1. Elise
Elise counted the candles. ‘95 she said to herself.’ it was Sister Margret's birthday. Elise had baked the chocolate cake the night before, it was something she did often for the residents, at Magnolia House, who had birthdays. She looked at her coworker Sean, who was standing a little too close. She pushed the thought away. She smiled at him and brought the cake out.
The whole floor was singing Happy Birthday to Sister Margret. Elise smiled at the old lady. Sister Margret held a special place in Elises heart. She had watched over and guided Marget throughout her life. She was there when she was learned to walk, when Margert took her vows, and when Margret was put in the home. Since then, she has made sure to look after her.
Marget grabbed Elises hand and smiled. “Thank you.” Elise smiled back and gave her hand a squeeze. She really did love the old lady. The day seemed to pass as it did most days. Nothing big happened all was calm. She was nearing the end of her shift when her phone chirped. A voice boomed in her ear as she answered.
It was her cousin Amanda Durand. “Elise.”
“Hey Amanda, what can I do for you?”
“I wanted you to come out with me and my friends tonight.... Look I know you hate going out to do a bar crawl, but I haven't seen you in ages.”
Ages, Elise thought. Yeah right, she doesn’t even know what ages really means.
“Look Amanda I am not really feeling up to it tonight. It was Sister Margrets birthday today, so I baked last night, and I just wanted to stay in and maybe go to bed early.”
“Go to bed early? You are in your twenties; you can sleep when you are dead.”
Elise hated being viewed as a woman in her twenties. She was two centuries old. Only a few people were privy to this knowledge, and Amanda was not among them.
“Come on Elise, pleeeease.”
“Fine, Amanda. I will go.”
“YAY! I will pick you up at 9:45 so be out front.” with that she abruptly dropped the line.
Elise just looked at her phone. She loved Amanda but not when she was out with her friends. She acted very different. In fact, Elise really enjoyed her cousins' company when her party hardy friends were not around. Elise thought to herself at least if I'm there she won't be pressured into doing something stupid.
Before she headed home, she wanted to visit a bit more with Sister Margret and offer her one last birthday wish. She hustled over to the old nun and sat down next to her. “Happy Birthday Margret”
“You already wished me a happy birthday, but I'll take it. Can you believe I am 95?”
“You know I can believe it. After all I have known you almost your whole life. And you have been my dearest friend for most of that time.” Elise always loved talking to Margret. She really was her closest friend she knew the truth about what Elise was. How could she not after all Elise had not aged a day since she had met her as a child.
“Before I die will you take me flying again?” Elise smiled at the question. She remembered when Margret had taken her vows as a nun. She had turned 18 and was so excited to devote herself to others. Elise had wanted to give her a present and it seemed like going for a fly would be a unique gift.
“Yes, dear Margret. I will take you up one more time.” Elise knew Margret would reach 102. She knew the time and place Margret would leave the mortal relm, and she knew who would be severing her soul from her body.
After a while Elise got up and said goodbye to her friend. See you Monday Margret she said with a smile and headed for the elevator. As the doors where closing Sean squeezed in. She made a friendly smile and nod towards him. She would not give him the satisfaction of being intimidated by his creepy demeanor.
Sean was that kind of man who wanted to make women uncomfortable. Then once he felt like they would feared him enough so that he could hurt them. But Elise knew he could not harm her. After all she had been trained to fight demons. What was a mere mortal man going to do to her. At least if he had his sights set on her, he didn't have chance to hurt other women.
Sean got closer and closer to Elise, trying to back her into the corner of the elevator. But Elise did not move. He was breathing on the side of her face, and he was so close. But Elise didn’t move, either, she looked straight ahead with a bored expression. In truth it was boring for her.
It was not the first time she met the situation like that. Sean was getting mad at her disinterest in fear or even that he was not there at all. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. As Elise walked out, she turned to Sean, who was now glaring at her. She smiled at him and said in a cheery voice. “Have a good weekend Sean, see you on Monday.” and then walked away.
She smiled thinking how flustered that abusive man was going to be all weekend. He has no doubts plotting how to entrap her to make her notice him. Yep, and she would keep the game going as long as she could up until he tried to be physical then he would truly get his retribution.
She walked home admiring the weather till she reached a white colored house. It had a small porch with two oak rocking chairs. The small yard was well manicured. She went up the stairs and entered her home. She instantly felt a divine presence. Then she heard his powerful voice.