Chapter 5

"Pay close attention to what they're doing on the screen, watch that kissing scene carefully, then you'll do to me what the man does to the woman." I said to him while chewing bubble gum.

I watch it from behind him.

I shifted my gaze to Magnus. Even if it doesn't look like it's really rich.

I look at his thin back.

Rich but he seems to be malnourished.

I shifted my gaze to him staring intently at his laptop screen.

I walk towards him, resting my chin on his shoulder when I reach him.

I feel him stiffened.

What’s so surprising about what I did? Not yet e. Although I laughed at his reaction I restrained myself and I gaze at the screen.


The actor is a good kisser. It looks like the scene is delicious.

"Look how that guy kissed her. You can already tell that he is a good kisser," I said while still looking at the screen.

I looked at it as I did not remove the chin from his shoulder.

Her eyes widened!

I almost laughed again at his reaction.

When his eyes were not manly, we approached each other, as before. He thought maybe that’s what I would do. I just said that I would have something to watch with him.

Being this close to someone doesn't affect me anymore.

I turned my face away from him.

"Do you know how to kiss?" I asked him.

Shake it.

Why did I ask that? You know the answer.

I bit my lip. I seem to have a hard time with this one. "Okay. Just do what you saw when I watched you." He stood up. He moved his head awkwardly to me.

I stopped him right there. I can't. That's too awkward.

I pushed him. He sat right in his chair. "Watch that again first, you should be like that, so that the woman doesn't leave you and wants others from you," I say again.

"A-ah." Nodded, he said

I got up from the nod and walked towards the soft bed again.

I sat on the soft bed. I also couldn't stop myself from lying down.

"Uh ..."

I looked at it. I stood up and walked towards him, I grabbed the soft swivel chair on its side and rotated the chair he was sitting on to be presented to me.

She seemed surprised at what I did but I ignored that instead I stared at her flushed red lips.

I climbed on his thigh, I ran my hand over his neck and pulled it closer to my face.

I brushed my lips with his.

I don't have time for playing. I need to get this done.

Our lips touched.

I feel like I kiss a cotton ball because his lips are soft. I like his lower lips then go to his upper lip but still there is no response.

He stiffened again. He is not doing anything. It's like he's a tree. I'm kissing a tree! He is waiting on what I should do next.

He's really innocent about this.

I moved away.

"Didn't you focus on watching earlier?" I asked her softly as I caressed her soft cheek.

He nodded slowly.

"Then you should apply what you saw to me, keep up with the movement of my lips okay?" I smiled and said to her

I didn't wait for his response and I pressed his neck to my face again and our lips met again.

This time, he is no longer stiff, I feel the heat of his body every time I bring my chest close to his.

At first he didn't respond to my every kiss but later he tried to keep up with me, but that doesn't mean he already knows.

My forehead furrowed as I tasted some rust.


"Oh shit!" I cursed.

I quickly took the glass from my bag and pressed it to my lips.

My lip is bleeding!

I want to shout at him and get angry with him but I can't because it's normal for No experience to make mistakes. But my lip hurts!

"I-im sorry..." I heard him say.

I turned my gaze to him.

"Why did the canal suddenly rise?" I was a little annoyed to ask him.

Mom and Dad will see it!

"Because that's what I saw in the video earlier, he bit the woman's lips and even made the woman moan..." He looked down when he said the last sentence.

I approached him and lifted his face to meet our eyes.

"Because you should try it, not just take a bite." I preach to him.

"You don't want your lips to bleed either, because my beautiful lip has a wound. I'm going to teach you up to here. I'll just let you know when the next one is. You need to study and watch a lot more like that, okay?" I sweetly smiled at him.

"I-I'm not really so... I have no hope," she said sadly.

"Hey! Why are you upset right away huh ?! All good people make mistakes before they become good, they also practice what! Not the ta-da! You're good right away without any practice! That's why sick people go to the hospital, isn't it? To get better! They took medicine before they recovered, they weren't well right away! "I replied to him.

Even though what I said was chaotic, it seemed to make sense so it's up to him to understand, he's smart.

He just looked away.

"So if you need to watch another tutorial on YouTube, watch it so that next time you'll just do it for me, then don't give up, try and try until you can fuck," I said then winked at him.

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