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Chapter 7

"Will you stop touching my boobs?" Dawn smacked Olivia's hand off her boobs. She had chosen the red open sided gown and Olivia had gone with the yellow but due to the glitters on Dawn's gown, Dawn stood out more than Olivia.

Olivia had also taken note of this because Dawn breast seemed to be bigger and her bum as well, Olivia had thought she gained weight that was why she was always wearing baggy clothes of late, but turned out she was really fit underneath those baggy clothes.

Her body was eating the cloth right now revealing all her curves.

Dawn rolled her eyes at Olivia, it was bad enough that the cloth was so tight that she reminded herself not to eat anything. Every time the breeze touched her she could feel it in her boobs and thighs.

"You look smoking hot," Olivia smiled. "What really happened  back there, because I am loving this new you so much."

"Stop it," Dawn yelled again this time smacking her hand off really hard as Olivia tried to press her boobs again.

"Am just checking if you are wearing bra."

"Just admit that you love annoying me." she rolled her eyes at Olivia who seemed to be reaching for something at the side. She brought out a bottle of wine and two glasses, she handed one to Dawn smiling.

"We haven't even gotten to the party."

"Not like we are not going to eventually get drunk tonight, plus this is my favourite wine." Olivia poured some for herself and then for Dawn. "Do you want some Roman?"

"Olivia!!!" Dawn exclaimed.

"Am just kidding." Olivia laughed as she saw Roman staring at her through the rear view mirror with a nod that he wasn't offended.

Dawn took a sip from the wine and it tasted so bitter. How was this a favourite drink? "This taste so awful." She took another sip again, maybe a second taste would make it better, but it only became more bitter than the first. "So tell me about this man that is making you drink this awful drink before you see him"

"What are you talking about?"

"One of the reasons you drink most times is because you are nervous, and right now the only thing that is making you nervous is that man," Dawn explained.

"I don't know," Olivia gulped down the wine and refilled her glass. "You are over thinking things"

"Am I?" Dawn knew her sister wasn't the serious type when it came to love, she had met a lot of guys but it always ended up as a fling. Dawn knew it wasn't about this party but the fact that this man was going to be there. She had never seen her sister like this, nervous. She had over done her make up, checked the mirror thrice, retouched her make up while they were in the car and still brought a bottle of wine.

"Is he like... your boyfriend?" Dawn wanted to know who this person was, that could make her sister act this way. If her sister was in a relationship, she was really happy for her.

"Boy what?" Olivia sipped her wine as she signalled Roman to turn into the street in front.

"Boyfriend is a strong word, I mean I haven't seen him for long... but I just want to meet him and rekindle old times. It's not serious." Olivia explained.

"So you are not like... In love?"

Olivia nearly choked on her drink at the sound of that word. She coughed slowly holding her chest.

"So, that is a No?" Dawn said patting her back to soothe her near death experience. She burst into laughter at how Olivia had reacted at the sound of the word 'love'.

"You are evil,"Olivia informed realizing Dawn was just messing with her.

"I thought you loved me regardless," Dawn laughed again. She knew Olivia was avoiding the conversation, it seemed she was smitted by whoever this man was.

"What is his name?" Dawn teased.

"Damien," Olivia replied.

"Very funny."

"We are here Ma'am," Roman informed parking in front of a club, Olivia came outside hurriedly alongside Dawn.

Olivia walked to the driver's side and lowered her head to Roman's level.

"Come back by the time I message you," Olivia knew she did be pretty drunk really soon so she had programmed her phone alarm to a certain time. "And if we are not outside, come inside and drag our asses home, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."


Olivia didn't wait for him to zoom off, she pulled Dawn by the wrist. They entered inside without a fuss as the bodyguard smiled at Olivia like they knew each other before.

The sound of the music could damage ones ear but the people on the dance floor didn't care as they kept on dancing and encouraging the DJ to increase the volume. Olivia and Dawn struggled to pass through the sweaty and lustful bodies as they got to the counter.

"You are late," Dawn heard a voice yelling at them but it came out faint as a result of the music. She turned around instantly alongside Olivia who seemed to recognize the voice. A young pretty lady, in a black tube top and mini skirt approached them hugging Olivia joyfully.

"Happy birthday Sarah," Dawn could hear Olivia yelling into her ears before she withdrew from the hug.

"Thank you," Sarah replied dragging Olivia with her to the counter not noticing that Dawn is with Olivia. "Scar.. Scar.." She yelled as the bartender hurried to their side.


She slapped him instantly. Dawn was shocked by the action alongside Olivia.

"You are very stupid, didn't I tell you to get those drinks to my table like 30 minutes ago," She yelled at the bartender.

Dawn could see the bartender jaw clinging and his hand turning into a fist like he was trying to hold himself back from saying what he might regret.

"I...I," he apologized.

"Sorry my ass, now get out of my fucking sight and go and do what I asked you to. Except you want to get fired." Sarah yelled angrily "and trust me, you won't get another job anywhere if I fire you." She added.

Dawn had never seen something like this first hand, she had probably seen it in the movies but to see such a young girl slapping a man that she was sure was older than her was just....

Who was this girl? and where the hell had Olivia hooked up with such an arrogant person like this. So arrogant. Dawn was sure she was probably around her age. It didn't make sense to her as Olivia was not one to roll with people so young, except they were rich.

That was it.

This lady was wealthy, that was definitely why the waiter just accepted the public embarrassment quietly, even the people around the counter had not said a thing rather they had carried on with what they were doing like it never happened.

"Sarah, this is my sister." Olivia introduced Dawn to Sarah smiling, Dawn grinned back but it was obvious she was uncomfortable already.

"It's so nice to meet you Dawn," her voice sounded more calmer now and lovely. "Olivia has told me a lot about you but only the good part, I am hoping you will tell me the bad part." She laughed alongside Olivia and Dawn faked a little laughter.

"I need to use the bathroom quickly, please." Olivia pleaded as she saw a glare from Dawn, so was she going to just leave her here with this psycho.

"Sure," Sarah agreed , as Olivia walked out hurriedly. "I apologize for my behaviour, I just don't like it when people don't do their work properly."

"Yeah." Dawn replied looking at the direction where Olivia went.

"You know, I always say if you can't do the work don't bother getting it in the first place."

"Hmmm..." Dawn muttered.

"So tell me about you, what do you do?"

"Me?" Dawn didn't know what Olivia had told her, and she didn't want to say anything that might contradict what Olivia had told her.

"Okay bitches , I am back." Olivia rushed in.

"Alright, let's go to the V.I.P section. The noise and smell here is disgusting."

Sarah walked forward and Dawn noticed something, they didn't have to struggle to pass through anyone, the people on the dance floor just parted ways like the red sea instantly for them to pass. She knew it was because of Sarah.

"Who is this your new friend?" She whispered into Olivia's ear but it came out as a scream due to the loud music.

"You will know soon."

The V.I.P section came easy to enter due to Sarah who gave the body guard a scary look, he nodded instantly and opened the door to the upstairs floor. It had different booth and the music seemed not too loud.

One didn't need to shout or strain their voice too much but the colour changing bulb could make one not see people face properly.

Sarah directed them into a booth where two naked ladies were pole dancing seductively. One of them even licked the pole and winked at Dawn and Olivia. Dawn scanned the people sited in the booth straining her eyes due to the dull light, she noticed it was just two men.



"Stephan," Olivia called out joyfully and Dawn saw him, he and Matteo were sited drinking. They both met her eyes and kept looking at each other for some seconds but was cut short when Olivia hugged Stephan who didn't seem to hug her back as Olivia took her seat beside him while Sarah went to sit next to Matteo.

Dawn still couldn't believe her eyes. How was Stephan here? His fiery eyes and angry glare scanned her body from head to toe. She found herself frozen in her spot by his gaze , she clinched the Hem of her cloth. She didn't know what to do or how to react to the whole situation.

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