Chapter 5
“Paris, let’s talk,” Ann said behind Paris. Paris was about to get up when Shysie interrupted.
“Anything you have to say to him you can say in front of us, right Paris?” Shysie asked mockingly.
Paris knew he won’t be able to talk to Ann properly with Shysie around, “can we talk later?”
“Paris, don’t be rude. The girl has something to say. Let her speak. Take a seat, after all, this is your usual table,” Shysie invited Ann to sit down.
Everyone looked at Ann, waiting to say something. “Actually, Paris, your note said you wanted to speak to me? You go first. What did you want to talk about?” Ann asked, a bit nervous with all eyes on her.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Paris said hurriedly, feeling Shysies' eyes now on him.
“Ok, well, um, you see… it feels like you are stalking me, waiting at my locker, sitting behind me in class, showing up at my house, and in my bedroom,..” Ann blurted out uncomfortably.
“I was hungry and wanted to drink. I like the way you taste. You must eat a lot of meat,” Paris said quickly, defending himself even though he knew that was not the real reason. Ann was about to slap Paris when Shysie grabbed her arm. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, you might just break your own hand. The skin might look and feel soft, but on the direct impact, it is hard as marble.”
Ann swallowed her anger. “Paris, I really don’t like you. I want you to leave me alone. To be honest, I am actually in love with someone else,” Ann said, standing up. Shysie did not stop her and let her leave.
“I actually like her mother. Lots of iron in her blood as well,” Paris tried again, talking to Shysie.
“Sounds great. I must find a way to visit her for a taste,” Shysie said, staring Paris down.
“You guys do know this is Ann and my usual table,” Jessica said, taking a seat, not about to lose the best spot in the cafeteria.
“Ann told us, but Ann and I are becoming really good friends, so I am sure she won't mind. The table is big enough for all of us,” Shysie said, smiling at Jessica and shuffling her chair a bit to be further away from Jessica, fearing she might accidentally touch her and burn her skin because of the Spirit Wolf growling at her.
“Ann, friends with a Lollipop girl like you?” Jessica asked, having no filter over her feelings.
“Excuse me? I am not a Lollipop girl!” Shysie said, feeling insulted.
Jessica does not respond and started eating her lunch, pretending not to notice the three staring at her. She started slurping her juice loudly, looking them straight in their faces while leaning backward in her chair.
Wynn found himself strangely attracted to her, but not in the Werewolf mate kind of way. Wynn also found Ann attractive, but he liked Jessica’s wittiness and the fact that she stands up against Shysie.
“So, Jessica, we hear Ann is in love. Any idea who?” Shysie asked, deliberately trying to put a wedge between the two friends.
“Wouldn’t you love to know?” Jessica asked, standing up, not showing her annoyance for not knowing first that her best friend was in love.
Once Jessica left the table, Shysie rubbed salt into Paris's wounds. “Wynn, do you like Ann or Jessica?”
“Both are hot, but Jessica and that spirit wolf hanging over her head are freaking me out,” Wynn said.
“You know you can touch her without getting hurt, right?” Shysie informs.
“I know, but I still don’t like it. Ann, on the other hand a much better option, food, and a girlfriend. But even us male Vampires believe in bro-code, don’t we Paris?
“Dude, she is all yours, as I said, she tastes good, that is all,” Paris said, putting up a fake laugh.
“I have all the women I want and need right here,” Paris said, pulling Shysie into an embrace.
“For real? Awesome, certainly going to try tap that ass!” Wynn responded, excited.
Shysie felt incredibly pleased with herself, especially because the two of them didn’t suspect any foul play. Shysie smiled in the arms of Paris. “Wynn, at the next opportunity you might want to compel Ann to forget that we are vampires and any vampire interactions with us,” Shysie instructed.
Just before the bell rang for class, Ann dropped a love note into Wynn’s locker.
After school was swimming again and Ann deliberately stayed behind after the lesson in the hope that the Vampires will stay behind again. She does not know why, but her urge to get with Wynn was getting stronger by the minute. She cannot stop thinking about his eyes, lips, and how good he smells.
Shysie noticed that Ann stayed behind. “Wynn, you enjoy your personal time,” Shysie turned her eyes towards the pool. Wynn followed it and saw that Ann was still in the pool. “Paris let's go, I can feel a blossoming relationship coming up,” Shysies said, laughing, pulling Paris along.
Paris already noticed Ann in the pool and felt jealously rise in him, but he knew if he pursues Ann that she might just end up dead like his wife of a day. ‘She doesn’t like me, anyway,’ he thought to himself before devoting his attention to a very needy Shysie.
Ann turned around at the sound of a splash. She knew that it must be one of the Vampires and was beside herself when Wynn came up, his face an inch away from hers.
“You know it is dangerous for you to be alone in the pool after school,” Wynn said in a sexy voice.
“I know the danger,” Ann said, feeling the urge to put her lips on his.
“I found your love note,” Wynn said, wrapping his arms around her waist. Ann does not object and before she knew it, she wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck.
“How did you know it is from me? I didn’t put my name to it.”
“I smelled it. You have a unique and delicious smell,” Wynn said, looking into her golden-brown eyes.
“Oh, yeah, the meat thing,” Ann said, blushing.
“No, cinnamon.”
Ann was relieved that she did not smell like meat and could no longer hold back. She touched Wynn’s thin, sexy top lip before parting his lips. Ann didn’t know what came over her, but she replaced her fingers with her lips and slowly started to kiss Wynn, savoring every part of his lips.
Wynn pulled out of the kiss, “you taste really good.”
Ann didn’t know why, but she tilted her head to the side. “You can drink from me anytime you please.”
Wynn, already knowing how good her blood tasted, was not about to let her invite him twice. He sank his teeth into her neck and drank deeply. He can feel Ann’s body relaxing as she became intoxicated. Wynn wanted to drink more but knew if he does, he has to offer himself in return and he has never had anyone drink from him before unless it was to save their life. He sealed up the bite marks and just looked at her intoxicated eyes. He turned her around and let her float in his arms. Ann felt good and relaxed. She felt it was a much better experience than the previous pool incident.
Over the next few weeks, Wynn grew deeply in love with Ann, even though he knew that his sister compelled her to be in love with him. He saw it when he drank her blood in the pool. Because of this, he never offered himself for her to drink from. Wynn wondered if she would still like him if she were not compelled. Wynn was too in love with Ann to let Shysie un-compel her because he was scared that the feelings will not be mutual.
Paris tried to forget about Ann, but even though it hurt him to see her so in love with someone else, he could not help his feelings for her.
Ever since Ann hooked up with Wynn, Shysie changed seats with Ann.
Jessica took her seat in class next to Shysie. She saw the little gift box and decided not to open it. She dropped it into her backpack and looked towards the back of the class. She saw Ann’s mouth forming a ‘Happy Birthday." Jessica looked at the front of the class again. She missed her best friend and was happy that Ann actually remembered her birthday.
“Wynn, I am going to spend lunchtime with Jessica. It is her birthday today and we have birthday traditions,” Ann said, before kissing Wynn.
Wynn felt relieved that Jessica did not have a soulmate connection with him. He knew her 18th birthday was coming up as he saw Ann thinking about what to get Jessica for her birthday every time he drank from her. Even though Wynn knew that the Lycan Werewolves only met their fated mates when they reached their full puberty cycle, he also knew that some Lycan females reached their puberty maturity earlier than normal girls. Wynn was not oblivious to Jessica’s openness to sexuality and could pick up her scent and knew that she was one of those girls that have completed her puberty cycle early and thought if they were fated mates that it would have triggered by now but what he did not take in account, was that the spell that was placed over Jessica at birth also protected her from finding her fated mate before her eighteen birthday.
‘’You must be happy that Jessica did not have a mate connection with you?” Paris asked, joining Wynn in the school hallway on their way to the cafeteria.
“If she was my mate, we would have mated by now. She has just about reached her full puberty cycle,” Wynn chuckled.
“Really? One of those?” Paris asked.
“I have found my mate and her name is Ann,” Wynn said, punching Paris in a playful way on the arm.
“Really? So, you are letting her drink from you?” Paris asked, hoping that the answer was no.
“Not yet, but soon. We have not talked about it yet,” Wynn responded, a bit nervous, not planning to tell Paris the truth.
Paris picked up on Wynn's nervousness and wondered what it was about. “She has accepted you as a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid. What is there to talk about?”
Paris stopped abruptly, and Jessica smashed right into him. Paris and Wynn turn around, shocked and unsure about just what Jessica heard. Paris felt his skin burn for a brief moment, but composed himself. From the look on her face, they knew she heard way too much. The two guys looked at each other and then back at Jessica. Wynn knew what Paris was thinking. Paris cannot touch Jessica with the spirit wolf hanging over her head, but Wynn could.
“Let us explain, in private,” Wynn said, grabbing Jessica by the arm and swiftly dragging her into the nearest classroom. All the classrooms were already empty, so they were in the clear.
“I didn’t hear anything!” Jessica said nervously, pulling out of Wynn's loose arm hold.
Wynn and Paris both notice the spirit wolf growling at them. Jessica looked up to see what they were looking at, but saw nothing. “What are you guys looking at?”
“Nothing,” Wynn said. The next moment, Jessica tried to make a run for the door, but Wynn was too fast. He held her in a neck arm hold making her pass out.
“Quickly, get a chair,” Wynn said, holding an unconscious Jessica in his arms.
Paris pulled a chair near and Wynn put Jessica on the chair. Paris looked around for something to tie her up, but found nothing.
“Go find Shysie and Ann!” Wynn instructed Paris.
“Good idea. Maybe Ann will make her understand,” Paris said, making his way out of the classroom.
Jessica started to wake up moaning, “what the hell?” She looked up at Wynn sitting in front of her.
Wynn looked into her dark brown, almost black, eyes. His inner wolf overpowers his vampire side. ‘MATE.” The heat and passion for all previous lovers were gone in an instant. Right in front of him sits his 2nd Lycan werewolf's mate. He knew what he must do and acts right away, “I Wynn Mateo, reject you, Jessica. What is your surname?” Wynn asked a confused Jessica. Jessica was born exactly this time eighteen years ago, and the spell has now come undone partly.