Chapter 5
Lola's POV
Eventually, he will find his mate and love her leaving no room poor Lola.
"Don't let the mate thing get in the way Lola." Mark turned serious.
"I see the way he looks at you. The way he gets jealous when a male comes closer to you or even looks at you. A person's eyes give away his true feelings, and when he's around you it's so obvious Mark. Trust me when I say this, Jake is head over heels for you. I can't understand how you haven't noticed it yet." My heart fluttered at his words.
"Sure he will have a mate. But I'm confident he made up his mind on who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. No one would leave his kingdom, his land for god's sake just to protect a friend. He knows that if anything happens to you, he would go crazy. He can't accept males around you because he wants you all for himself. I'm a guy and I know." He squeezed my hand, smiling at me reassuringly.
"But do you think he will confront me?"
"I'm sure he will soon. He's just waiting for the right time to tell you." His words were extremely comforting. Any uncertainties I had faded away.
"Thank you Mark. I really needed someone to lift my spirits up." He grinned and ruffled my hair. I was so lucky to have him by my side.
Mark got up and held out his hand for me to take. Putting my hand in his, I lifted myself off the bed.
"I almost forgot, now that you have lover boy, should I go all formal with you ma lady?" He bowed, snickering all the way. I kept my self from snorting and tried to maintain a serious face.
"I'm afraid circumstances have changed, sir." I faked a British accent.
As soon as I finished, Mark and I were roaring with laughter. I put my hand on the wall trying to steady myself as I clutched my waist. Mark was breathless, wiping the tears that streamed down his face.
"This is the first time I laugh my heart out." He shook his head with a grin on his face.
"Well you're with me aren't you." I smirked. He playfully narrowed his eyes at me and scoffed.
"Yes I'm with you. The lame, boring princess that's waiting for prince charming to come riding a white horse and sweep her off her feet." His mouth turned into an O in realization.
"Oh wait, he's a werewolf. He'll let you ride him." He snickered, a look of triumph on his face. I can't believe he just said that!
"Shut up! No one's going to ride no one." Putting my hands on my hips, I gave him the best I could manage glare. I could feel my cheeks heat up.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night babygirl." I rolled my eyes at his childishness but nevertheless couldn't help but smile.
I could never imagine my life without this dumbo.
We spent the next three hours watching movies. At first we watched transformers: the last knight but after it finished Mark decided on watching a horror movie. And that was my cue to leave. Horror movies are not my thing especially since I start getting creepy thoughts at night that end up in not sleeping at all.
I decided to wander in the castle. I hand nothing else better to do. Walking down the hall, I saw a few maids cleansing the chandeliers whereas others took care of the windows.
"Princess Lola, can I help you with anything?" The head maid, Cicilia, kindly smiled at me. She was in her early fifties and had been working in the castle for as long as I remember. Her once cocoa brown hair was turning grey and tied up in a bun. The lines on her face told years of hard work.
"No Cicilia, thank you. I was bored and decided to walk." I smiled back in adoration. She was a very strong woman. Her husband had died in battle several years ago but she coped and worked to be able to feed her two children.
"Do you know where are my parents?" She nodded.
"Her highness has gone shopping with the rest of the queens and I believe his highness is in a meeting with the kings." She stopped, hesitant.
"But prince Jake came with a troublesome look on his face." I frowned. Earlier today, Jake left the arena disturbed. Maybe he found out something?
I need to go to my father's office.
I knew he wouldn't let me in unless he finished his meeting. Eavesdropping was not an option since his office was soundproof. So, I had to take another route. I found it best to take the secret pathway in order not to get noticed.
A portrait of a young little me was placed on the wall next to my bed. I put it down and pressed on a square engraved inside the wall. A part of it moved allowing me to enter inside the passage. No one knew of these secret pathways except for the royal family.
It was made decades ago for if anything unexpected occurred, the royal family would be able to escape safely.
The moment I stepped in, all lantern lit up. The pathway led to several chambers inside the castle, one of which is my father's office. I've gone to it several times when I was a kid, so I kind of memorized the way.
Left, left, straight.
Two holes were punctured inside the wall which allowed me to observe clearly. My father was sitting in his regular seat whereas the other kings were seated in front of him. I noticed Jake at the very end of the office, a look of distress on his face.
"Jaxon, the beta, caught sight of the creature. Its body was of a dark color, tall, beast-like features. We have never encountered such thing." He said. My brow arched in confusion. What was he talking about? Was this why he hurriedly left today?
The moment I stepped in, all lantern lit up. The pathway led to several chambers inside the castle, one of which is my father's office. I've gone to it several times when I was a kid, so I kind of memorized the way.
"Then my vision is true." It was uncle Greg who spoke. I bit my lip worriedly. Seeing uncle Greg rub his forehead meant trouble.
"What vision?" Jake questioned.
"Sit down Jake. I will explain everything." I silently watched as Jake took a seat next to his father but my attention remained on uncle Greg.
I listened as my uncle explained about creatures that were said to be killed till the very last one. The way he described them sent chills down my spine. I imagined how they looked like as he spoke. Dark figure, red eyes, sharp teeth. Faire, he said their name was.
"They seek revenge. They want to wipe our very existence. Loath, fury and revenge is all they could think of. But it's not that easy, they need an element to do so." Uncle Greg stared at my father, stressed. A painful look crossed his face.
By now, all of the kings looked worried. I couldn't see my father's expression since he had his back to me.
My heart beat quickened hearing that those monsters seeked revenge. But what came next shook the breath out of me.
"Which is?" My father came closer to the desk, placing his arms on it.
"Your daughter, Lola."
I put a hand on my mouth to stop myself from whimpering.
No no no. That can't be true. What do they want with me?
My father stood up, rigid. He banged his fist on the desk anger radiating from him.
"Crest, had you noticed something unfamiliar happening with Lola before? Or even now." Uncle Greg continued, unfazed. My father took a moment before replying, trying to suppress his anger. He sighed.
"When she was twelve, we came into her room at night to put her a present as a surprise. Her birthday was the day after. We were shocked to see her floating in thin air as she slept." He gruffly stated, sorrow masking his voice.
"One time, her and I were in the library. She wanted to read a book placed on a much higher shelf. She asked me to get it but I said no since she wouldn't understand the writing. Next thing I knew; the book was in her hands." My father continued.
My eyes widened at the information. How could I not remember this?
"We first thought they were signs of being an air controller, but the exam results clearly stated otherwise."
Uncle Greg nodded, a sigh escaping his lips. My eyes darted to Jake. He had his lips pressed into a thin line, the expression on his face could not be read.
"Crest, your daughter is something else. They want her because she possesses an incredible power. She is of major use to them. She can be our source of victory or our cause of defeat." My legs trembled.
"She's a gravity controller." He stated. The room went quiet, all eyes bulging from their places. I could not believe it.
I could not be a gravity controller, there's no such thing as such! I tried convincing myself.
My breath quickened, mainly because of the fear that overtook me. I knew I couldn't stay here and listen any longer. So I left.
I don't know how my legs carried me back to my room, but I was more than glad to get out of there. Sitting on my bed, a million thoughts crossed my mind.
Then it clicked.
Those creatures were the ones that put the letter inside my room.
It was very early in the morning, almost seven. Standing at the terrace, I took in a breath of fresh air enjoying the calmness of the castle. Yesterday, I kept myself locked inside my room. Jake texted me later at night checking if I was alright.
I didn't want him to think that I was ignoring him so I told him that I was fine just a little tired.
Suffice it to say, sleep was impossible last night. I tossed and turned waking up from endless nightmares. Uncle Greg talk hit me and it hit me hard. It's not easy to digest that some beasts want me to destroy the supernatural world. Moreover, they want to get to me because they think I could control gravity.
Deep down I knew uncle Greg words were true for he's never mistaken. Being the king of angels, his visions were always correct. I weighed my choices, deliberating what I should do.
My first choice was to lock myself up inside the castle for the time being. I wanted to convince myself that it's not that much of a bad choice but failed miserably. I can spend all of my time locked up.
My second choice was to run away and live in disguise; Change my name, change my looks, change everything. Yeah, that could work.
I groaned, it won't work out.
"Why are you up this early?" I squealed jumping from my place. I put a hand on my heart in attempt to calm myself down. Jake stared at me, amused at my sudden shriek. I hadn't noticed he was here all along.
"For heaven's sake Jake, you frightened me!" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." His voice was strained and by the bags under his eyes, it was obvious he didn't have enough sleep.
"Are you okay?" He asked coming closer to stand next to me.
"Yeah, just couldn't sleep." He nodded running a hand through his ruffled hair.
"You look tired." I commented.
"I couldn't sleep. I had a lot of things on my mind." I understood what he was talking about. I remained silent, not really knowing that to say. Should I tell him about yesterday or not? Hesitant, I decided to speak.
"Jake, I know about the fliare." The moment I said that, his whole body tensed.
"I heard everything. From the footprints you found in the forest to the beasts wanting to destroy all of us." I continued. He clenched his jaw and squinted his eyes possibly remembering the meeting. He looked straight into me, his eyes holding a lot of emotions. Anger, uncertainty, and worry.
"How?" I fidgeted trying to look anywhere but him.
"There's kind of a secret pathway that leads to my father's office. I was really curious to know what was happening especially after you left to the forest. I was worried and a maid told me you were at my father's office." I scratched my head feeling like a kid caught eating tons of candy.
"You never change Lola." The corners of my lips twitched. I stared at him trying to find any trace of a smile but instead, a neutral demeanor masked his face. Instantly, my smile fell.
"I want you to know that I will always be by your side. Those beasts will never get to you." He turned around, now facing me.
"But they were the ones that put the paper inside my room." I stared into his green orbs. The moment those words made their way out of my mouth, anger flashed through his eyes. He breathed in and out, undoubtedly calming his wolf.
"I know and that's what confusing me. I think there's someone inside the castle helping them." My eyes widened in horror. Terrified, I suddenly felt like running away and hiding in a corner where no one can find me. Jake realized my discomfort.
"But I'm not sure of it yet."
So now I'm threatened inside my own home. Can my life get any better? Note the sarcasm. Everything was too much to handle at the moment. Knowing that someone is after you, beasts in specific, is not easy.
It's shitty, I told myself.
"No one will harm you Lola, not when I'm alive." His words held a promise. If he weren't a werewolf, I would have suspected him reading minds.
I smiled feeling a gush of relief washing over me. His presence made me feel safe, protected.
But wait, aren't the kings and queens leaving today? My eyes widened as realization hit me.
"Aren't you leaving today?" I questioned but it seemed as a demand.
Suddenly, Jake's features changed. The thin line of his pursed lips turned into a wide grin and the glint in his eyes returned. It felt as if I were suffocating. Tears welled up in my eyes as the sudden feeling of betrayal hit me. So, I was a burden on his shoulders and he's happy about leaving. I spun my heel and began walking towards the inside but a grip on my arm stopped me.
"Where do you think you're going?" He demanded, confusion written all over his face.
I nearly cursed myself as a tear escaped my eye and trailed down my cheek. Instantly, Jake's grip on my arm loosened. His hand, so soft, moved to rest on my cheek and wipe the tear away. I looked at him trying my best to control my emotions. I didn't want to cry in front of him.
"Why are you crying love?" I bit my lip avoiding his stare.
"You want to get out of here and leave me." I choked out.
Suddenly, I was pulled to his chest with both of his hands wrapping themselves around me. I stood still for a second, my heart about to burst but wasted no time in hugging him back. Breathing in his scent, I blushed as I heard him chuckle.
"I'm staying Lola, I'm not leaving you." His words were genuine.
"Really?" He nodded. My face broke out into a huge grin and this time, I was the one to throw myself in his arms. Saying I was content was an understatement, I felt ecstatic. I didn't know what came over me but knowing that he was staying made my day.
The way Jake was looking at me reminded me of how my parents look at each other; adoration. I gasped. Could it be?
His eyes trailed down to my lips lingering there for a moment before making their way up to my eyes again. Both of our gazes locked together.
"Lola, I need to tell you something." He murmured.
This is it. He's going to tell me how he truly feels.
He came closer, his lips almost touching mine.
"Prince Jake, princess Lola. Their majesty are requesting your presence. The kings and queens will depart soon." Both Jake and I jumped from our places at the sudden interruption. Cicilia was standing at the very end of the terrace, staring at us suspiciously. Not saying anything else, she quickly turned around and disappeared inside the castle.
I could feel my cheeks turning a shade of pink. Glancing at Jake from the corner of my eyes, he had his hands placed inside his pockets, whispering profanities to himself.
An awkward silence filled the air.
"Um, d-do you want to go inside?" I stuttered. Take a grip of yourself Lola!
"After you." He smiled a little but it didn't reach his eyes making me groan inwardly.
Guess I have to wait a little longer for him to confess his feelings.