Chapter 2: The Gorgeous Girl in the Room
Taking the chart down out of the tray beside the patient room, the gorgeous girl with stunning light auburn hair ran through my mind once again. But I forced my attention back to the chart. Henley Douglas. Why did that name sound so familiar?
I dated many women, and they came and went. Since my ex-girlfriend did a tap-dance over my heart a few years ago, I had locked it up and threw away the key, and no one was getting near that baby again... not even the stunning young miss from the elevator.
I chuckled, having no idea why I was even having these tempting thoughts. After all, I’d probably never see her again. She was perhaps a debutant here visiting her sick relative or something. Like all the other women I knew, she was probably from society, full of herself, and looking to sink her teeth or claws into the nearest man with a title or enough money to ensure her security for the rest of her life. No thank you. I had dated enough of those women to last a lifetime.
But that didn’t seem like her at all. I quickly pushed the thought aside, knowing I would probably never know. After all, I’d never see her again.
I looked down at the chart, determined to focus on the patient on the other side of this door. This woman deserved my full attention and my professionalism. Umm... let’s see… she was a leukemia survivor, and... yes... from the look of her levels, I would be delivering some good news to her today. I adjusted my lab coat and the stethoscope around my neck.
“Ready?” I glanced up at Rachel, and she smiled.
“Yes, doctor.” Most of the nurses looked at me with interest, but I always pretended not to notice. Although I dated many women, I stayed clear of the hospital staff, no matter how attractive or nice they were. I didn’t want any complications. And dating women at work would be just that... complicated.
I knocked twice and waited.
“Come in,” a soft voice came from the other side of the door. I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. There is no way that her voice should be so familiar to me. Not yet.
“Is everything alright, doctor?” Rachel’s eyes filled with concern.
I nodded as I donned my professional demeanor. “Oh, it can’t get any better than this.”
I pushed the door open, and there she was, sitting on the examining table with her light auburn hair fanned out over her shoulders, looking absolutely stunning, even though she was only wearing a hospital gown. Her face fell as a beautiful shade of pink rose to her cheeks.
I smiled and held out my hand. “Well, Ms. Douglas! It’s a pleasure to see you again and to meet you officially! My name is Dr. Declan Pierce, and I’m here to examine you.”
“You have got to be kidding me.” Her eyes darted quickly to Rachel for confirmation.
Rachel looked between us, her eyes wide. “Yes, this is Dr. Declan Pierce. He’s one of the finest oncologists we have on staff.”
I folded my hands over her chart. “I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in the elevator a few minutes ago, but let’s get down to business. Shall we?” I arched an eyebrow, looking up to gauge her reaction.
But she didn’t take the bait. “Yes, doctor.”
During the exam, I donned my professional demeanor, determined not to make her feel uncomfortable. Outside of the hospital was one thing, but with patients in the examining room was another thing entirely. Not only was flirting with patients unethical, but the last thing I wanted to do was to make anyone feel uncomfortable... including Henley Douglas.
“Well, Henley....” I sighed as I wrote my findings on her chart. “It looks as if your Leukemia is in complete remission. Congratulations!”
A broad smile spread across her face as she breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, doctor.”
“But I have a few questions.” I tilted my head to the side. “What are your plans... for your future?”
Her eyes widened, pulling back. “Excuse me?”
I let out a deep breath. “The reason I asked is because I’ll need to see you in six months to recheck your levels.” I turned my head back to her chart and wrote to make her feel less uncomfortable, but it was all I could do to suppress a smile. Obviously, she thought I had ulterior motives. Away from my work, she wouldn’t have been wrong, but not now. I never mixed business with pleasure, and I never dated my patients.
“Oh... uh... if everything went well today, I planned to attend college in the States.”
I arched an eyebrow as my eyes met hers. “I’m not sure if you know this or not, but the University of Estrea is one of the best universities in the world.” I shrugged, giving her a smile. “I graduated from there, and I loved it. You could always stay here, and then you’d be close to the oncology department when you need to come in for tests.” I folded my arms over her chart. “Believe me, college life can get away from you, and before you know it, you can let your health slide.”
She nodded, letting out a deep breath. “I understand, but I’m eager to get away.”
I took a step forward, my smile fading, taking in her gorgeous green eyes. “Very well, then. If you decide to leave, let me know where you’ll be going, and I can recommend a good oncology department for you in the city you move to.” I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Henley, your health is good now but promise me that you won’t take it for granted. As I said, college life can be hectic, and it’s easy to let your health go, but that’s something you can no longer afford to do. You won’t be a normal college student.”
She nodded, her lips falling into a frown. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
“Why?” I tilted my head to the side.
She shrugged. “It’s just that I’ve spent most of my teenage years in the hospital or in treatment, and my family has given me so much.” She let out a deep breath. “I’m just ready to start my life and to give back to those who have given me so much.”
“Doctor, your next appointment....” Rachel said behind Henley, smiling as she nodded toward the door.
I nodded slightly. “Yes, of course.” Then I turned back to Henley and smiled. “Well, congratulations on your remission. Just make sure to take good care of yourself.” Then my lips curled into a smile, unable to resist. “So, have you thought about my proposition?”
Her head snapped up, her gorgeous green eyes wide. “Proposition?”
I chuckled at her shocked, innocent look. And the more embarrassed she became, the more I wanted to see her laugh. I just couldn’t help myself. “About our drink tonight.”
“Oh!” She laughed nervously. “But I’m your patient, and I don’t think doctors are supposed to date their patients. Are they?”
I leaned in conspiratorially, inhaling her fresh vanilla and honeysuckle scent. “I just signed off on your chart and gave you a clean bill of health. So, you are no longer my patient.”
“Oh.” Her smile faded.
I arched an eyebrow. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
“But we just met.”
“So we have.”
Rachel let out an exasperated breath from the door. “Doctor?”
“I don’t want to get you into trouble....”
“Then don’t.” I quickly pulled out one of my business cards, scribbled my cell phone number at the bottom, and handed it to her. “This is my cell phone number. Call me if you’d like to have a drink.” I shrugged. “If not, no problem.” I forced a smile even though the thought of never seeing her again was killing me. “Just make an appointment in six months.”
She looked down at the card and smiled. “Oh-kay.”
I smiled as I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Congratulations.”
But as I continued my rounds throughout the day seeing patient after patient, the girl with the gorgeous green eyes and the light auburn hair kept invading my mind.
Later that night, my phone buzzed, alerting me to a text. I looked at it and rolled my eyes. It was Trent, my best friend.
“So, are we on for basketball tonight?”
“Nope,” I texted back, rolling my eyes.
We’d been friends since high school. Even though he got on my nerves continually, I wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.
“Where the h*ll did that come from?”
“LOL!” he texted back. “I don’t know! It’s been a while! Then, let’s have a drink.”
“Can’t.” There was no way that I was going to tell him that I was keeping my night open in case Henley agreed to meet me by some miracle.
“Is it a girl?”
“Go away.”
“No way!” he texted back. “Hey! Bros before—”
“Do not even think of finishing that statement.”
“Well, if you change your mind, meet me at the gym,” he texted. “I need to work off some steam. Oh! I know! Boxing!”
I laughed aloud. “You need to let off some steam so the first thing you think of is punching in my face?”
“Hey! It wasn’t the first thing, but since you mentioned it….”
“Dr. Pierce, gunshot victims are being brought into the ER! Stat!” Dr. Silva announced as he rushed past. Even though I was an oncologist, during emergencies, it was all hands on deck.
“GTG! Emergency!” Then I quickly clicked off, shoved my phone back into my pocket, and ran with Dr. Silva down the hallway.
But throughout the night, I couldn’t get Henley out of my mind. Even if she didn’t meet me for a drink tonight, I hoped to see her again soon. But if not, then it just wasn’t meant to be. I mean, true love didn’t really exist. Did it?