Chapter 6
Arnold was calling my name, I turned without answering him, he could see I am here now, I was lost in thought about my past, but I don't tell him that.
What are you thinking of?
Nothing I replied with a straight face, just concentrate on doing your job.
I could see it in his eyes, pain had flowered from my words.
He stays quiet for the rest of the trip as we he'd to the reception my parents have organized, the church wedding had been a success and now we have only one more thing to do before we can both move on with our lives.
The light of my cell phone flashed and I could see a message from my dad drop in the notification area.
"Meet me in my study once you get here! "
I don't reply, my father did make a threat in the restaurant some few days ago.
My stomach knot into a ball, the limo stops and we drop from it Arnold holds my hand and we walk to the large garden in my father's estate.
I hold up a smile as all the guests stand up and welcome us.
I see Jeremy my father's right hand, I can't really say what he does but all I can say is he is always by my father, and almost part of the family.
He walks towards me and say "he is waiting".
Tell him I have guests and I am not leaving them yet, he should be patient.
Then I will be taking your husband with me first.
Yeah do as you wish, I tell him as I walk away towards some politians who are friends of my father.
As we talk I take a glance behind me and Arnold is gone, Jeremy too.
I don't fret yet, I find a place to seat, Christine who I have not seen since I left the church.
She walks towards me in her peach gown, her hair falling to her back and the gentle wind pushing against the tip.
Where is our groom? She says scanning for him.
My dad had called him to his study in a bid to get me there, I replied sipping wine from the glass in front of me.
Are you sure, you are the one he wanted to talk to?
How are you sure it's not Arnold he had in mind?
You might be right, let me go now, I said hurrying to my father's study,not minding my dress and hills I ran straight upstairs with my hands raising my dress up.
I reach the door panting and wait to catch my breath before pushing the door.
My father's eyes meet mine and he stands and say, "congratulations dear".
I look at Arnold who sits there with a glass of whisky in front of him, it seemed he had only ice in it, the whisky was gone.
You brought him here to get him drunk on our wedding day.
I am just welcoming him to the family, you know we are bonding, right Arnold?
Yes, right sir he replied.
Wait I notice Arnold has lost his composure, it seemed more like he had been scared of something before.
Dad what did you and my husband speak about?
Nothing dear, we just talk about how marriages could get you know, divorce and stiff.
What divorce?
Whose divorce?
We were just talking, nothing to worry yourself about.
he just signed some papers that is it.
What kind of papers dad?
You know, in case of a divorce he gets nothing off of you.
Are you serious right now dad?
Yes I am queenie, what where you thinking?
I would allow you marry this bum and then he gets half of all you are worth after he files for a divorce?
I know queeeie, I know all about your love life, do you think he will be able to stay with you why you are with Christine?
I stood there wide eyed and quiet, I never knew my dad had known, still he allowed me to marry Arnold knowing the truth.
"My dear I just want to protect you, and the only way I can do that is through this, I can't say you won't inherit me, I did all this for you, so you can have a better life, not for some bum from the streets to come and rip you off my sweat.....
"Dad enough! he is my husband now, I chose him. "
I turned to look at Arnold who sat fixed in his seat, I wondered the emotions flowing through him, Arnold was queit and I noticed a tear which he wiped quickly with the back of his hand,he took the glass with the iced and gulped the melting ice.
Common Arnold, there are guests to attend to, you don't need this today.
I walk close to him but he pushed his chair back and stands up, he walks towards the door without saying a word.
I watch him leave before speaking to my dad, "this is what you want?
To make him miserable right?
He already signed a similar document and it's called a prenupt dad!
Now you have him sign another one, wait is mom going to ask him to sign her own too?
My dad pours himself a glass of whiskey, satisfied with what he had just done, I could see a smile on his face before the glass touches his lips.
I turn and run after Arnold, I need to talk to him, what he must be thinking right now.
I search the hallway and then go for the bathrooms, he would not be in the party, he was sad,maybe heartbroken.
I did not find him in the mansion, fear gripped me thinking he would have gone home without me, "he dare not leave".
I walk back slowly to meet Christine, I have to tell her what has happened and see if she could talk to Arnold for me.
I hope she would know where to find him.