Leave The House Before I Return Back!
She knew another turn of her life had just began, gosh just early in the morning, and she has been summoned by the old man again, the oldest man in the yul's family. Yul's group, the famous and top leading company in the country.
Steadily walked across the aisle, fidgeting as though the message sent chills down her spine. She never wanted this, I mean none of them wanted this, but what could she do her father was going to kill himself, if she hasn't accepted.
She would never have bore the burden of the heavy heart would bring and forever she would hate herself, if he had committed such terrible thing, and the fault would forever be hers, for not accepting the first and only request Mr Ben had ever asked her.
It took her some minutes to climb down the stairs, she quivers and wondered what the old wanted her for now, wasn't what he did yesterday enough?
'' Why are you wearing such old fashion clothes!'' his voice sounded frosty, Anna lips didn't fail to shake and went cold. The air around this old man was always cold. What is wrong with what she was wearing now? She was just on her normal black free shirt, that is lengthed beyond her kneels, and just a white top and a scalf that she normally used to cover her hair. Her step mom has always adviced her to cover her hair, whenever she was speaking to an elderly person.
Not really cultural, but it was just her way of style, and since she was the one who brought her up she has always abide, and never refused any of their request. The one thing she has badly needed to reject, wasn't in her favour, she can't, and never would let any harm comes to her father. If not she would never think of being in this hell of a place, that pushes you beyond your wills, and even fashion of life.
'' G_ good morning old master'' she tossed her tiny blues eyes to the floor, from the corner of her eyes you could see the fears in her, it can even be perceived, yeah she has been like this since yesterday, scared of the old man....
'' I asked you a question!'' he rolled the wheel of the chair he has been tied to for the past 3 years, since he lost the ability to use his legs no more.
''W__what can I do old master, these are the clothes I have'' Anna still kept her head lowered, she wouldn't dare to look him in the face, nothing , but scared to. She was already praying for the ground to just swallow her up, so she can disappear from his sight, looking him in the face, would ripped out her soul, and the remaining confidence left in her. It would rather be useful if she uses it on Lucian to at least, say a greeting to him.
'' Trash!'' he yelled. '' I'm__ sorry Old master'' she shudders, she could feel the heavy amber eyes on her. '' Fine'' he sighed, rolling his chair to his favorite spot, whenever he has something serious to say.
'' I called you here, to tell you of your duties to Lucian Freud , your husband'' he kept rolling the wheel chair, towards the window side. Anna foot got rooted on the spot she was standing, she was impatient to know what other task would be lying ahead of her. If getting forced to marry was just a starting point.
'' From now on, you would be following him to his meetings, as his wife!'' he said firmly. A frown settled on her face, following him to his office was not the issue, what if he refuses to go, how would she go about that?
'' But__ old master, what if he doesn't wants to go....?'' she stammered. '' That is your duty as well! He is your husband, so handle him!'' he screamed , he had always sounded so strict, especially when it comes to Lucian's case, the only heir to Yul's group.
'' You can leave now'' he ordered. Anna has been praying to fade away from his presence since the past twenty minutes. '' Y_yes Old master'' if not for the values she has been taught, she wouldn't wait any more second to bow her heads before leaving.
She hurried back into her room. Her eyes fell on Lucian on the bed, he was battling to recover from the pains yesterday. She frowned, feeling sad for what has happened to her was her fault.
He has taken those beatings just because of her. Anna's cold hands became sweaty, she shut the door behind her slowly, no attempt to wake this gentle man up. He deserves the rest, for the pains in his body, he needs to heal up.
Anna lean on the bed, she tried throwing the blankets over his body properly, he looks like he was dying of cold, his lips were pale red , like a wine colour, from red soft lips, to pale wine colour.
He grabbed hold of her hand immediately, as she was pulling the blanket to cover him up. '' What are you doing?'' his voice was gravel-rough with pain. ''Covering you, y_ you are cold'' she took a look at his pale face, and red eyes, they are evident of griefs. Do they often treat him this way?
'' I don't need your help'' he said dryly, and drifted away from her. Anna got her feet away from the bed, but her eyes well still on him, worried about the wounds on his back, she could clearly see the bruises on his back, after he turned his back on her.
She went out the door, and made effort to find the kitchen Yul's house was such a huge mansion, very confusing you could even get lost if you are not careful. There was no one she could ask, not even the maids were around. She hardly found it but she did anyway. A warm water, well almost hot was left in the steel kettle, she pour out some little in the blue not-so shallow bowl she had found in the kitchen cabinets.
To her surprise, Lucian was already getting dressed in his normal outfits, which the old man greately despise, his normal short kneels and black shirt, then a face cap to always cover his face, he hated being recognized anywhere he goes to, so the cap would prevent people discovering about him.
'' What are you doing, you are badly hurt!'' she dropped the bowl on the floor, hurried up to him as she dragged the shirt off him. '' Don't think about me, you should think on how to save your life'' Lucian's usually brown skin, was grey and growing odd, his jaw was clenched against the pain on his back, and his eyes were fever- bright, glittering with the hints of gold that matches the chain on his neck. He took a long look at her bewildered face.
'' Both of us don't want this, I especially DONT want this! this is a chance to let yourself free'' he closed his eyes, clenched his fists, the event of yesterday playing in his head.
'' I don't care about that now, you need to be treated, you got wounded because of me!'' she ignored him, pulled him to the bed , she gently took off his clothes, while he stared at her, with her behavior.
She cut the bandages with a scissors, after using the water on him and rubbing a fast healing cream on the wounds, he sure made a sound of pain as she rubs it on his back, his eyes groan from the pains, she stick the bondages and wrapped it around him.
'' You can't go anywhere, when you are wounded please'' her orbs eyes staring at him, she hopes he listened to her. It seems like everyone in the house fears him, and what he was capable of doing, not even the old master can compel him.
'' Thank you'' he looked at her and threw his gaze to the other side. '' I have to go'' he struggled to rise on his feet, and walked straight to the door, leaving Anna alone in the room. '' And yes, you said you never wanted this marriage either, here is the chance to escape, leave the house before I return back, the old man is asleep, don't be foolish'' he said before finally disappearing out of sight.
'' I wish I could, I just wish I could escape from here'' its been two days she has skipped her music rehearsal, and they have been beeping her phone, she doesn't know what to say. Speaking with them would make her cry more. Anna laid flat on the ground, bewildered.