Try Getting Off Trouble!
The old man looked through his window, like he always do, but just some minutes ago, Lucian's car was packed outside, and now it was no longer there or has his old age began to tell on him?. '' Damn it, this boy left again!'' he sneered his teeth.
Lucian's saw the iD caller on his phone, as he put the car to a stop in front of the mansion, blue city, another of Yul's house, he usually comes here whenever he needed space alone to think. The old man was calling, he threw the phone into his pocket, and focused on getting the seatbelt off him.
The damn phone, rang about 15 times, but the stone hearted boy never took a glance at it. He despised the old man and his deeds. They was another call again, but this time it came along with a picture, and that was a picture of his wife, Anna.
'' What? Damn this old man!'' he jumped back in the car, fastened the seat belt, bloody sweat were dripping on his face. '' Not again you old man! What do you want again! I signed the bloody documents already!'' he punched the steering wheel, and twisting the key to a start.
Lucian barged into the mansion running from the upstairs untill he reaches the bedroom he had with Anna. '' Get your filthy hands off her!'' his hoarse voice echoed in the room. Hot tears were flowing off her eyes, she struggled with the white clothes in her mouth.
'' Yero, take the clothes off her mouth'' the old master ordered his guard , with a grin he slowered his head solemnly, riding his wheel chair, moving towards Lucian's direction.
'' Son, I see you value this girl, you came running to rescue her after declining 15 calls, how amazing'' he grinned, with a sigh. '' What do you want old man!'' he clenched his fist into a ball, he had enigmatic expression on his face, anger crawled to his soft face making it rough.
The hefty men in black shades, and black suit grabbed Lucian's arms, as he was about throwing a punch across the old's man face. The fear of losing their jobs gave them the courage to be able to grab Lucian's arms, the sweats dotted in their forehead, could indicate how terrified they actually are, just for holding Lucian Freud , the true heir of Yul's group.
'' Beat him up!'' the old man spat, striking a stick of cigarettes, and putting it in mouth as he puffed into the air. The men raised hands to beat him. '' No please stop he is wounded! Don't touch him'' she cried, dragging and struggling with the ropes, tied on her hands, they were to hard, and it was cutting her skin already, the more she struggled with the ropes, the more cuts she gets.
Lucian allowed them beat him up, for the sake of Anna who had a gun pointed in her head. '' What do you want old man!'' he screamed on the floor, after the old man's ordered them to stop.
'' Haha_ very good, now your brain has started working perfectly, by asking what it is I want'' he held the cigarettes in the middle fingers, puffing the smoke into the air, making Anna choke of it.
'' I want you to attend the meetings from now on, and you have to do your best to make you get the position of the head, of yul's group. They are other share buyers, who are competing to take the place, failure to get the position, you will face my wrath!'' the moment he mentioned 'wrath' he shot a terrible glare at Anna, and back at Lucian, then he smiled.... that complexed smile, and Lucian knew what that smile was.
''Your wife, would make you have a rank in the midst of the board directors, henceforth she would be going with you to the office.'' he stated, puffs other smoke into the air, then shot a glare at Anna, who was bleeding and crying.
Lucian hardly stood up from the ground, he was gravely enraged, he hated the position he had found himself, he dug his fist towards the ground, punching it, till his hands started bleeding.
The sound of Anna, jerkerd him up from the floor she was bleeding badly. '' I've never seen a foolish girl like you!'' he yelled at her face, loosing the rope around her, she screamed as he pulled it off her, tearing her flesh.
He stormed out of the room, without taking another glance at her. Lucian ran into his secret cabin, he flung his shirt to the ground, throwing punches to the punching- bag.
Anna pulled away from the chair, her blue eyes were occupied with pains, and tears blurring her vision. There was a knock at the door, Anna quickly wiped off her tears to see who was at it.
'' Yes?'' she saw a blonde hair lady, standing in front of the door, she look elegant, but her clothes classified her as a maid of the house. '' Young madam, may I come in please'' she bowed her head, and shone a beautiful smile at Anna.
'' Sure, come in'' she moved aside the door , the young lady entered and shut it silently behind her. '' How may I help you please?'' she asked, trying to utter with her voice, it mustn't be evident that she was crying.
'' Young master asked me to attend to you'' she said, staring at her. ''Lucian did asked her? And he cursed me before leaving?, I know he must have been sad, I and my family are just the bad luck in his life'' she said inwardly, sighing out loud.
'' Can I have your hands please Young madam? They are hurting badly'' the young lady frowned, she would look at her hands and back at her face again. Anna looks so much troubled and confused. How can she tell Lucian that this is beyond her doings too? If she could disagree to the marriage she would have done that a long time ago.
Anna reached out to the lady, she applied the exact ointment, she had put on Lucian's back, it gave a burning pains, it was obvious on her face, she squeezed to endure the burns. She wrapped the bondages on her , and made her way out of the door.
Anna thought Lucian would come after the maid left at least if not accurate, thirty mintues after, would do. She waited for hours but he didn't show up. She waited till it's 10pm in the evening, worried too, she hasn't seen any sign of him since he left the room angrily. Worried what he could be up to.
The creaking sound of the door, overhauled her gaze towards the door, the room was dark as she turned off the light. His shadowed crawled into the room, aiming at the bed, he wants to crashed down on it, and never think of anything else, because he was already losing his mind.
He threw amber eyes at Anna, who sat still on the edge of the bed waiting for him. '' You don't need to wait for me before you go to bed'' he pulled down his clothes, and jumped into the blanket, grabbing a pillow and throwing his glance at the other side of the bed away from her.
'' I was worried about you'' she spoke softly, the moonlight made her glowing skin obvious, and the night gown was another light reflector, it was showing the beauty of it, and the curved of her shape. She look more like a run away model with tiny waist and tender skin. She let her hair fall to her back, like a cascade wave, the moonlight from the window shone on it too, and the jet black glittering hair from the light swept across her waist.
'' Worry about yourself'' he said dryly, shutting his eyes. Anna was left speechless by his reply, he wouldn't say much to her, but to mind his business, his replies were as if he would be charge if he say more words.
'' Figure out a way, about leaving my life, you are making it hell for me'' he grut. Anna could feel the tension in his voice, she didn't say anything but just quiver a bit, she had seen how he is when he is angry, and how fearless he is. But he wasn't thinking of hurting her right?
'' Lu__'' just keep my name out of your mouth! He yelled before she could even mention the first two letters of his name.
Anna wrapped her arms around her body, she pushed herself to the bed flames, bewildered of what to do, he thinks she was the one letting him suffer by not escaping, he thinks she was doing this purposely, If she had the chance to she would leave and never come back, but here her father's life was tied to it.
'' How could she explain that Mr Ben had made a contract with the old man too?'' she leaned on her side pillow, she took a glance at him again before shutting her eyes.