Dominic’s story

The past week was a living hell. Between my acting and coming to see Miss Rebecca, my life had been like a roller coaster. I took this decision to keep working, as I knew I was going crazy if I didn’t. To my amazement, I didn’t feel tired at all, as I was coming to the hospital during the day and doing my shows and interviews at night. In fact, it motivated me, and my audience felt it. They frequently stopped me and asked how things were going. It was like Miss Rebecca was part of my life, part of my fans’ lives. Not a performance went by without them asking me about her health. When I would sign autographs, their concern for her was still there.

Eventually, that day came. I was still drinking my espresso in the kitchen, wondering how I should approach this problem. All week I’ve been on guard, running scenarios about how I’m going to tell her who I really am and that she was going to live with me in my house. Both me and Declan decided it was best for her. How would she react or agree to come with me? After all, she didn’t know me. It didn’t matter that I was a public figure. So that was not the point. This woman was about to find out things that will hurt her. Her life would change forever, and the only person on whom she would rely would be me.

I was so excited to see her again and, this time, talk to her too. In the last two weeks, the bruises have healed. Her angelic appearance aroused me in a way that no woman ever could. I know she still had a long way to go, but I would be with her every step of the way. I would be on her feet and her eyes. And it could not be any other way. She was my Luna.

She didn’t know it yet, and I didn’t think she even knew what that meant. I watched her every day as she transformed from the fragile lady I brought into a strong one, willing to go forward, to fight her own battles. I had also seen her sob. Maybe she remembered something, or maybe she was just feeling overwhelmed by it all. Sometimes I felt the urge to hold her, to tell her I would be here for her and that everything would be okay. Then reality would strike and I tell myself to be patient. She needed time and space.

I also did some research on her. She was the agent of a successful model. Before all this happened, she would organize interesting runway events for her client, and things looked good. I also found some disturbing facts about the man who was with that night. That was Tom Fletcher, an architect. And with the things Declan sent me in my email, I figured out he was her fiance. I still didn’t know why those werewolves killed him, though. They were planning their future together, but life and destiny had other plans for them. So at this point, I didn’t even know if I felt mercy or relief for what happened to that guy.

“Are you ready, Dominic?” Declan asked me half-heartedly, writing in the papers on his desk. Maybe it was the discharge form. “Today is an important day for Miss Rebecca. I’m going to take her bandages off,” he continued, raising his eyes at me for a second.

“I’ll never be more prepared,” I replied, perhaps equally worried.

I had arrived early because I had run out of patience and because every pore in her body was calling me to be with her. Her every breath filled me with desire, even from a distance. Without ever touching her, my body reacted in a way that if at first I couldn’t fully explain it, now I was living it to the fullest.

“Then let’s go to her ward,” Declan concluded, heading down the corridor until we reached the front of the room.

Rebecca’s story

I felt like it had been so long since I hadn’t been able to use my legs and it was getting frustrating. At least, that’s what my doctor told me. I was nevertheless lucky to have stayed alive, but to whom should I thank for this miracle? I should have thanked God for sure. And to the one who, as in a dream, took me in his strong arms and pulled me out of that hell. What Declan, my doctor, told me made me think a lot and worry. I had no recollection of what had happened, but I was told I was with someone else, a man to be exact, but I didn’t know what had become of him. I kept thinking that if I was out walking with him at night, we might have a closer relationship. But now I needed to focus on my recovery and why I got attacked in the first place. Because if there was one thing I didn’t believe, it was that the attack was random.

It was still a miracle that I survived the ordeal and that someone was there to save me. But who was it? All I recalled was a pair of powerful arms and an aromatic scent of tobacco and musk. It had to have been a man. I would have to find him and thank him, even if it seemed impossible to move right now.

Lost in thought, I flinched when I heard the door open. It was a strange feeling not seeing the one who had entered. It was very frustrating. Luckily it was my doctor, and as I inhaled with all my being, that musky scent again, and I became increasingly nervous. It was the same one I had carried in my mind since the night of the attack.

“Good morning, Miss Rebecca!” Declan greeted me and I could swear he had a smile on his face, too.

“Good morning, doctor!” I replied, trying to look up a little, but I couldn’t see anything under these bandages. Instead, the masculine fragrance of whoever he was with washed over me in a growing surge.

“How are you feeling today?” he seemed worried, and I heard and felt him approach me. “Today we’re going to remove this blindfold.”

“Better than yesterday, so it must count for something...” I couldn’t explain why I was in such a bad mood. Maybe because something was about to happen that would determine my very existence. I was still trying to ignore the man next to the doctor, but Declan wasn’t making it any easier.

“I am so glad you are feeling better, Miss Rebecca. There’s someone here to see you...” And so it began...

“It is a pity I can’t see him...” perhaps the regret in my voice was very visible, but I couldn’t help it. “

“So you did figure out he’s a man...” And again I felt that wide smile on Declan’s face. So I had to explain myself somehow.

“Musk...” I added briefly, cursing my current condition.

“Oh, yes, that’s right!”

I expected that man to come closer. My heart was no longer at my control. It had its own agenda now. Erratic throbbing followed by heavy hyperventilation. The doctor must have seen the problem. “Are you all right, miss? I can ask him to come back later, if it makes you feel uncomfortable!” I didn’t like the idea, so I reacted immediately.

“No, Declan, it’s alright. I’m fine, it’s just... He’s so very familiar...” And of course he was. I was one hundred percent sure he had been the one saving me.

His manly presence invaded my senses the moment he approached me. I was on high alert. I wish I could see him. To be able to gaze into his eyes and thank him for saving me, for giving me back my life. Maybe even hug him, melt into his muscular arms. Because even though I couldn’t see him, I could feel his presence. I could sense his manly posture, and the second he was inches from me, I began losing my head. I just wanted to surrender myself into those same strong arms that took me out of the hell I went through, surrendering my entire being to his possession. He was imposing. I just knew he was. His musky fragrance flooded me from the inside out, and all I did was inhale his it, wanting to remember it forever. And then...

“It is so good to finally meet you, Miss and that you are feeling alright!”

His voice, his low, husky voice, soothed my ears. I felt so relaxed by his sweet, gentle voice. Of course, he was happy. He did save me.

“The pleasure is all mine...”

And it really was. If it wasn’t for this man, I wouldn’t be here thanking him.

He extended his hand to grasp mine. Touching him meant reviving all my emotions and feelings that had long been dormant. There was no way I could explain my feelings for a person I didn’t know. When I put my hand in his, the trauma my body was dealing with immediately spoke its own word. Everything hurt. The grimaces on my face didn’t show very well, but you only had to look at my mouth to realize how much it hurt. But it was still me who spoke. “Oh my God, sir, I’m so sorry about that...” I didn’t even really know why I was sorry. Maybe because the physical pain mixed with the pain inside and the desperate cry of wanting this man so much didn’t sit well together.

“Miss Holland, it’s all right, it’s nothing, really!” He reassured me, but without breaking our hands.

Goosebumps formed at his touch, allowing a sweet sense of belonging. It was that sense that I belonged to him somehow for saving me from the claws of death. Shivering chills ran through my body from head to toe without me being able to stop them. They were out of my control. This man had a serious voice when he spoke to me. Only by hearing him I could feel reassured. This is how I felt when I was around him. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here talking about it. Then it all changed... “Let me introduce myself, Miss Holland. I am Dominic Stone”

Upon hearing his name with its tremendous meaning and resonance, I burst out into a frenzied laughter. I could only imagine the look on their faces. And I definitely caught him off guard. “Did I say something wrong, Miss?” His voice changed, but not that much. It was somehow shocking.

“You would have to excuse my audacity, please, but Dominic Stone? I mean the actor Dominic Stone?”

“Him, in person!” he spoke to me resolutely.

“Oh, no! Doctor Declan, please tell me this is a joke” I kept placing this on a stupid thing of the destiny.

“I am afraid it isn’t, Miss Rebecca. He really is Dominic Stone, the actor. And I am saying this because he is actually my friend, so we have no reason to lie to you”

“Right, and I’m Cinderella!” I burst out, changing my position in bed. I just could not believe that the great actor saved me from my death.

Again, I was laughing, but this time not so loud. “I would really like to believe you, but in what mind does it fit that the great actor Dominic Stone saved an ordinary woman like me?”

“Right into a stubborn little head like yours!”

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