Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1

After hearing those words, Twilight was brought back to reality and released the breath she didn't know she was holding.

“Don't tell me he's my mate,” She released a disappointed sigh as the middle-aged Alpha stepped out of the car.

She then saw three other people climb out of the car. Looks like Alpha Jace decided to bring his Beta along with a random girl and his son, Trey. She thanked the Moon Goddess because it would've been awkward if the Alpha turned out to be her mate considering that he was old enough to be her father. Twilight guessed that the brunette was around the same age as her and, seeing that she was in a tight, short dress, ridiculously high heels, a face caked up with make-up and was clinging to his arm, that she might be one of Trey's little buddies. She knew that it was very likely because of his reputation as a fuckboy.

“Fuck my life.” Twilight thought.

“See, I told you our mate would be handsome, in this case, sexy as fuck. What's your deal?”

“My deal? What’s yours? Don’t you get it or has mateship blinded you?”

“Geez, I'm not stupid and for the record, mating with someone who's older than Dad is not ok, especially considering that we're still minors. And I know very well who Trey is, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s ours.”

“Honestly, you seem a little too happy for someone who saw their mate bring another female who definitely isn’t his relative.”

“There’s no way he’ll resist us with how much of a baddie we are. Besides, I’ll deal with her later so for now, look on the bright side.”

“Bright side of what after you pointed out that we’re minors but you’re ready to throw yourself at a 23-year-old?”

“But at least, he has more than enough experience, so he has vast knowledge on how to satisfy us. In which case, I wouldn't mind letting him hit, or should I say slam?”

After that comment, Twilight shut Tis out so she wouldn't hear any more of her slutty remarks. She couldn't help sizing Trey up. After a while, Trey looked up and his hazel orbs connected with her turquoise ones. He'd caught her staring but he already knew that she had been staring from the sparks he felt on certain parts of his body. She quickly looked away and a bright shade of pink made its way to her ears.

He took it as his chance to size her up because he'd felt what she did too. He could barely make out anything because her clothes barely revealed her figure except for her jeggings. She wasn’t he had expected but he had to admit that he was intrigued. He was snapped out of his daze when the girl next to him was tugging at his arm. He realised that everyone was heading inside.

Her dad and Takeshi, his beta, as well as Alpha Jace and his Beta went upstairs to her dad's office to discuss whatever it was that needed to be discussed.

All three were in the living room with an air of awkwardness hanging around them. Trey and Yui, the girl’s name, sat on the couch opposite Twilight. Well, more like Yui was sitting on Trey's lap who just so happened to be sitting opposite Twilight. The whole time, she was whispering into Trey's ears and giggling, sometimes kissing his jawline, but he kept an intense gaze on his mate.

Twilight, on the other hand, didn’t bother giving them attention or even acknowledging their existence. Her mate’s gaze and scent made it hard, but she preoccupied her mind with thoughts of smashing both their faces with a bat and other forms of torture. She got bored of it after a while and went outside for some fresh air. She went to sit on the porch and the fresh air calmed down her murderous intent a little. Moments later, Trey came too but she didn't turn to face him, she just kept staring out into the distance. She could feel his eyes on her though.

“I don’t believe there’s something on my face,” She said.

“What?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“You've been staring at me since you got here. You obviously want to say something, so just say it.”

He studied her for any signs of a joke, but found none.

“Look, I...”

“Trey, I've been looking all over for you,” Yui said, cutting him off and practically throwing herself onto him. “How could you leave me alone like that?” She said pouting and using a finger to draw circles on his chest.

She then connected her lips with his and gave him a passionate kiss.

Whatever patience Twilight had been maintaining up till that point had completely vanished, she snapped. And when she did, she couldn't stop herself from half-shifting (which just made someone look like a wolf humanoid and only ever happened when a wolf was highly aroused or extremely pissed but not enough to shift) or stop Tis from taking full control and attacking Yui.

She ripped Yui off Trey and pinned her to the ground with her extended claws sinking into her shoulders, blood began dripping and she left two large claw marks across Yui's face in the process.

Tis ripped Yui's arm apart at the wrist, elbow and shoulder, her shoulder and elbow popped, and her wrist made a disgusting ripping sound. Tis then dragged Yui's face across the pavement, which dislocated her jaw and fractured her nose, but not without making loud cracking sounds.

The injuries were most definitely going to leave her jaw disfigured and with ugly scars. She was about to bite a huge chunk out of Yui's other shoulder, but not before Trey managed to get her off. Tis then broke free from Trey's hold. Before he knew it, she had a steel pipe in her hands. He didn't have time to think about where and how she got it and he sure as hell didn't want to think about what she'd do with it.

He managed to wrestle the pipe out of her hands despite her continuous attacks on him. He couldn't fend her off and earned himself a bite on his shoulder, a gash on his right eye and a twisted wrist.

Her dad and the others came outside to see why there was so much noise outside. Takeshi was the first to react when they realised what was going on and rushed to get her off Trey. He was able to do so but being the strong wolf that she was and the fact that she had half-shifted, he had trouble restraining her. After Takeshi and her dad couldn't get her off, Alpha Jace and his Beta interfered, and they managed to force her to the ground. She was trashing around, but they finally managed to tie her up.

They had to use thick chains to make sure she wouldn't break free. She had two tied around her wrists and one attached to the equally thick iron collar around her neck and was chained to a reinforced iron post. After an hour of trying to free herself, she was finally tiring herself out, but she was still seeing red though.

It took a few more hours for her to exhaust herself completely and shift back to her human form before falling asleep. By the time she had woken up, it was already nighttime. She was still pissed but not enough to cause more harm. After what seemed like forever, they finally released her. She only sat there not making a move at all, just staring down at nothing.

Her dad then came up to her and bent down to her level.

“Gummy bear, why did you do that?”

The disappointment she was expecting wasn't there. Instead, there was genuine concern.

“I couldn't control Tis.” She said with obvious guilt and told him everything from when she found out that Trey was her mate and what happened in the living room to when they were in the garden, all while fighting back tears that threatened to appear. Her dad said nothing and just took her in his arms to cuddle her and stroke her hair. They stayed like that until he left to give her space.

Not long after, Trey came up to her. His tall self towering over her.

“How dare you attack Yui, you...”

“Don't you dare...” She said quietly, but he heard her.

“What? Who do you think you...”

“No, the real question is who the fuck do you think you are? You have your entire life to be an asshat; why not take a day off? I mean what kind of man flirts with a slut in front of his mate?”

He was taken aback by her sudden outburst. She looked up at him and he saw that there was no love in those eyes, not a single trace, just terrifying anger and a tinge of hatred.

“Since you obviously lack the intelligence to figure it out, I'll tell you. Only little boys who want to make up for what you lack down there. I’m sure you’re aware of the phrase “every rose has its thorns” and unfortunately for you, you provoked the deadly ones to come out.”

“Listen here, sweetheart, I'm not the type of guy who wants a mate. I don't want to get into the same pussy for the rest of my life. Besides, even if I wanted a mate, I'd want one who's sexy, feminine and knows her place. Only a woman with those traits is fit to be my mate. You may look like an angel, but you're just a little girl who'll never be any of those things and, honestly, I'd rather stick with a slut. That being said, I, Trey Hashimoto, reject you, Tisiphone Sakata, as my mate.”

She couldn’t deny that the physical pain from his rejection was unbearable, but she didn’t let it show so as to not give him the satisfaction. She didn’t give a damn about the emotional part because she hadn’t gotten a proper chance to decide if she wanted him or not.

“You don't like me? Hah, the feeling's mutual. You don't think I'm beautiful? That's just your opinion and guess what, it doesn't matter to me, because I know my worth. Having good looks doesn’t mean you get to treat others however you please, so you have absolutely no right to bitch at me for not being a so-called perfect fit. Honestly, it’s sad that you think I ever wanted you or that you're worth me shedding any tears over. So, if you don’t want me, fine. You’re not a prize yourself so I accept your rejection.” She turned on her heel to leave. “Oh, and one more thing.” She walked back to him and looked him in the eye. “Fuck you.”

She then shifted into Tis, who took off into the forest as fast as she could. She kept running and soon enough she was out of the pack's territory. She didn't stop, not even when the branches and sharp rocks kept clawing and scraping at her fur. Her fur, which used to look silvery and shiny under the moonlight, was now matted with blood. She was losing a lot of it and fast, but she didn't care. She reached a road that led to the city. She was now struggling to walk along the side of the road and just breathing became exhausting.

Before she realised it, she passed out on the side of the road, her unconscious self barely breathing and tears forming in the corners of her eyes. The last thing she saw was the moon shining so beautifully.

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