Chapter 8

As promised, Ace arrived to pick me up from my house, just as scheduled. The only thing different was how he didn't come in and sat in the car, blaring his horn at me to come out.

My dad had driven off to work early and I figured Ace knew that much, he was certainly using this to let me know he was hurting.

A forceful kick sent my bedroom door open, disrupting my string of thought. "Tell that guy to stop blaring that horn or I'll call Dad and tell him." Sophia announced with a crossed expression on her face.

She had just taken a bath and was still in her red bathroom robe, her short black hair packed into a rough bun.

"Just mind your own business." I mouthed off to her, stuffing my hair brush and spray into my bag, deciding to doll up in the car.

I ushered her out of my room and locked the door, keeping the key in my purse as I ran down the stairs to meet up with him. Thankfully, the horning had stopped, which could only mean he had calmed down a bit.

"Aren't you going to have something to eat?" Mom called out to me, holding a frying pan in her right hand, stepping out of the kitchen, still having her curlers in her hair.

"I'll buy lunch." I hurriedly told her, bolting through the front door, slipping on a pair of black flats in front of me, seeing as I forgot to put on my boots.

I could only hope it wouldn't rain today.

My eyes looked up from the shoes I was putting on, to the spot Ace's car was supposed to be parked at.

"Where is he?" I asked myself, staring at the empty spot, my fingers messily digging through my bag to fish out my phone. I pulled it out, only to see two new messages from Ace.

Coach texted us, we have practice rii now. I'm leaving

See you at skul

I let out a depressed sigh, and ran my fingers nervously through my hair, frustrated at the situation our relationship was heading.

By all means, I just had to do something to fix this, before it got too bad.


The first person I wanted to see the moment I arrived was Olive and sit her down about the foundation. All throughout the night, I made a complication of all my research and was going to show it to her.

But, she wasn't responding to my texts, nor my calls, so I settled to talk to her during class.

However, the person I didn't plan on seeing happened to be the person fate decided to throw at me, the moment I walked into class.

Carlisle Stoll was sitting at the edge of the class, just like he always does, staring into some notebook or a sketchpad, ignoring the rest of reality.

I never took notice of him in class, he was always just another face amongst the crowd. But now that we've more or less spoken, his face was registered in my head.

Still, that wasn't enough for me to suddenly become his friend or anything like that. With that logic, I pulled myself a seat beside Olive, and pulled out my compilation from my bag, dropping it on her desk.

She furrowed her brows at it, then tossed me a questioning glance, asking what it was I gave her.

"It's about what we talked about on the phone yesterday, read through it and tell me if it doesn't change your mind." I whispered to her, wearing a satisfactory grin on my face.

Olive rolled her eyes at me, then flipped through the pages wasting only half a minute on each one. After she concluded what she did, she dropped it back on my desk, a weary look painted across her face.

"It still doesn't change a thing." She mouthed to me, as she brought out her calculator to start the work the teacher gave us.

I relaxed into my chair, letting out a frustrated sigh, confused why she wasn't bothered about saving the foundation. Or rather, why she was so hellbent on going to the spring dance this year.

It was then an idea hit me, the only plausible explanation as to why Olive would want to make this dance happen no matter the cost.

I pulled out my phone, carefully disguising it with my textbook, my fingers discreetly gliding against the screen, typing her a message. Luckily, her phone was on her lap, meaning it would vibrate once my text landed.

Me: Are you perhaps seeing someone I don't know about?

I hit send on my screen, and stared at her phone, grinning from ear to ear.

"Odd..." I said under my voice, startled that her screen didn't light up after I had sent my text. Confused, I tried sending her a text two more times, but none of them delivered to her phone.

Perhaps it was just switched off.

I tossed my phone into my bag, and searched for my pen to start the work too, not wanting to lag behind from the class. Though I highly doubted that fact.

The teacher didn't seem to pay us much attention, his eyes were glued to the board, without sparing a single second to look back at us.

Using this to my advantage, I took out a piece of paper, and wrote something down on it. Then took a sweep of the classroom, everyone seemed to be busy with either chatting or doing the work.

Content, I squeezed the piece of paper, and tossed it on top of Carlisle's desk making sure it landed inside the notebook he gave so much attention to.

To my surprise, Carlisle caught the piece of paper only a second before it landed on his desk and not just that, he caught it without even looking!

I chewed on my lower lip as I watched him read the message, wondering just what thoughts spiraled through his head. Mainly, what he thought about what I asked him in the message.

He picked up a pen and wrote down a response, his face too buried into his hoodie for me to read out his reaction. I watched him, waiting for him to send his reply, but for a while nothing came.

Worse, I couldn't find the piece of paper I sent him, the worse kinds of thoughts played in my mind.

Had he maybe crumpled it in his palm and tossed it unto the floor? Instinctively, my eyes wandered to the floor, searching for the piece of paper I sent him.

But his desk was spotless, nothing was out of place even the tiles underneath him seemed to be aligned in an orderly fashion.

Defeated, I turned my attention back to my own desk, only to find the piece of paper I was looking for, lying on my table. My fingers grabbed it swiftly, too eager to see what he had responded me with.

Me: Are you free after school? Let's meet at the library.

Carlisle: Ok.

Stunned not just by the mysterious appearance of the paper, but his reply, I glanced over my shoulder, to catch him staring at his notebook like nothing transpired between the both of us.

A small smile played on my lips, there was certainly more than meets the eye when it came to him.

After school

I gathered my things to head straight for the library, I was the last one in class, who stayed back to finish a math problem I forgot to solve.

But, just as I was about to leave, Ace walked into the room, wearing a smile of relief all over his face.

Before I knew what was happening, he walked up to me and planted his lips against mine, seizing them in a hasty kiss. With little time to process everything happening, I just stood there, paralysed in shock.

It was only after he pinched my sides, reminding me of his presence, only then did I part my lips, giving him the access to deepen the kiss.

"Mmhm...." I moaned against him, allowing my last night's hard work to drop to the floor, using both my hands to hold unto the sides of his shirt.

Ace started to trail kisses down my jaw, saying something really dirty as he made his way to my neck, planting love marks on it.

"I...I thought you hated me." I said, trying not to moan, glad that we were back to being on good terms again.

"I could never." He whispered, concentrated fully on my neck, licking and nibbling away all of my control.

The pleasure he was giving me was so much, that I only now remembered that Carlisle was probably waiting for me at the library.

"There is something..." The moment I parted my lips to speak, he stopped kissing me, and gave me a Stern look in the eye.

"Something more important than your boyfriend?" He asked, about to back away from me. Scared, I nodded negatively and lifted my shirt a bit, exposing my skin for him to see.

"Good girl."

A reckless grin spread across his face, as he brought his lips to my mouth once more, using his fingers to snake up to my breasts.

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