" F**k " Sharon muttered under her breath

What the hell just happened?? Just Now?? She asked herself inwardly.


" What the hell is wrong with the both of you??!!" The coach shouted angrily

" It was him,,he's really getting on my nerve!!" Rowan yelled

Michael only kept quiet

" Can anyone tell me what happened just now??!! Michael!!" The coach shouted at Michael

" Why are you shouting at me?? He was the one who hit me just now " Michael said

" He wouldn't have done that if nothing happened "

" Really???" Michael said and walked away

" Michael!! " Gavin shouted and almost ran after him

" Leave and don't come back " The coach said and he stopped

" He wasn't at fault!! Why not find out what happened before yelling?? To hell with the team!" Gavin said angrily and ran after Michael

" Rowan what did you do this time??" The coach faced Rowan

" I guess am satisfied now that he's gone " Rowan smirked

" Am not suspending him,he's coming back " The coach said and left angrily

" Old man " Rowan muttered and his friends bursted into laughter

" You shouldn't have done that,, you almost hurt him " Nolan said

" I don't care" Rowan replied and turned back only to find Lisa gone

" Where did she go to??" He asked himself


" Hey brother " Michael heard Sharon's voice and immediately wipe the slow tears coming out of his eyes,,

" Hey,,,why are you here??" He asked

" We should see each other after your practice right??" She said and sat beside him

" It didn't end well,,," He muttered

" You're going to be suspended?? " Sharon asked

" I don't know,, but I don't care " He replied

" You know that's a lie,you care " Sharon said

" Does it hurt??" She asked touching his face

" No,,,,stop doing that " He chuckled and hold her hand

" Why?? Am not your girlfriend,, so why should I stop " Sharon laughed

" Hey" Gavin called and they both turned to see him with Lisa,

" Thought you don't wanna come along " Sharon said to Lisa

" Why did you come here?? The coach might punish you " Michael said

" Who cares,I hate him " Gavin snapped and sat beside Michael

" Okay,,I will just see you tonight," Sharon said and stood up

" Let's go " She said dragging Lisa out

" Is he okay??" Lisa asked without thinking twice

" He's fine,," Sharon said

" Are you worried?? " Sharon asked with a wink

" What??? Well,,,,,he's your brother right? So you may be feeling bad " She said and Sharon scoffed

" This isn't the first time Rowan will hit him,,,and then Michael will always be the one taking the blame,,the worst thing is that he will only keep quiet without trying to defend himself,, such a lame brother I have " Sharon hissed

" What?? You Mean,,, Rowan is the only who always hit him and everyone's gonna blame him??" Lisa asked

" You saw what happened minutes ago right?? How sure am I that the coach won't suspend him because Rowan hit him in the face?? I hate them " Sharon said angrily

Lisa suddenly remembered the first day he saw him ,,his face was bruised all over but the teacher was shouting at him,,,,,

" but,,why are they always fighting?? " Lisa asked

" I don't understand,,I don't know,,nobody knows,am sure there's no reason behind it than the rivals they are,, let's talk about something else,,,we will be having dinner by 8:00pm,it's always fun,," Sharon said happily

" Why will dinner be fun? It's just dinner " Lisa rolled her eyes

" Trust me,,you're gonna see " Sharon said and winked at her

" You know what?? When I saw you shouting at Vanessa the other time,I thought you're also rude, I never knew you are gonna be the best,,,am glad " Lisa said

" Am like that because of Vanessa,,, but it's fine because am not ready to back off whenever she tries any rubbish


" I heard what happen,, is your face okay?? Did you put ice on it??" Vanessa rushed her questions looking worried

" Am fine Vanessa, you don't have to worry about me" Michael replied as they both take a walk

" I should be worried Michael,,," She said and Michael faced her

" Why will you be worried?? " He asked

" Why won't I be worried?? Am sure you also get worried about me whenever I get hurt too" She said with a smile

" I just hate that Rowan,," She hissed

" Why will you hate someone who did nothing to you?? That's bad" Michael said

" You're unbelievable,, he hurt you and you're still taking his side?? You should try to hit him sometimes too,,,am tired of seeing your face getting bruised all because of him "

" You're only feeling sorry for me,nothing else. But don't do that,, I don't like it when someone pity me " He said with a slight smile

" You should leave now,,,we've gotten here,I still have to walk back " Michael added as they got to her dorm

" See you at dinner,," She said and placed a kiss on his cheek

" Yeah " He replied and turned to leave while Vanessa also went in.

Just then Lisa came out ,,since it's the female dorm,,she stopped immediately she saw Michael,,

" What,,,do I look ugly??" Michael asked seeing that she was shock

" What are you doing here??" Lisa asked

" I came with a friend,, and am on my way back " Michael replied

" Oh,," She nodded not knowing what to say

" see you around " Michael said walking away

" Are you okay???" Lisa asked and Michael stopped before turning back to her

" Why won't I be okay??" He asked

" Earlier,,, you got into,, a fight. Does your face still hurt??" She asked

" Want to know maybe it still hurt??" Michael asked

" How??"

" Move closer,," He said

She hesitated for a minute before moving closer

Michael took her hand and placed it on his cheek

" See?? Am fine,," He smiled

She immediately dropped her

" Hmm,,that's good,,,Sharon was worried. So it's a good thing you're fine " She said nervously

" Tell her am fine,,,,," Michael said and covered his head with the hood he was putting on before running off.

Lisa sighed out before walking back into the room only to find Sharon searching for clothes badly

" Sharon,,what's happening?? Why are your clothes all over the room??" She asked looking confused

" I need to look good,,,we always put on uniform during school hour, it's dinner time so I have to dress so cute" She replied and continue looking for whatever she was looking for

" For goodness sake,,it's just dinner!!" Lisa shouted feeling frustrated

" I need him to notice me,," Sharon suddenly said and covered her mouth

" What?? Who??" Lisa asked getting more interested

" Hmm,,am not telling you " She said

" Please,, tell me "

" Okay,,it's Gavin,,Michael's friend " She said shyly

" Wow,,he's cute and you guys will make a great couple " Lisa smiled

" am scared that Michael will get mad at me if I tell him I like his best friend " She sighed

" Am sure he won't,,, come on cheer up "

" And you too,,,you don't have any crush yet?? You see my brother right? He's cute right??" She asked with a wink

" What?? Come on,,,stop thinking like that " Lisa scoffed

" Oh,,so,,it's Rowan,,wow,,,it's cool though " Sharon said with a smile

" I never said I like him,we are just friends "

" You like him,,,the look in your eyes says it all,,don't worry am fine with it. " Sharon said

" I think this will look good on me,,,oh my God! It's 7:00pm ,,,I should study for 30 minutes before dinner or Michael will break my head if I fail the upcoming test " Sharon shouted rushing toward her bag

" He will break your head?? That's funny " Lisa said and also brought out her texts

" He want me to study harder,,we are now 50 in class,,the last session, we were 45,,,I was in number 30,,,am so poor " Sharon pouted

" You mean,you're in number 30?? " Lisa asked to be sure

" Yeah, I know it's bad,,and am going to try more this time" She said

" So,,how about Michael and Rowan??" Lisa asked

" Are you kidding me?? Michael is always the first and Rowan is the second,,, while Vanessa always come third,,," She said

" And the fourth? " Lisa asked

" The girl sitting by your right" Sharon replied

" Oh,,that rude girl?? " Lisa scoffed

" She's not rude,maybe she was on her mood swing when you spoke to her,she hardly talk to others " Sharon explained

They both kept quiet and continue to study without any disturbance

" Wow,,that was interesting " Lisa said getting off from Sharon's bed

" I love the fact that we are two now,I find reading boring but it wasn't boring studying with you " Sharon smiled

" What's your worst subject? " Sharon asked

" Chemistry and Maths " She replied

" I guess we are the same,,but my brother always help me though, I just think reading is not part of me" Sharon laughed

" It's almost time,,let's freshen up before going, am really starving I didn't have lunch " Sharon said

" Me too"

" Come let's take our bath together, we are both girls " Sharon said dragging her hand into the bathroom

" It's weird,, this is the first time but it's cool " Lisa said after they both walked out of the bathroom,,

" I told you ,,,," Sharon said with a wink

Lisa watched as Sharon dressed up like she was going to a party and shook her head

" She's crazy " She muttered and brought out a joggers with a crop top,,

" This is nice,am going there to eat not to show off to my crush " She said making sure Sharon heard her

" I know you're talking about me,," Sharon chuckled

" I guess we are ready " Sharon said

Lisa quickly put on a snickers

" Am good to go,," Lisa winked

" Wow,,you look beautiful, now am jealous "

" Let's go ,,,"

They both walked out and locked the door

Lisa gasped when she saw the view of the school in the dark

" This is amazing!! " she almost shouted

Different light bulb and others making the school look really unique,,,

" I told you,, dinners are the best here" Sharon smiled at her

They finally got there,,not many students arrived already, just few of them chatting silently,

" They are so cool,," She muttered

" Hey Lisa " Someone called her from the back

" Oh,,,Rowan " She called with a smile

" Come meet me when you're done " Sharon whispered to her before walking away

" You left without telling me" Rowan said

" You got into a fight, so I decided to leave,I don't want to see your angry face " She replied

Rowan chuckled

" I can't get mad at you,,," Rowan said softly

" You think so?? "

" Of course,, why will I get mad at you for nothing??? And besides, you're different " He said

Suddenly someone bumped into them ,,,

" Gosh,what the hell??" Rowan said trying to gain his balance

" Am sorry" The voice said and helped Lisa to prevent her from falling

" Am sorry,,," He said to Lisa

It was Michael,,she became silent the moment he smiled at her

Gosh, the smile,, she thought within herself

" Get lost " Rowan half yelled

Michael turned to Lisa like he wanted to say something but walked away,She immediately turned and stared back at him until she could no longer see him again

" Are you okay??" Rowan asked

" Am fine,,let's go have a seat " Lisa smiled



To be continued

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