Chapter 2
Olivia's P.O.V:
Lucas's girlfriend looked at me with bloodied lips, her lips were busted just as I thought they should be; Perfect.
"Stay away from me. " I shouted and bend down and put some pressure on the deep fresh injury on my feet to stop it from bleeding; She had dug the heel deep enough to make it bleed almost unstoppably.
She stood up and I thought she would leave but no, I was wrong. She had other intentions. I heard some movements then I heard her voice that drifted my attention.
"Look here bitch."
I looked at her to see what she was up to and to my horror, I saw her holding the big kettle of boiling water kept for the second batch of tea.
A gasp left my mouth unintentionally.
My eyes glanced at the door for a second and I saw the triplets running to us.
Just when They'd reached the door, She opened the kettle and threw the boiling water on me drenching almost my entire body with the boiling water that immediately caused unbearable burn spread through every inch of my skin.
Words couldn't describe the pain that shot through me just when the water made contact with my skin.
"Alice no......" Lucas shouted his eyes wide in shock; Too late for him to try to do anything.
I'd shielded myself with my hands out of instinct but instead of my face, my hand was exposed to the boiling water leaving it to burn.
I screamed; A screeching cry of anguish left my mouth. I fell on the floor screaming as my hands clutched my shirt.
Could life be any more painful?
My eyes that fought to stay open got a glimpse of Alice's victorious smile displayed on her face.
The continuous screams automatically left my mouth, my body went out of control. My hands started feeling numb and everything around was turning blurry.
Despite my pain, I managed to notice the horrified look of the triplets.
For some reason the look on their faces was of concern —Maybe my mind played tricks on me.
"How dare you?" Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.
I managed to look at the doorway while muffling my own cries to stop behaving more miserable than I was.
I saw Erik—My one and only friend in this whole pack. The only person who ever cared for me in these six years ever stood up for me. He was the current beta.
Erik was never cruel to me. Even after earning multiple curse words from his dad, he still used to speak to me and give me food from childhood.
He is just like a brother to me. He even gave me clothes secretly. He'd gone against his father( Gamma) just to support me.
"Olivia." Erik's eyes fell on me.
He ran to me at full speed and quickly sat down beside me.
His hands shook violently as he was hesitating to hold me; My whole skin was turning red, maybe blisters could also appear soon.
"Olivia." Erik was almost on the verge of crying as he croaked out my name.
Erik somehow helped me to sit up, he hugged me.
I held him all my strength left inside me and Released all the sobs I was trying to suppress. The physical pain was far less than the pain I was getting stabbed with all these years.
For some reason, everything from the past seemed to be coming back like a huge wave and splashing against my mind leaving the pain of the remembrances spread throughout me that somehow made increased the agony.
It hurt with my burned hands to hug Erik but I felt safe; At least for now.
I was literally screaming while burying my face in his chest, I was searching for any way to find a way to numb the pain but only my insides were getting numb second by second, not the physical pain I was facing.
"Shhh! Olivia, it will be alright. I'll take you to the doctor right now." Erik rubbed my back soothingly.
"It's hurting as hell Erik. Please kill me. I can't bear it. Please please please." I begged pathetically.
Erik didn't respond.
"Please, Erik. I wanna be with my dad. He'll never hurt me. Please, Erik. I beg you." I begged again.
"Right you definitely want to be with the Traitor since you're the same. Fucking bi*ch. You deserve to rot in hell." Came Lucas's girlfriend's nasal voice.
"Shut up Alice." Lucas's shout was also heard but the voices around me started to sound faint.
A heavyweight was pulling me somewhere I didn't know, it was like I was going down; To an endless path that soon started appearing dark.
"Baby, you..."
"Enough." Erik shouted, "Guards"
"Take her to the dungeons." He ordered the guards whilst he picked me in his arms gently.
My strength to cry was decreasing little by little and my sounds had started fading already.
"But.." one guard hesitated but Erik cut him off.
"I the beta of Full Moon Pack order you to put her in the dungeons." Erik ordered in his beta tone and without further ado, the guard started dragging her.
"How dare you? Lucas say something to him. How can he do this to me? " Alice's shout was heard.
"If Alpha says anything about this matter it would be insulting his position." I could sense Erik looking at Lucas.
Surprisingly any protest from Lucas wasn't heard.
The guard dragged her out of the room. Her shouts kept fading until it was nothing at all.
"Thanks, Alpha, for remembering your alpha duties." Erik spoke with such a tone that I could easily identify as a bitter taunt.
Erik ran out of the room with me huddled up in his arm just like a rage doll.
My eyes fell heavy as the darkness started surrounding me from all sides. My body finally started feeling numb.
"I'm coming to you dad..." That was all I could muster before falling into the deep endless ocean of darkness.
I saw darkness everywhere, there wasn't any light visible even in the smallest form. It was just dark—An endless darkness around me existing like a burdened surrounding.
But then, I saw it — My old room in a dark corner with two lamps on the sides making it luminous to view.
I took few sluggish yet considered steps and suddenly the room's door opened making me flinch violently.
The loud blow of wind that came out of the room made my hair bounce and sprawl all over my body.
There were two people visible inside it, my eyes widen when I realized it was dad and me—My child self.
A peaceful aroma flooded around when
I saw watching my child self playing with my dad.
Dad was chasing me Wearing a funny tiger outfit, I was gigging and running all the way to escape but dad was blocking my ways making a roaring noise.
A werewolf acting like a tiger just to play with his daughter; He was the best dad anyone could ever have but I'd lost him, No! He is snatched away from me.
A small smile formed on my lips as I looked at the scene. The memories came running back into my mind bringing a beautiful feeling of happiness within me.
Then as expected I saw Aunty Lucy, I saw myself hiding behind her as if she was my only savior.
"Even your Aunty Lucy can't save you today Olivia." Dad laughed menacingly and it made me giggle even more.
Aunty was also laughing at the two of us while covering her mouth with her left hand.
"But I can." Uncle Brian came inside the room and I dashed to him jumping into his arms before my dad could catch me. Uncle picked me up and kissed my cheek adoringly.
"Your hero is here Olivia." Uncle glared at dad which to he let out a snort.
I hugged him and burst into a fit of laughter.
"Won't I get a hug?" Aunty pouted coming closer to me and I jumped in her arms.
She chuckled and kissed my forehead.
I was smiling seeing my childhood memories. Tears filled my eyes unintentionally and few drops even slid down my cheeks.
Everything was so perfect yet long gone.
"Nobody loves me." My dad faked a sad voice and aunty gestured to me with her eyes to give dad a kiss.
I leaned and pecked dad's cheek.
Suddenly the door closed with a loud sound that echoed the whole place. Everything again became dark.
"No, they are in the room." I ran toward the door vigorously.
I tried to open the door with all my strength but it wasn't opening.
I started banging on the door trying to open it, see aunty, my dad, uncle. I wanted to get them back, my mind couldn't register that they were dead.
"They are inside the room I need to meet them. " I screamed and kicked the door.
I started shouting, punching on the door
, Calling someone to open the door, help me to get them out but nothing was working.
"Open the door ." I shouted and my eye opened. I was faced with a bright place.
I found myself in pack hospital. Someone was hugging me, I was in someone's arms. A very familiar Cologne filled my nostrils.
"Olivia are you okay?" I looked and saw Erik was the one who'd me in his arms.
"Dad, aunty, uncle " I broke the hug and started looking everywhere. My mind was hazy with thoughts and concerns.
"Olivia calm down." Erik cooed.
"They were just in my old room. They must be in my old room." I tried to get off my bed but Erik stopped me.
"What the heck is wrong with you? I saw they were in my room." I shouted and pushed him.
"Calm down Olivia. It was just a dream." Erik spoke making my anger reach its highest level without any valid reason.
"This can't be a dream. I just saw them. I was in aunty's arms. It was real. I need to go to that room and open the door. They are inside. I'll find them."
"Olivia." Erik looked at me with pity and pulled me close to him.
"Leave me. " I screamed and pushed him away.
" Olivia. " Erik shouted this time; His unanticipated move made me jump in my place.
"They are dead. It's been six years. Your dad and aunty are dead. And your uncle is paralyzed. Do you fucking understand ?" He cupped my face and spat loudly.
Realization hit me like a truck, every shattered piece of me felt like they were shattered again.
Erik was right. They were dead. I had just seen some childhood memories in my dream.
Tears gathered in my eyes and I sat back, my shoulders slumped heavily.
Erik's expression softened as he saw the tears sliding down my cheeks. He hugged me tightly and cuddled me closer to him.
"I miss them, Erik. I love them. If they were here they would have never let anyone hurt me. Lucas, Alex, Benjamin they wouldn't hate me. I miss the old Triplets. " I sobbed.
I loved The Triplets; Even after all of these I loved, I cared for them, I wanted them back and hated myself for desiring all the things I couldn't have.
The amount of hatred I felt toward myself every time I felt a strange sentiment passing me made me filled with rage, rage for myself.
I knew I shouldn't be loving them; But I loved them, how could you control your heart? How could you control the way it reacted?
Even after what they did I still loved them. My heart still beamed remembering their smiles, I'd loved them from my childhood and still, I did.
And it hurt so much when the person you love gives you only hate and disgrace in return.
"Everything's gonna be alright Olivia. "
"Ouch." I felt a sharp pain shot my neck.
"What happened Olivia?" Erik asked concerned.
"It's burning," I sighed, I felt so bad. What was hurting me more the triplets didn't protect me. They saw the scene but didn't do anything.
After all these six years I still had expectations left from them! How much more pathetic could I be!
"It will be gone very soon." Erik caressed my cheek in a brotherly manner.
"They promised to protect me, Erik." A sob ripped looking at the bandages on my hands.
" They said they would never let anyone lay a finger on me."
"Is this how everyone fulfills their promise?" I let my tears flow freely while showing him my bandages.
I saw Erik's eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"I can't bear this anymore Erik. I can't. They promised...." I started feeling dizzy and everything around me turned pitch black again and I found myself falling into oblivion.