That evening, Khloe took me to an expensive restaurant where she meets with her friends. I was nervous and I kept looking at my phone and kept hiding my shaking hands.
"Hey, Kim!" her friends who were already seated greeted and waved at me as we approached the table.
I smiled and looked at their faces one after the other. There was Shirley, Khloe's best friend, and my tormentor, a tall, pretty girl with auburn hair and bright eyes that seems to always roll in disgust, especially at me. There was Ashley Clark, the blue-eyed blonde with a bright smile, who always seemed to be smiling sarcastically, there was Brittany Harris, the girl with almond eyes who always spoke softly even when she was bullying you, there was Donna Lee, the kindest of the four. She was mean too but not compared to the others. I smiled tentatively at them as they all stared at me.
Khloe pulled out a chair for me and gestured me to it, I took it and sat on the edge, smiling broadly, trying hard to keep my nervousness from showing.
"Is that news true?" Brittany asked.
"How did you meet?" Ashley asked before I could reply Brittany.
"You are so lucky, tell us everything," Donna chirped in.
I didn't know who to answer, I kept staring at them, smiling awkwardly. I was also scared my voice would show how nervous I am if I open my mouth to speak. Khloe came to my rescue.
"Hey, girls. easy on her, which would she answer first? However, the news is true."
"It's so absurd. A guy of his standard should date top models, top actresses, and wealthy men's daughters, It's a wonder why he chose you," Shirley said.
She can never be happy for me, even if I make heaven come down to earth, I smiled at her and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
"Well, I guess love doesn't care these days," Donna said.
"Let's eat girls and be happy for my twin sister."
After that meal, Khloe suggested going to a show by one of the country's top musicians, Lisa Donalds. I was skeptical about it because I was supposed to meet with Pat and Iris that evening at his coffee shop, but Khloe said we would be out of there anytime soon. It's not like I allow myself to be controlled anyhow, but I was nervous and scared. What if I run into Liam McGillivary? Every truth would come out and I would be doomed. These Khloe's friends would practically eat me alive. These places were the kind of places people like him go to, so I kept hiding my face.
When we got to the entrance, a lot of people were huddled there, reporters, paparazzi, and people who couldn't get into the show quickly. The queue was long, but Khloe and her friends dragged me to the front. The guard by the door gave us a preemptive look. I stopped but Khloe dragged me forward.
"We need a ticket," She said to the man.
"You need to go behind," the man replied nonchalantly.
We watched as a girl in an expensive attire walked up to the door and smiled at the guard, the guard left the way for her and she went in while camera lights flooded after her.
Khloe chuckled sarcastically. "Why can't we go in? Because we are not wearing expensive clothes?" she fired at the guard who eyed her. I tugged at the hand but she won't listen. "No, Kim, let me talk to this man, do you know who we are?"
"Just go behind ma'am and wait for your turn," the guard said looking unmoved.
"You don't know we can make you lose this job instantly? We were not prepared for this as you can see, but we needed to cheer our friend Lisa Donald up." The guard ignored her. "You are ignoring us?" Khloe turned to me. "Kim, tell him who you are or call your man, this guy is ready to lose his job."
"Me?" I asked pointing to myself.
"Yes you," Shirley said from behind.
"Do it already, I am freaking tired of standing," Ashley complained.
"Just call him," Donna said.
I was confused. I looked at Khloe who was staring at me and I looked at the guard who was also staring at me. I didn't have McGillivary's number how was I supposed to call him? At that moment, I wanted to just blurt out the truth, but when my eyes met with those of my sister's friends, I knew I had to keep lying. I summon up courage and glared into the eyes of the guard.
"Why are you making me wait? I don't like to show myself but people like you always make me do that. Do you want to let us in peacefully or do you want to stand aside and watch me go in when this job has been taken away from you?"
"The queue is getting longer ma'am, if you really wish to be here, you can go now and secure a space," the guard maintained.
"You want me, McGillivary's girlfriend to go and join the queue?"
The man eyed me and chuckled sarcastically. "If you are McGillivary's girlfriend then I'm Donald Trump's son," the man said a little loudly.
Shirley snorted behind me, I looked back at her and she covered her mouth with her palm.
"Hey, Shirley, this is not funny," Brittany said.
"I don't even believe her, not until I see her with Liam McGillivary together," I heard Shirley say.
I looked up at the guard and chuckled. "Alright, we would know who is who," I said, not knowing what else to do. I fumbled in my purse to take out my phone, all I had in mind was to call Pat and pretend it was Liam McGillivary.
"Is that not Liam's girlfriend?" I heard someone asking beside me.
I turned at the same time as the guard, the reporters have noticed me and all their eyes were on us. As much as I wanted to prove to the guard that I was serious, I didn't want the reporters to know. It would come out in the Nation News, and what is McGillivary sees it? I will be in much bigger trouble. He might sue me for this. The flood of reporters started coming toward us.
"O boy," I muttered.
They came to us flashing cameras on my face blinding me and I had to shield my eyes with my palm while they threw questions at me.
"What's your name miss?"
"It was alleged that you are dating the country's most eligible bachelor, is that true?"
"When did you start dating?"
"Tell them yes, let's move from here," Khloe whispered in my ear.
I glanced sharply at her and almost told her that I couldn't do that. Then, I realized I have come too far to stop. I am sure a lot of other girls have done this before with celebrities and they just took them as fanatics. I won't be an exception and after today, I would end all of this. I smiled at the camera. "Of course, Liam McGillivary and I are in a relationship and that is all you need to know for now."