Faith-Anne & Josh - Chapter 3: Finally Home

Loving My Brother's Best Friend

Faith-Anne & Josh - Chapter 3: Finally Home

Trigger warnings: Mention's the word rape


Old blue shoved itself into parking gear as Faith-Anne looked up at the house before her. It had seen her through her best and worst of times. It was a two story with a sweet wrap around porch. A sweet little porch swing where she drank ice cold sweet tea and gossiped with her friends growing up. This had been her heaven and her hell at times. She had never been the one to get into trouble growing up. But, she loved peaking into the living room window while Adam and Josh got a stern talking to. The thought of her momma a hand firm on her hip and one finger pointed at the boys. A scowl on her face as her soft golden hair looked devilish. Faith-Anne had looked a lot like her momma. They were almost spitting images of each other. Most children always tried to deny when they looked like their parents. But, she didn't mind it. It was like she always had a piece of her momma with her.

Faith-Anne stepped out of the truck looking up at the sky letting out a long sigh. She couldn't help but let out a long sigh shaking her head. She knew she had to be crazy to have agreed to come back home. Something deep inside her screamed this time since she had no plans of leaving. It was going to be nothing but pain. Faith-Anne knew she was going to have to get used to seeing Josh again. A different girl on his arm every day. But, she felt like she was finally at a point that she could handle that. a little sigh caused her to shake her head a little bit. Lord knows she had been through a hell of a lot worse over the years.

Faith-Anne removed a jacket off her shoulders and looked down at a carseat. A sweet baby barely 3 months old laid there sleeping. Her daddy and brother knew of the baby. Adam had came up and stayed with her a few months to help her get through her last trimester and first month with a new born. How her sweet little boy had came to be was a heartbreaking tale. One she begged both her father and brother not to tell a soul, especially not Josh. She didn't want him to look at her in pity. But, she didn't ask to be raped by her stalker. Faith-Anne didn't ask for any of it.

Faith-Anne grabbed a diaper bag pulling the car seat out of its base as she heard a screen door shut. She looked up offering a small smile. "Hey bubba"

It was Adam, her brother and what felt like her only friend left. She could see the shit eating grin on her face as he spoke. "Is it little Adam Jr?"

She couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes, "You mean Jack?"

He ran to her while trying to be quiet, "You still going with that name then huh?" A snort came from him,

"Of Course"

He grinned even wider "I should warn you I convinced dad it was cause you craved Jack's breakfast every day will you were in your final trimester."

A snort came from Faith-Anne as she raised her eyebrows "They do have good gravy biscuits!"

He smiled grabbing the diaper bag from her, "Good to see you made it safely, baby and all!"

Her mind raced back to Josh, as she softly spoke "Nearly got a ticket, a old friend of yours pulled me over"

His eyes narrowed a little bit, " did Josh give you a ticket?"

A small smile pulled on her lips as she shook it slowly, "No of course not, he was just picking on me"

Adam nodded a few times, as a grin pulled on his lips as his cheeks went red like he was about to tell a dirty secret, "A year ago, I had wished y'all had became something. He wouldn't have let anyone hurt you and would've been able to help you more than me. Plus I thought you really cared about him something sweet growing up. I used to place bets with momma and daddy on if you two were gonna end up together"

Something panged hard in her chest as she let out a long breath. "We both know I cared more about that boy than he deserved. But, nothing was ever meant to be between us. If he wanted something from me he would've made it happen. We both know, he ain't gonna settle down with anyone"

He shook his head in agreement, "You are right, I can't ever see him settling down with anyone. Can't blame me for hoping though. I am just glad y'all never kissed or crossed that line"

It took everything in Faith-Anne. from laughing out loud, if only her brother knew half the shit they had done. Her voice was soft, "Of course bubba"

He let out a small cough, "lets get you two inside and to bed, we will worry with the truck tomorrow. The most important thing right now is y'all getting cozy and in bed. We already have the crib up in your room"

Before, Faith-Anne knew it Jack was fed and laying down in his crib. She had showered and was tucking herself into bed herself. It didn't take much for her dreams to go back to her encounter with Josh that night. The idea of him pinning her against Big Blue for a second time in her life. Making her see colors as he brought her to the brink of pure ecstasy. That man had changed her life but, Josh had also broken something in her. Till the night Jack was made she had never had sex with another man. She didn't have a need or want to date. A toy and thoughts about her past were enough. It didn't help that between college and cheering she just didn't have time to think about dating. That was the million dollar excuse she had fed herself over the last seven years. It had been a pretty easy one to believe because, the truth wasn't something she was willing to accept anytime soon.

Even though Jack didn't come to the world in the best of terms. He was still her baby boy that she loved more than anything else in the world. He was all that mattered to her now. That and taking care of her family. Nothing was gonna get in the way including hot sheriffs from her past.

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