Lisa was asleep in her room when she heard her sister talking downstairs, she quickly jumped out of bed and ran to meet her.

" You're back " Lisa said and hugged her

" were you able to get everything? Or you still want my help??" Ana asked and kissed her cheek

" No sis,,you can come with me to check,,, I bought everything, I told you I went with my new friend right??" Lisa said

" Yeah,,,so,,,,you will be leaving tomorrow?? "

" Yes sis,,,and you are coming with me "

" I know,,,so I've taken a day off at the office,when I leave your school tomorrow, I will come home and rest " She replied

" Am missing you already " Lisa hugged her with a pout

" It's fine,,,this was gonna happen anyway. Have you eaten something?? "

" I made some toast,,yours is safe " Lisa winked

" Wow,,,I can't wait to taste that "

" Come on,,let me show you the stuffs,,but sis,,don't you think it's too expensive ???" Lisa said sadly

" If I don't do these for you,,then who should I do it for?? "

" I love you so much " She hugged her and they started checking and arranging the things inside the boxes "


They both walked into the reception,they have to wait for their turn,after few hours they were called.

" You can leave now kid,,she will take you to where you will be given your uniforms and shoes " The receptionist said to Lisa

" Bye baby,," Her sister hugged her tightly

" I will always call you " Her sister whispered

Lisa tried to calm down so as to prevent the tears which was coming down already

" Oh Lisa,don't do this,,,you know I care about you right?? Please,,don't cry " Anna comforted her

" Bye sis " Lisa said and walked out of the office with lady who's taking her to the uniform store

After taking you uniforms which were up to five,, they proceeded to go into the dorm

" The dorm will be shared by two,,that means aside you,another student will be there "

" It's cool since it's going to be the two of us alone " Lisa replied

Finally they got there and she gasped

" Wait,,this is it??" She asked

" Of course, you don't like it??" The lady asked

" Like?? This is absolutely amazing " Lisa replied

It look so large and beautiful,,it was painted with Pink and White ,,

The lady opened the door to the room,,

" I guess your roommate is in class right now,,,,her name is Sharon,,you will love her "

" Thank you mam,," Lisa replied and they both entered. She could see different bags and two wardrobes,, she opened the first one and it was filled up,she opened the second and discovered that it was empty

" I will advice you to leave your stuffs on the floor first,, you can arrange them when school is over,," The lady beside her said

Wondering how the bags got there?? Through the help of her sister's driver,,

" I understand,, I will just put on my uniform " Lisa said softly

The lady nodded and she walked out of the dressing room to give Lisa some privacy.

She immediately dressed up ,,put on her socks and then the snickers,,

She arranged her hair neatly and checked the mirror

" I guess it look good on me " She smiled before going back into the room

" You look beautiful "

" Thank you " Lisa replied and carried her bag

" Your texts and notes,with your laptop is in your locker,,so here is the key. Only you have access to it " The lady gave her the key ,,her number was written on it

Number 005 ,,she immediately cram it

After walking for about 5 minutes,,they finally got to the main school building

" This is your class,,grade 5B " She said and entered the class telling Lisa to follow her.

The teacher stopped immediately they entered, the students also were murmuring among themselves,, Lisa immediately felt shy ,she buried her face to the ground.

" Bye new bae " The lady said with a smile and walked out of the class

" So,,can you introduce yourself to the class ??" The English teacher said

Yeah,,English was written boldly on the white board

" Am,,Lisa " She said softly

" Just Lisa??" The teacher asked

" Mona Lisa " Lisa added

" Well you're welcome,, I guess you're the last student in this class,,only one locker is empty so I think it's yours " The teacher said pointing at the locker just at the middle of the class

" Thank you mam " She said silently and walked to her seat

She sat down and noticed some hard stares at her back,, she hated attention oh Lord.

" Now,,,back to our lesson " The teacher said and the class became Silent again.


" Gosh finally " Most students said

The electric bell just jingled,,after having five classes without break.

The maths teacher walked out and the students doesn't waste time before rushing out of the class,,

" What is happening now??" Lisa asked the girl beside her

" It's lunch time,,I guess you're not hungry " She snapped and walked out

" she's rude " Lisa muttered and sighed

She didn't even see neither Michel or Rowan,maybe they are not in the same class,,,,maybe

But just as she was thinking about that Rowan came in looking angry,,and then Michel followed,also looking angry,,why are they both angry??

She thought within herself,,, she watched as they both walked to different seats ,what's wrong??

" Hey,,you didn't even try to look for me,that's bad you know?? " Someone said sitting beside her

She turned and smiled,,

" Florence,, am sorry okay" She said

" It's fine,,but you are not going to eat??" Florence asked

" Am not hungry " She replied

" Come on,,it's our money right?? " Florence joked

" Am not really hungry "

" So,,,where is your dorm?? And who's your roommate?? " Florence asked

" I've not seen her yet,,but I heard her name is Sharon " Lisa replied

" Well,,I've seen mine. But she's rude,,I don't like her " Florence said and hissed

" I hope mine is not like that,, I don't like trouble" Lisa said

" Did you see those two guys who walked in just now??" Florence asked with a flushed face

Lisa knew she was talking about Michel and Rowan

" What about them??" She asked

" Are you kidding me ?? They are hot!!" She screamed silently

" Shut up Florence,,," Lisa snapped.

" I was only ,,,anyway,,,," she was interrupted by a girl who walked in

" Hi,,,am Juliet " The girl smiled

" Where's your Romeo??" Florence asked and she laughed

" He got lost, " Juliet replied

" Am Lisa,, and she's Florence " Lisa said

" Well,,,I will be the one to show you two round the school,,,I hope we get along well " She smiled

Lisa liked her already,,she seem nice

" Right now??" Florence asked

" Sure,,let's go have fun "

They all walked out of the class,,


" Wow,,this school is amazing " Lisa finally said after walking round the school telling them everything about the school,library, and labs

" So,,,that's all " Juliet concluded

" Thank you,, but,,,can you please tell us about the students also??" Lisa asked curiously

" It's nothing,,,, but ,,you saw the large picture at the entrance of the school right??" Juliet asked.

" Yes" Lisa and Florence answered at the same time

" That's Michel and Vanessa,,, Michel is most brilliant male student while Vanessa is the most brilliant female student. But when you want to compare,,Vanessa is really nothing beside Michael,, so Michel is the most brilliant in Golden High. He's also the hottest,,but many students doesn't seem to know who's more handsome between him and Rowan,they are both hot. But ,,,,"

" But what??" Lisa asked.

" They are rivals,,,, they hate each other so much that even the teachers are fed up,,They always fight anywhere they meet each other,,, they are both good in soccer,,but in the end,they will always fight,, nobody knows the reason why they are like that " Juliet sighed

" That's bad,,,,," Florence said while Lisa kept quiet

" Let's go back to class,,three more classes and we are done,," Juliet said and they all walked back to the class.



To be continued

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