chapter 5: Charles Malik
Grace’s pov
We kept walking and we were getting closer to the pack border, an hour more and then we will be at Harper’s pack.
The Crescent moon is the largest pack and the strongest at that, the moment they sense their prince is nearby they will come to us. if we used the short way around we would have been there by now or I would back in Hendrick’s arms and Harper back in that Dungeon.
I stopped when I noticed that he was out of breath, “we can rest” I said to him, but he shook his head.
“it wont be long till he finds out that we are gone, that’s if he hasn’t found out yet” he said.
“sit down and rest, you have been in that place for months and you are not in your best shape I get it” I said and helped him sit down.
“you need to eat and then nap for an hour or two, Hendricks is still at the party and doesn’t know that we have left so we still have the upper hand” I said, and I saw him hesitate.
I smiled and took out a small blanket and water and some energy bars I bought along.
I gave him and he took them and ate the energy bars like they were nothing, I took out more and gave him, but he looked up at me.
“what about you?” he asked, and I smiled a bit that he was concerned about me.
“you haven’t eaten proper food in months so eat, I won’t die if I don’t eat for a few hours. Plus, when I get you home you owe me a truck full of energy bars” I said to him, and he chuckled.
I looked at him and I couldn’t believe that the man in front of me is the same Prince who was said to be powerful and strong.
When I was young I was told about a prince who will be one hell of a king, he now looked like a homeless person and not the all-powerful Harper Knight.
I wonder how Hendricks managed to catch him, I mean I know Hendricks and he is not smart enough to come up with such a plan.
“take a nap, I will stand guard. You need your strength back so we can be fast” I said and this time he didn’t argue.
I stood and listened to any sound and every sound, with our scents hidden it will take Hendricks forever to find us, but I can’t underestimate him.
One thing about him is that his temper is scary, I have seen him when he loses his cool and that man is a monster. One thing is sure, if he finds us he will kill Harper and I will probably spend the rest of my life locked up in some dark tower.
About an hour later I heard the mind link open up, “Grace come back, and all will be forgiven” Hendricks voice said through the mind link.
You see as werewolves we can communicate with our minds; mates can talk to each other through the mind link, members that belong in the same pack as well and also family members even if from different packs.
I didn’t answer his link and he knew that I heard him, “Grace get back here” he said to me again and I couldn’t help but smile.
I could imagine how red his face was at the moment, when he is angry his face turns red and the veins in his head pop out.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at this, the day I tried to run he was so furious that when he screamed at me I swear I saw the insides of his stomach.
I turned to Harper who was fast asleep, and I didn’t want to wake him up but if I don’t and they catch us then he is good as dead.
“Grace turn around and come back here or I swear I will kill him and then make you eat his heart” Hendricks said.
After hearing that I didn’t even stop for a minute and woke up Harper, “he is on to us now” I said, and he nodded, and I helped him get up and we left.
He was still walking slow but it was better than the way he was walking before the nap, it seemed that 2-hour nap did him good.
“what did he say??” he asked me, and I didn’t have to ask who he was talking about.
“well, nothing much really, just that he will kill you and make me eat your heart” I said with a smile and deep down I know that he would do that.
One thing about Hendricks that I kind of admire is that he is a man of his word, he doesn’t lie, and he doesn’t make threats but promises and that is what scares me the most about him.
We walked for like 30 minutes and I started sensing the presence of another wolf, I knew by the scent who it was.
Of course, Hendricks would send him after me because he is the fastest among the rouges, hell he is faster than Hendricks which explains why he found us so quick.
I stopped walking and so he Harper, I put a hand and made him stand behind me and I could tell that he didn’t like it at all.
A male Alpha and that too a Prince being protected by a woman, he wasn’t too happy about and he even voiced it.
“I can protect us both” he said, and I looked at him with a smile, “this is my fight, not yours and like I told Hendricks. I am just saving my ass, you being alive means my darling mate wont get the throne which means he wont have infinite power” I said to him.
Whoever was coming after us stopped and I smiled when I realised that I was right, “well look at that, you are far from home aren’t you Grace” he said.
I looked at Charles, he is Hendricks Beta and the biggest ass hole in the world.
“last I checked I am still your Queen, show me some respect” I said, and he gave me a smirk.
“I told Hendricks that he was soft on you. He should have shown you your place better and maybe you wouldn’t have dared to do this” he said, and I smiled.
“you are the one to talk, you clearly don’t know your place as well. But I am prepared to show you” I said and before he could process what I was saying I had punched him in the stomach.
He looked at me surprised and his face looked pained and before he could even process the punch I punched him again and again.
He tried blocking and attacking too but I blocked every punch of his, I got the perfect opportunity and broke his spine.
He screamed as le laid down in pain, I knew that in a few hours he will be healed and up in but for now I have the upper hand.
I got down to his level and he looked at me, “I will kill you Grace, I don’t care if Hendricks told me not to” he said, and I smiled.
“you couldn’t even land a punch so how are you going to kill me? I told Hendricks that his beta is weak, and I would love to see how you explain this. the fact that a woman beat your ass” I said and smiled.
“tell Hendricks that I will be back, that I will come back and this time it will be to kill him” I said and for once Charles smiled.
“you think you can kill him?” he asked me, “I can we will just find out” I said.