5. Innocently Charming
The two, Brianna and Jack, arrived at their destination only after fifteen minutes on the road. She lives in the suburb, but it was direct to the expressway with a yield lane on the side directing to the main road. They could avoid the busy streets and arrive at the business center directly towards the LM Realty Group Building.
“Can I give your baby a road test?” Jack playfully asked. He also came out of the car as he saw her going down. It was his way of sending her off as if a father were sending her daughter to her groom. He was really nervous for her, but she was too far from any signs of nervousness. She was even attracting attention for being eye-catching. She was slim, and her outfit today emphasized it greatly. Her walk was finesse and grand that she looked like she was walking on a runway for models. Men and women could not help giving her a stare, if not a second look. She was a head-turner, but she doesn’t even seem to notice. That was adding to her charm for the people eyeing her. They were sure she wasn’t asking for attention, but she is like a walking fireball. So conspicuous, no one would be able to ignore. To top it all, she was a new face in their eyes. She looks enchanting without even the slightest intent to seduce. She even gave a friendly smile to the ones who greeted her.
“Hi!” A guy greeted her on the side, walking in the same direction she was headed.
She looked sideways and saw the guy was smiling sweetly at her. “Hi!” She smiled back and respond. The guy was somewhat startled that he stopped on his track, holding his hands in his open mouth, shocked. He did not expect her to respond, much more to give him such a lovely smile. Brianna had no choice but to walk ahead of him. She has to be early, not just on time, for her interview. She went to the front desk to make sure of where she was going.
“Hi, I am here for an interview. Brianna Peters.” She informed the lady receptionist.
“Hi, that would be held on the sixtieth floor. At the LM Executive office. Just take the elevator with the sign that says going up to the top floor.” The receptionist directed. She smiled and answered an incoming call. Had Brianna have anything to ask, she will have to wait, and she didn’t have the time, so she decided to walk towards the direction she pointed and check which elevators go up to the top floors. She has heard she will have the interview at the Executive office, which means she will be interviewed on the top floor. As she walked towards the elevators, she heard a few greet one another. They must have known themselves here, or they must be working at the same offices. But she was a bit startled when a baritone voice spoke just right behind her, as she was standing on the waiting lane for lift.
“Good morning.”
Keeping her composure, Brianna looked around, checking if it was a greeting she should respond to or not. And she almost lost her poise when she realized it was her very own future boss. Lucien Michaelson! In the flesh. In an annoying flesh! She simply nodded her head and politely responded with a short “Good morning.” She couldn’t be sure it was meant for her, so she did not make her response very clear. It was as if the person who greeted her was not someone of a very important identity in her plans. She wanted to knock her own head. But she had to keep her cool.
Lucien, who wasn’t feeling the usual him today, was wondering why he wanted to arrive at his office earlier than usual today. It’s not that he isn’t busy because he always is, on the contrary. But today, he even came in without his driver. He left home too early. His driver called him on his way here when he realized that his boss already left— leaving him behind.
“Boss, I didn’t know we had to leave earlier today.” The poor driver almost cried.
“Just take the day off. I don’t know why but I am so bothered that I just felt like I needed to be in my office as soon as possible,” Lucien answered.
“I didn’t do anything wrong, right, boss?” the driver asked again. He was scared his father would kill him if he is really fired. His father used to be the driver for the young Lucien, but he asked Lucien to be replaced by his son when he retired, and Lucien agreed.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. Just take the day off. Before I change my mind, go see your dad and send my greetings for him with a basket of fruits and flowers for your mom.” Lucien chuckled. He was still smiling by himself when he saw a luxury car pulled over by the side road in front of the building’s main entrance. It wasn’t prohibited, as employees who arrive to work with a taxi or carpooled with families or friends would tend to drop off their passengers in the area. But what caught his attention was the lady who got off the car, followed by a man who seemed to be sending her off with a worried face. But the lady was nonchalantly confident. She waved the guy goodbye and walked her way to the entrance door. He was only able to see her back through the rearview mirror, and he wasn’t satisfied. He wanted to keep his eyes on her, but he would cause traffic to the cars that were on their way into the building.
“Aha! I might see her in the lobby if I make it on time.” He suddenly uttered, realizing something is very odd with him. Why would he ran after a girl he didn’t even know. He wasn’t even able to give her face a good look, but he is already hooked to see her again. And again, if that would even be possible. “Is she the reason I wanted to come here earlier than usual?” He asked himself. Just to shake his head in disbelief. “Have you gone nuts?!”
He asked for the security guard to park his car on his spot and briskly walk his way to the lobby. He didn’t want to look rushing, so he stopped to take a few deep breaths in front of the fire exit door before going into the lobby area. He headed to the elevator area, hoping this wing where he was in, is the same wing she would be waiting for the elevator. And as if heavens have heard his prayer, she was there. And damn! She looked and smelled even more enchanting up close. As he noticed, people around seemed to be greeting one after the other. He summoned his courage to greet the people around him behind her, making it not so evident that he was aiming to greet her actually.
“Good morning!” He greeted. Not pointing in a specific direction, he turned his head left and right. He saw how the people with their faces visible to him reacted. They were a bit scared, and the ladies were blushing wild. It is because he never ever greet them in all the days they had been with him in the same room, or on the same elevator, or anywhere in general. He would always ignore their presence. Let alone greeting them, he doesn’t even respond whenever they greet him, and today, he is the one who greeted them! Has the world turned upside down? Or what in the world is going on?!