2 - Cherry Red
His sports car was an old antique thing, painted cherry red, and absolutely adorable. Just another thing that attracted people to him. It only had room for two, clearly not a family car. The engine rumbled as he turned it over, dropping it in reverse as he pulled it to the side of the road behind her sedan.
“Look, I’m sorry." He said, watching his guys get the tow chains ready. “Just the honeymoon suite. No date. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable.” He looked back at her. He was smiling again, but there were no dimples this time.
“I’m sorry, Henry. I know Jace thinks we'll get along, but we just seem so different." She moved to stand behind him as they watched his guys drag the car out of the ditch. “You’re very sweet for making such a deal for me. I can barely afford the payments on that thing, but I have to pay you something for what you’re doing.”
“Rose, I’ve been trying to get you to go out with me for 6 months. Just one date. If you decide you never want to go out with me again, I’ll understand. The deal will stand and I’ll stop bothering you. You can even meet us there, that way you have an out if you don’t want to stay. Though we’re taking a cab since we all plan on drinking. Not too much, but enough that I can’t be seen leaving by the sheriff in my own car.” He chuckled. “I’ll make sure you have a cab home if you want to start with us. Please, just say yes.”
“Okay.” She smiled up at him. “One date.”
“Great.” There it was, that amazing smile. She wasn’t sure how he did it, but he was even more handsome when his smile reached his eyes. “Should I pick you up at six? Or would you prefer to meet us?”
“Hey, boss! We got her ready. We’re going to head back to the shop.”
“Wait!” Rose scrambled onto the back of the truck and popped the passenger side door open hauling out four bags.
“Here, hand them over.” Henry was beside her, holding his arms up to her.
“Thank you.” It felt good to look down at him.
He set the bags down as she clicked the door closed. He put his hand back up. “Here, let me help you down.” She reached for him, but his strong hands found her waist, lifting her down. She felt like she was floating. When they were eye to eye, she swallowed hard, her breath catching in her chest. “There. Why don’t you let me drive you home? We can exchange numbers and I’ll call you later to let you know what it looks like with your car.” His hands rested on her waist longer than they needed to, but she couldn’t find her voice, so she simply nodded. No one would have ever guessed that a guy like this would chase her. Not twice in a lifetime anyway. Rose’s mind wandered dangerously close to Carlyle, but she forced him away. That Henry reminded her of her son’s father was one of the main reasons she had avoided going on a date with him in the first place.
Taking the bags, he added them to his trunk. Then went to her door, opening it for her. The charming ones are the ones you must watch out for. She thought to herself. He slipped into the car through the door, but she could just imagine him as easily climbing over and into the convertible. It would have been fun to watch. She chuckled to herself, and when he asked, she admitted she’d hoped to see him do just that. His eyes sparkled at her once again, and she wondered what he was thinking.
As they pulled up her drive, he didn’t disappoint. “Most women find that kind of behavior to be boorish and uncalled for. Jace is always telling me to stop acting like a man-child.”
“Really? Who wants to live life without really living? I bet Jace was one of those kids who bought toys and left them in the box. What’s the fun in that? Why have a toy if you’re not going to play with it?” She said, her head leaning back against the seat, enjoying the wind ripping through her burgundy curls.
His low rumble of a chuckle stirred her innards up in a twist. He was the dangerous type. But like a moth to the flame, even though she knew she risked being burned, she just couldn’t help it. “You know, I like you a lot already. You’re different.”
“Yeah? You say that. But why? Because we’ve been in each other’s company for a whole half an hour? Or because it’s a line that works for most girls?” She turned her head just enough to look at him.
“I don’t need to use lines on girls. They usually try them on me. That you have done nothing but decline me, already is different. I haven’t been this excited about a date in ages. How many dates have you been on since Jace anyway?” He pulled into a spot right in front of the Inn's porch, to her amusement, he didn’t bother using his door, and just jumped right out.
She couldn’t help the blush that crept up her cheeks as she smiled at him. He leaned on the side of the car, his face close enough that she could smell mint on his breath. “I haven’t dated anyone since Jace.”
“Really?” He seemed genuinely shocked.
Rose shook her head, “You know, most people aren’t followed around by the opposite sex and begged to go out on constant dates. I bet you’ve been out with fifty women since then.” She opened the door, knocking him back.
“I haven’t dated anyone in over a year. Since before you and Jace, sooo, you have actually gotten more action than me recently.” This time it was Henry who blushed, running his hand through his hair.
She stared at him a moment before bursting out laughing. “I hope Jace didn’t tell you there was any action. We never even kissed.”
Henry smiled down at her, “I know. This may shock you, but it’s one of the reasons he thought you and I might enjoy each other’s company. My last relationship ended pretty poorly, and I’m not looking to jump into anything. I don’t get to go out often. I only really have Jace, and he’s always busy.”
The door to the Inn slammed open, a slim, gangly teen with golden blond hair came running out and circled the car. Here it was, Henry would find out she had a son and he would run for the hills. “OMG, look at this car. It’s freakin' awesome!” Henry crossed his arms over his chest looking pretty satisfied with the outburst.
“She’s a beauty, isn’t she? 1959 Chevy Roadster. Did most of the work myself too.” He beamed. Clearly liking the attention his car was receiving.
“So beautiful. Man, mom, I need a car like this.” The boy's eyes bounced to Rose.
Henry looked shocked for a moment before pulling himself together. “Mom? Does Jace know you have a son?”
“If he didn’t tell you, he probably doesn’t. It’s not exactly something you come out and tell a guy when you first start dating.” Rose blushed, her hand caressing the door of the car.
“The two of you went out for almost two months…. And it’s not?” He looked at her in surprise, “Sounds pretty important to me.” He frowned, and Rose felt her heart start to slam against her ribs.
“Well…” She didn’t know what to say.
“Dude, if you’re dating my mom, will you take me for a ride? Or teach me how to drive? Mom sucks at it. She makes me drive 5 miles under the speed limit and won’t let me leave the back roads.” Kai’s blue eyes shone with excitement.
“Honey, slow down.” Rose’s hands went up, flailing a bit. “Let’s start with introductions. Henry, this is my son, Kai. He’s 15. Kai, this is Henry. He lives next door and is my mechanic.”
Henry smiled at her a moment before reaching out a hand. “Nice to meet you, Kai. What your mom failed to mention is I’m the lucky guy that scored a date with her tomorrow. If things go well, maybe she’ll let me take you out for a ride. But this beast wouldn't be a car to learn how to drive in. Maybe once you have your license though.”
“Wait, what? You’re not going to cancel?” Henry and Kai both stared at her incredulously.
“After all my trying? You’re not going to get rid of me that easily. Hey, Kai, reach in there and turn the engine off, then pull the key. Mom’s got groceries in the trunk you should carry in for her.” Kai jumped to attention, laughing as he lowered himself into the driver’s seat. Henry closed in on Rose, getting close enough to whisper. “You really don’t think much of me, do you?”
“W-why would you say that?” She almost tripped over her own feet as he took her hand in his, holding her close.
“You just assume that because you have a kid I’m going to run? You can be honest. You should also let people decide what they can handle.” As he pulled her closer again, he heard Kai pop the trunk.
Rose could feel tears burning at the back of her eyes. “Look, Henry, that’s easy to say. But for almost 6 years I came out right away about having a son, and usually never even got a chance for a first date. As soon as guys figured out I had that type of ‘baggage’ they disappeared pretty quickly. Add in the fact that I have no interest in just jumping into bed with them and they just lose interest. Even Jace did. I’ve convinced myself pretty quickly that I was probably going to spend the rest of my life alone.” Her free hand touched his chest, stopping him from pulling her closer. His heart beating rhythmically under her hand.
“Rose." His eyes watched her sadly, his fingers pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’ve been hurt pretty bad, huh?” She looked away from him, and he let her hand fall. “Look, I don’t see your kid as baggage. No child, even if they are closing in on adulthood, deserves to be treated like that. I hope I can prove to you that not everyone is like that. And it’s going to start tomorrow. Be ready at 5:30. The cab will be at my place at 6.” Kai came bounding back out of the house then. “You hear that Kai? Make sure your mom’s ready for our date by 5:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes, sir! She’ll be ready.” Kai beamed.
“I’ll call you later about the car.” Henry jumped in his own, just like she’d imagined him doing earlier, and smiled. Waiving as he pulled out of the drive.
“Mom, that guy was awesome. You have to make this work.” Kai turned to her seriously. She’d never seen him so excited about one of her dates. He usually hated when she went out with anyone.
“I’m beginning to think so too.” Rose laughed.
“Come on, I’ll help you pick out something pretty to wear.” He grabbed her hand pulling her into the house.