😍 Alexander's P.o.v😍

The game was about to start and the basketball court was almost full but Gianna wasn't around.

Maybe she didn't want to come and watch me just like my parents.

The game started and i wanted to look away from the door when Gianna walked in with Ashley.

Our eyes met,i smiled at her,she smiled back and raised a banner that says "Win them all,Hazel eyes"

I watched her take her seat at the front row.

"Xander stop flirting with my sister and let's win this" Jamal said as he passed the ball to me.

πŸ’ž Gianna's P.o.vπŸ’ž

The game was so interesting,both wins were so good but Xander's team was winning.

Ashley couldn't stop screaming Xander and Jamal's names,she wasn't the only one,other girls were screaming like crazy.

I just sat quietly and watched them play.

"Come on,babe, Cheer for your brother"

"Nah,you girls are already giving him motivation"

"Come on" She said as she dragged me up.

I started cheering for them,for a minute i and Xander's eye met,he blew me a kiss.

I rolled my eyes making him chuckle,from the corner of my eyes i could see Madison glaring at me,she was the cheerleader.

The game ended with Xander's team, people started screaming, Madison ran up to Jamal and Xander and pecked them on the cheeks.

"Gigi, let's go congrat the guys" Ashley said excitedly.

"No,they are all sweaty and smelly,i can't go there,i will congratulate them later" i said and walked away.

😍 Alexander's P.o.v😍

After we won, Madison won't let me have a breathing space,she was so clingy to me and it was annoying.

"Madison,i have to go to the boy's locker room,you can't follow me there"

"Aww,i know but cam we see later?"

"Yeah,sure, whatever" I said,she smiled at me,kissed my cheeks and walked away, I sighed in relief.

I didn't see Gianna after we won, it's like she disappeared.

"Congratulations" I turned and it was Gianna,she was leaning on a wall.

"Thanks" i said and smiled at her,she walked closer to me.

"Well, since you won,how about you take me out to celebrate?"

"Gigi,i think it's supposed to be the other way around,you taking me out" i said and she chuckled.

"Trust me,you really don't want me to take you out" She said grinning.

Truth be told, Gianna is the most freakishly weirdest girl i know, She's a little bit scary.

"So are you taking me or not?" She asked.

"Of course,i am..and thanks again for coming to support me, I will go change"

"I'll be waiting" She said and smiled at me.

πŸ’ž Gianna's P.o.vπŸ’ž

Minutes later,he came out wearing a white top and black jeans,his hair was still wet from the shower he took.

I didn't know i was still starring at him.

"Gigi!" He said jolting me back to reality.

"Oh, sorry,i zoned out for a while"

"You were drooling over me" he said smirking.

"No,i wasn't,you think am like Madison,i would never drool over you"

"Then what's that at the side of your lips?" He asked and I touched my lips but there was nothing.

"Tricked you" he said laughing.

"Alexander McQueen,come here, let me kill you" i said and chased him.

We started running around the whole school.

"Welcome to IPoP restaurant" Xander said as we walked in.

After we got tired of running around the school,we decided to go to a restaurant.

Xander suggested picking the restaurant,it was little far from where we live.

"How did you find this restaurant?" I asked as i looked around.

"When i was on my many adventures, let's go to the rooftop"

"Rooftop? Will they let us?"

"I know the owner of this place"

He took me to the rooftop,we sat down and we could Everyone from where we were.

"You may be so annoying sometimes but you do know how to pick nice places" i said and he chuckled.

We starred at each other for a while, I looked away because i was feeling shy.

Wait.. why was i feeling shy?

I never feel shy in front of anyone.

"Can i ask you for a favor?" Xander asked.


"Could you remove your contact lenses,i really want to your grey eyes"



"Why do you want to see it?"

"It's beautiful" he said and i didn't know when i smiled.

"Okay,fine,just for a while" i said and removed the lenses.

"Woah" he said and i rolled my eyes.

"Don't be dramatic,Xander"

"Wait,one more thing" he said and removed the band holding my hair,my hair fell over my shoulders.

"Perfect" He said and i blushed.

Wait,i am blushing?😲

What's wrong with me?

I think am falling sick.

"Why do you hide all these, your eyes,your hair,you even dress like a guy?"

"It's something i can't tell you yet, it's really personal to me"

I looked at the ground and picked on my own fingers,i do that when am nervous and it's weird because i never get nervous.

He placed his hand on my chin and made me face him.

"Honestly, Gianna,you are really beautiful" he said and tucked my ear behind my ears.

My heart was beating so fast like never before, I felt something in my tummy, what's wrong with me?

😍 Alexander's P.o.v😍

I didn't know when it slipped from my mouth but it's the truth, Gianna is really beautiful.

I know that somethingΒ  had happened to her in the past and it hurt have hurt her but for some reason,i really want to take her pain away and make her truly happy.

Everything is so different when am around her and i like it.

"Your food is here" A waiter said, Gianna quickly put on her lenses


The waiter put down the food and left,there was an awkward slience.

"Hey,i wrote a poem about you" i blurted out foolishly

"Really? Say it, i wanna hear it"

"It's lame, you shouldn't hear it"

"Come on,say it" she said and pouted her lips like a child making me chuckle.

"Okay fine, here goes

"She's like a riddle i would love to find.

She's a like a song that keeps playing in my mind.

She's like a book whose pages are too precious for thess hands of mine.

With her grey eyes, that can stop the hands of time.

She's the girl named Gianna Flores"

I finished and she just stared at me,i don't think she liked it.

"It's.. it's beautiful,i love it" She said excitedly.

"You do?"

"Yes, it's beautiful, thanks"

"No problem,now, let's eat"

We ended up eating, talking, laughing and taking goofy pictures and videos of each other.

It was late in the evening,so i rode us home.

"I had fun" I said as we stood outside her house.

"Me too but this doesn't mean if you annoy me,i won't punch you" She said and i laughed.

There was another awkward slience as we starred at each other.

"Um..that poem about you,i wrote it down for you" i said and brought out a paper.

"Thanks" She said and collected it.

"Well, Goodnight"

"Goodnight,Hazel eyes" She said and walked into her house.

I kept smiling to myself as I walked into my house,i got to my room and i saw her pasting the paper i gave her on her mirror.

I closed my window and laid on the bed, starring at the ceiling and smiling.

I can't explain how i feel but i like it.


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