. Got it?'' he said, curling his lips.
''Let's go Yero, and Zero help her, get her things into the car'' the old man said, Anna swallowed dryly, she was totally confused.
'' Anna! You should be happy, you are getting married to his grandson, and not him!'' Nora pushed the girl who seemed like she was frozen already, she was immovable, and couldn't utter any words.
'' Nora, help them get her things into the car as well'' her mom spoke, dryly in the usual tone she has been with since they were back from the hospital.
Nora dragged her bags, into the second car which she would ride to the mansion, she was going in a separate car, the car behind the old master's.
'' Anna, please take care of yourself, and be a good wife to your husband'' Kyle arranged the collar of her gown as she spoke, in a whisper tone. '' Fine mom, take care of yourself and dad'' Anna forced a smile and kissed her on the cheek.
'' Nora, I will miss you. Please take care of yourself'' some liquids dropped from Nora's eyes, and she engulfs her in a tight hug. '' I will be fine, don't worry about me'' Anna wiped her tears.
'' Come on in, no time to waste out her'' the old man said, making them pull away from each other. '' Bye Anna'' '' Bye'' she used a finger to wipe the tears off.