The mission

šŸ’  Chapter 6 šŸ’ 

Brianna's POV

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I started my new job and I must say it isn't as easy as I expected, coupled with the fact that the payment is not great.

Oscar promised to increase my salary in the next three months and he also told me to ask him whatever I need during that period.

I'm an independent lady so I can't do that. Besides, I can feel he likes me but I don't think I like him that way. If I begin to accept things from him, it will be hard to turn him down whenever he asks me out and that's not the kind of relationship I want.

I need a job apart from this company work so that I will be able to do some important things. That stripper job Helen told me about is a perfect choice. I mean, I can work in the company during the day time and when I close in the evening, I will freshen up and go to the strip club.

But the thing is, I can't work as a stripper and manager. It will ruin my reputation because some people in the club will definitely recognize me during the daytime. I guess I will have to look up jobs online.

Gosh! Why is my life so complicated? I have to find another job alongside my work but I can't think of any. I'm just going to read until I come up with new ideas.

I picked the novel I just bought recently and started reading it. After reading two chapters, I found something interesting.

A girl wanted to work as a prostitute and she was also a virgin like I am. She didn't want to loose her virginity but at the same time, she wanted to make money. This is interesting and I have to read it to the end.

Who knows? I might just follow that girl's footsteps and also become a VIP stripper. The pay will be so good and I will be able to buy a car and move out of the house I'm living.

Two hours later

After reading the book to the end, I was awed and I learnt a lot of things. That girl disguised to the club using a different make up entirely and she drugged the men that requested her service with a powerful drug that'll make them forget about her.

The name of the drug wasn't stated so I have to find that out on my own. This is really interesting! I never even thought of something like this, looks like I'm not as creative as I thought.

I'm going to search for the drug as soon as I wake up after taking a short nap. It's time to show those rich men who th boss it.

But I just thought about something now! I know I'm crazy and all but I'm not really good at fighting. If something happens while I'm with a guy, I should at least be able to defend myself.

I'm going to have to learn some fighting and defense skills for about three months before going for the job. After two months of training, I will start my job as a stripper.

Jessica's POV

I stared at the picture in my hand and cocked a smile. The guy is handsome but I bet he's very dumb and he won't even suspect a thing.

I'm a member of Black Eagles Cartel with Alexander Troy as the leader. I just became a member recently but even at that, only few members can defeat me and that's why I've been chosen for this important mission.

My mission is to make Ryan fall completely for me and find out all the secrets about his cartel so we can destroy it completely.

I was chosen because I'm the prettiest among the girls and I'm also the most skilled among them.

My flight is ready so I just need to book a hotel online where I'll be staying for the main time before I start carrying out my plans.

First, I need to know some things about Ryan Santiago. I typed his name online and I saw his biography. He has a girlfriend presently whose name is Donna Clinton. She's one of the top models in America. Interesting!

He's a cassanova and is hardly seen without a girl by his side. Oh my goodness! This is more than good. I don't even have to stress myself.

I only need to disguise myself as a call girl or how should I do it? Should I work in his company instead? I guess I will think about that later. My flight is due so I need to leave.

Hours later

I breathe in the nice sir of America and smiled softly with my eyes closed. The air around here is so peaceful and it makes me feel more confident that I'm going to succeed in my mission.

A car was already waiting to take me to the hotel so I just got in and arrived there in no time. As soon as I got into my room, Alex's call came in.

"Hello boss!" I said after answering the call

"Have you gotten there?" he asked in his cold voice

"Yes sir, I just arrived there now" I answered politely

"Good! Now listen to the plan! Tomorrow, you will wear a very sexy dress and stand by the road not to far from Ryan's company.

Make sure you're looking extra hot and pretty that he just won't be able to take his eyes off you. When he comes to you or asks his men to bring you to him, turn him down.

He has never been turned down by any girl so he's definitely going to be enraged. He might try to touch you forcefully so you have to show him his place but remember, you can't let him know how skilled you are.

Let him think you're just a bit skilled so it will be easy to penetrate. He will start asking for your body but you can't give it to him.

Give him terms and conditions that he's to accept if he ever wants to touch you and make sure you sign a contract with him. He musn't have s*x with you immediately because once he does, then he's done with you. Do that first and give me the feedback, I will tell you what next to do after that" he instructed

"Okay boss, I will do as you've said" I answered

"Good! Make sure you're extra careful. Ryan Santiago is a very sensitive person. Bye" he warned and ended the call

Phew! I have a lot to do in just a short period of time. I never really wanted to join the mafia but I was kidnapped and my Mom's life was on the line so I had no choice.

Alex said he's going to let me go if I'm able to accomplish this mission so I'll give it my all so I can get my freedom once again.


Ā©ļø Tricia

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