Chapter 1: How it Began

My whole life, I have been confused about my existence, the fact that I could do things none of my playmates or friends could do was a mystery to me.

Ooh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lucian. I'm a Korean guy and I'm Seventeen years old, according to my foster parents.

They adopted me when I had no home, no loved ones, no biological parents or even one blood relative to me.

Their names are Mr and Mrs Andrew Smith. Though they were both Koreans, they were born in America, New York to be more Specific.

When I was fifteen years old and matured enough to carry the burden. My foster parents told me how they found me.

"Your mother and I were walking back home on a rainy night, a Sunday which was New Year's day." Andrew said, referring to my foster Mother who till now I still call my biological Mom.

"We saw you inside a white basket with this in the basket." My Mom continued, bringing out from her hand an equally white bead, she gave me the bead after saying that it rightfully belongs to me.

I nervously took the bead from her and observed it. It was as white as a newborn baby's teeth, and in the middle there was an equally white Wolf's picture drawn on it.

I looked at them with a confused and unbelievable eyes and said, "So, are you trying to say that you both are not my biological parents?"

"Yes," They answered in unison. I Made a dis-believing face and Laughed. "Ooh ooh," I said. "Today is April first after all, though I'm quite suprised that you haven't told me April fool after the big joke. I'm not…"

I was not able to finish the sentence because Andrew cut me off saying, "What is wrong with you Lucian? We have told you that we're not your biological parents so as not to let you believe that forever."

"We are not waving you off our responsibilities, but instead telling you the bitter truth instead of the sweet lie. And all you can say is that we're joking about something as serious as this?"

"Calm down Smith, why are you being so hard on him?" My mother said.

She looked at Mr Andrew with venomous eyes. Then she continued, "Lucian?"

"Yes mom." I replied.

"In the white basket we found you in, there was a small wooden paper inside. And there were six lettered words inscribed on the wooden paper."

"The word, "LUCIAN'' was written boldly on the small piece of wooden paper, and from there, we named you Lucian just as it was destined on that piece of art."

"And later on, your father and I discovered that Lucian means "MAN OF LIGHT."

My mother talked on and on after that, but I wasn't paying attention.

I was lost in my own world. My brain was walking towards many negative thoughts. Who are my biological parents? Where are they? Who left me in that basket? I asked myself these questions, but I couldn't seem to get an answer.

I believed that everything would come out right before I went to bed that evening.

I started noticing my abilities the day I clocked seventeen. At first, I thought it was a mistake. I could see clearly at night and also, I can stay underwater for twenty minutes.

It all started when I was playing football with my friends and some of them started complimenting that I ran so fast, literally even faster than the football captain.

I was getting physically stronger everyday, and my skin was so white that you would think I had leprosy. Many girls in high school were really trying to get my attention, and I could have boasted anywhere that I was the most handsome guy in the school.

As I grew older, I realised that nobody in my life knew that I'm not a biological son to Mr and Mrs Andrew. Even when I clearly didn't share any similar family traits with them. People are really crazy. I thought when I knew about it.

I didn't take after my foster father or Mother in any way. My eye colour was so grey that many people mistook it for white, even though they are nothing like white eyes. My foster parents both has dark brown eyes, not hard to believe since most Koreans have dark eyes.

One day, I was coming back from school and I heard footsteps of somebody behind my back. I quickly turned around to see who it was but I was surprised to see nothing.

"Weird," I said. I could bet a thousand dollars that somebody was following me.

Afterwards, I went home and found my foster dad lying down on the living room chair. He was pale, obviously very sick. I ran to him frantically and held his hand.

"Lucian," He said with a weak smile. "I'm glad you're back." I didn't reply to what he said but I asked him straightforwardly, "What is wrong dad? Are you alright?"

"I would have really loved to say I'm fine, Lucian. But I can't." He said, "I wanted to tell you ever since that I am sick," Mr Andrew said. "I have bladder cancer. And my remaining time on earth is not very long.

A tear drop fell down from my eyes. "Does Mom know about this, Dad?" I asked.

"Yes, she does know. She's probably at the pharmacy store trying to get me more sustaining drugs, but there's no need really, I'm going to die before five hours anyways." He lamented.

"I just wanted to use this opportunity to tell you to be strong Lucian. You're a Man of light, so make everywhere you go shine. I know I may not have been the best of Dad's, but God knows I taught you to be strong and to be a good citizen just as I could have taught my own biological son, If I have had one.

"Take care of your Mo…." Mr Andrew wasn't able to finish because I suddenly cut his words. "Stop talking like you're going to die. You are going to survive now and even twenty years from now."

"I'll really like that to come true Lucian," He replied, obviously half dead. "But it's true that I'm sick. It might take some time for you to believe it, but it's true."

I Couldn't reply, I just hugged him and started crying like a baby. "Don't go Dad, stay with me and mom, please…" I begged him In between sobs.

Mom suddenly opened the living room door from outside, she came inside with a drug bag in her hand and she sat next to me, crying silently; because she knew my father must have told me about his illness.

I didn't acknowledge her presence, I only behaved like she wasn't there. I suddenly noticed that dad's body was warm. His heartbeat stopped too, I wanted to clear my doubts so I bent down my ears in the direction of his heart.

"He is dead!" I shouted in a loud way and my mother came to pet me.

The pain was obviously too much for her so she fainted on that same spot.

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