Chapter four - I disown you

Alex POV~

“For the last, did you sabotage my plans about the attack to the Crystal forest Pack?”. My dad asked me.

“No I didn’t!”. I denied even though both my dad and I know very well that I am lying. I hated the fact that he keeps attacking innocent werewolves with no reason. Such an insane man. So when I saw his plan about invading a werewolf pack, I changed the plans and the map to the pack. At the end of the day, when the hunters went out for operation, the map lead them to a dead end. They came back and report it to my father who is the lord over the hunters. My dad knew somebody had tempered with the plan. And who else will it be except me. My dad always hated me since as long as I can remember. Why he has not yet killed, I have no idea.

“I had enough of your stupid behaviors! You are not but a nuisance to me. You don’t work, you don’t do anything only to stay in door every day like a weakling you are. From now henceforth, you are no longer my son. Give him thirty stroke of cane!” My father ordered before he left the room. Two of his men held me by my arms while another caned me. By the time they where done, I was to weak to even move. I laid on the ground groaning in pain. Everyone left me in the room alone.

I don’t know what I ever did to any of them. They all disperse me except for Lily one of the servant girl.

After some minutes, the door opened again and I head footstep coming close to me! I didn’t need to turn to know that is Lily.

“Are you okay Alex?”. She asked me as she kneels beside me. I groan to answer her question.

“Stupid me! That’s not a question to ask seeing the state you are! Can you seat up? I brought you some pain reliever drugs. Lily helped me to seat and pass me the drugs and a cup of water.

“Thank you!”. I smiled at her as I drink the medicine and drop the cup right next to me.

“No need to thank me! It’s my pleasure. I heard from the hunters that your father disowned you. What are you going to do now?.” Lily asked concerned.

“Yeah he did! I honestly don’t know why he took in long enough to do so!” I honestly said. My father and I have never for once spoke like a father and son should. I knew he had always tolerated me for my mom’s sake. So when she died, I thought he will do away with me to my surprise, he kept em around for reason best known to him.

“Stop talking like you are an unwanted person! I am sure your dad don’t mean it!.” Lily sadly said.

“I am not angry about the whole thing. I have always wanted to leave this toxic place. And now that I got the chance, I am surely going to leave!”. I stated with determination. I have only left this camp ground about three times in my whole life and all the three times, I was either with my mom or brothers. I am tired of the place. I have always wish for an opportunity to explore the world outside this camp ground.

“So you are really leaving?.” Lily sadly asked.

“Of course but I promise that I will come back for you!.” I said and her eyes brighten up.

“You promise?.” She asked.

“I promise!.” I assured her.

“Pinky promise then?.” Lily brought out her pinky finger.

“Pinky promise!.” I brought out my pinky finger and cross it over hers. I pulled her in for a hug. She is the only person I am going to miss.

“Alright I have to feet back to work before Mam Cara notice I am missing! Be save out there and make sure you keep you promise and come back and get me!.” Lily pecked my forehead before she took the cup and got up and left the room.

I sat there for some minutes before I got up. I head to my room so that I can pack my clothes and leave.

As I head to my room, i head whispers coming from my dad’s room. The curiosity in me made me put my head on the door to listen to their conversation. It’s my dad and my brothers.

“Now that you have disowned him, what will happen to our plans then?” I heard my brother Jonah ask my father.

“The plans still remain the same!” My father replied him.

“But what about access to the funds? You know that we needs those funds to be able to purchase weapons that will help us destroy the werewolves. And since your wife left the funds in his name, we can only access it through him!.” My other brother Luke said. My eyes widened in understanding. So this is the reason why my father kept me all this while. He only wanted to look for an opportunity to use me for the funds. It now that my mother’s dying words make sense to me.

flash back~

( ten year old Alex)

“Alex my son!” My mom called me and I went closer and sat next to her on the bed She is laying.

“Alex my son, I want you to know this, you are destined for something greater than this! Any opportunity you get to leave this place, run for your life. Never allow your father and brothers manipulate you into joining their bad habits!” My mom said. Although I didn’t understand what she is talking about, I still sat and listen to her.

“Promise me that you will do as i told you!”. My mom held unto my hand.

“I promise mummy!.”

“That’s my boy. Always remember that I love you!”. My mom smiled and the close her eyes. And that was the end. She gave up the ghost.

~ end of flash back-

“Well that’s simple, I am not going to allow to leave the camp just yet. I have already spoken to her lawyers, they ask me to come over to their office on Monday. I will go with Alex and once I got the money, I will dispose him for life!.” My father explained his plans to my brothers.

O what a wonderful plan. To bad I heard of it already.

“What are you doing?.” An angry voice ask from behind me. It seems I have been catch already. I turn and saw my father second in command standing.

“Well?”. He asked me. I know I need act quick or will be in bigger trouble. I stood up and use all my strength and kick him on his jewel. I bet he didn’t expect that from me. He placed his hands on his jewel and fell on the ground. I know the noise is going to attract the attention of my father and brothers and so I jumped out through the window thanks to my small body. I quick ran into the forest. I kept running with all my strength in case my father’s men decided to follow me.

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