Chapter 14
"Where is Gabrielle" Robert asked again.
"She went to California" Michael whimpered "She said she was going on a business trip".
An odd sound escaped Robert lips, it was a dry chuckle without a single percentage of humor.
"I am sure she wouldn't mind explaining why she is in the police custody in Barcelona".
Michael's face fell in disappointment, he knew his mother must have done something wrong that was why she took a french leave.
"She didn't tell me anything" he said sadly "I thought she went on business trip like always".
"Meh" the dying man dismissed the issue with the wave of his hand "How have you been doing Williams?".
"As good as always father". Williams replied.
Robert Hughes paused for a while sensitively, he stopped his gaze at his favorite son, Williams, and a bright smile appeared on his wrinkled face.
"Remember you are going to Spain in the next seven months Williams. I am sure you won't let me down". He looked at Rosie his face emotionlessly "You will leave with him".
"But sire, you said I would be released" Rosie protested.
"Your family would be taken care of, I and my son would make sure we fund for them. Is that okay boy?".
Williams nodded, a smirk appeared on his face as he noticed michael's anger one. He relaxed in his chair as he rolled himself around.
"This isn't right dad!" Michael sprang "This is not what a family supposed to be like".
Robert snorted, his bored eyes stared deeply, boring into the young man's soul.
"Everyone knows you are my son too, michael".
"You don't include me in whatever you are doing?". Michael yelled.
"You don't use such tone on me son" Robert sternly voiced but yet as calm as possible "You don't have to force yourself to....".
Michael yelled, banged the table and sprang up, pushing his chair backwards.
"To what?" His eyes stormy, he pointed angrily at Williams "I get it! I'm not your legitimate son".
Williams smirked, he knew what would happen next either the meeting would be adjourned. With his long legs crossed under the chair he chuckled.
"Williams, you do not laugh at your brother" Robert stood up slowly and walked towards where the camera was, because he be closer.
"Half brother". Williams corrected.
Michael smirked "You hear that! Half brother while I'm just a side kick son that got nothing but monthly payments, a rented apartment and a car from his father while the proper legitimate favourite son gets two companies, a mansion, four cars and unlimited black cards".
Rosie awkwardly cleared her throat, she sat well on her sit. Earning unwanted angry glance from the men in the room she muttered series of apologizes.
"I couldn't even get a chauffeur until last month" michael continued "I have a chauffeur that my father pays the same amount he pays me".
Luciano raised his hand slowly, at first he was ignored while michael went ahead fussing.
"Just because you got my mother pregnant years ago before you got married to his mother did not make me a bastard". He walked to the door "If this is how you want it! Fine! I would go on my own, live in the street like I had been until seven years ago and fund for myself".
"If you walk out if me you will also seize to answer my name" Robert sternly warned.
Michael chuckled like a psychopath "Like I care? Mr Robert Hughes, I don't really care about your name. After all, your dead first legitimate son died with you wonderful name beautifully written on his grave stone"
The room became dead silent.
They all seemed like someone pressed the play button on the remote.
"Sir" Luciano said "Can I excuse myself?".
Williams nodded in the absence of his father's order, he looked at Rosie, who without hesitation got on her feet and rushed out the room.
"Did you see that?" Micheal pointed at the people that just left "They also don't take orders from me! They just do what you favourite son tells them".
Robert Hughes smiled weakly and sadly, he walked back to his seating position, with the smile on his face he gestured towards his side, a man dress in an expensive italian suit reveal himself.
"Michael, do not leave that house and Williams be kind to your brother".
With that the screen went blank.
Williams hesitated at first, before getting up "You have to stop doing this Micheal" he said and walked away.
Just like the statement synchronized few seconds after, Micheal burst into another episode of humorless laughter.
"I sincerely need to leave here or I grow mad gradually" He walked up to his brother, his face very close that they could feel and smell their breath, just few inches from each other "You are such a devil Williams! just like your father".
"And you as are just a huge deal of disappointment" Williams shot back "Just like your whore you call a mother" he smirked "I'm so damn sure she was probably fucking a random stranger in a parking space".
Michael moved back, his sleeves fold, his honey brown hair looked rough as he had ran his fingers into it countless times and his face red. He punched the wall, yelling, trying to contain his anger.
Williams stayed calm, although he had no strength to depend himself but he knew they were been watched and his father's men won't allow michael beat him to death as he had imagine. Unlike his strong body form, michael looked bigger and rougher. Obviously the years he had spent in the street did so much good in making him look like a world heavyweight champion.
As the Matter of fact, if they would allow michael handle his younger half brother, he would surely beat him to coma if not death.
"I think I rather ignore you" He turned his back at him "If i unleash my anger on you I bet you won't make it out of coma".
"But you will rot in jail".
"That is what I have always prayed against" Michael whispered "But with what I have left I will make sure I fustrate every moment of your life".
"Just as your mother did to mine?" Williams voice was visibly pissed "You fail! If you would be the first and only person I will have to kill, I will be so please to kill you. For firstly, I think you have had enough education. Being in the same college with me makes you lack respect".
With a plain emotion michael brought his index and middle fingers to his lips, kissed it and showed it back to Williams "Spotless" He frowned "I wish you good luck to that".
Williams sat on the table in the meeting hall, many things running in his mind. Evil and good thoughts, fighting for dominant.
His phone ran revealing 'Blonde 4', he had saved Karen's number as that since he had nothing else to remember her with. His phone already had more that seven karen saved.
Ignoring the call was the only good thing he could have done, but he picked hit anyway.
"Karen" he said dryly.
He waited, listening to the season of complain the shameless girl was rendering. For what seemed like centuries she was still yelling, complaining on how special she look and he had the effrontery to leave her yelling in the street.
"Firstly, you were never my girlfriend karen" he interrupted "You were just my sex mate. Just as I tell everyone I had fucked I owe them nothing, I paid you alot for your service so if you still want to be in touch and earn more money I would advise you know the way you talk and wait till when ever I call for your service".
Feeling fulfilled, Williams left for his home. Even when he wasn't happy and it was obvious, he kept telling himself he was happy that he was happy.
Everything he wanted was to live a happy life, with his mother, father and siblings. But he knew that would never happen. Since Gabrielle and her son Michael entered into the family seven years back, things had never been the same.
His mother was proclaim dead by his father but still living somewhere. His elder brother died at school in Spain, a death no one would want to experience even the devil himself.
It was considered as homicide, his throat slit, trace of illegal drugs found in his body system with bullets found in his brain, heart, liver and lungs. His neck bent to an awkward direction.
Even if he would have to act well to gain his father's wealth, he will as long as he will change what his father had done and look for his mother
But before then, he would neglect love, just as his father had instructed him. But he will never give up on love, even if the person wouldn't love him back.
"I hope it won't be melissa".
He couldn't imagine himself committed to someone he hated and love at the same time. Someone that reveals nothing about him but his weakness.