Chapter 4
Melissa stood still, watching herself in the mirror not knowing what to wear to Sam's 'warm-up party'. She changed into a red strapless dress that hung a few inches above her knee.
"Urgh!!" She frowned "Still don't feel comfortable". She touched her hair and her eyebrows connect "How do I cover my hair?".
She smiled at herself as she wondered what the rest girls would be planing on wearing as Sam had instructed 'dress to be noticed'. She giggled as she step out of the gown to replace it with a white mini gown that was just a little bit below her butt.
She wondered why Molly would get her clothes and insisted she wears one of them and keep the rest.
"I wonder if I can pick up something from the floor in this" She turned to see her back view as she gasped "Holy smoke! My ass is coming out. My fucking eighteen years old ass is finally out!".
"That calls for celebration Mel".
Melissa screamed as she jumped back, looking everywhere for the source of the voice.
"I'm right here". Molly waved from on top of Melissa's bed where she laid comfortably.
Melissa's mouth fell open as she watched Molly's attire. She look stunning compared to what she was wearing it was Molly's confidence that made her look stunning and that scared the poor red hair like hell.
"You have been starring at yourself since the 19th century" Molly smiled as she walked up to Melisa.
"Hi," she replies gravely.
Molly only smiled again as she helped her zip the dress completely, she held Melissa's waist with her left hand while her right hand caress her belly to the lower part of her breast.
"Your hair doesn't need to be hidden" she whispers.
For a moment Melissa could not think properly, days ago Molly said she love her and here she was caressing her.
The main problem was Melissa's body responded to every touch which she had never felt before. The shivers, the sparkles, the urge to touch her back and promote what she felt was happening.
"Let me help you with that" Molly collected a necklace Melissa was trying to wear "Your hair?".
Melissa raised her hair as Molly wore her the ornament. It wasn't a very expensive one but she Cherished it with all her life just as she would continue to love her mother the owner of the ornament.
"It was for my mother".
"It's beautiful as you are more beautiful" silent broke as Melissa looked away from the mirror avoiding Molly's eyes.
Melissa moved away from the mirror to get her windows closed, putting off the light, and carried a white feather hat from her hat collections.
"You don't need the hat," Molly said.
"I do".
"No you don't" Molly walked to her took the hat and returned it to its position "When I say you are beautiful I mean all about you is precious".
Melissa blushed!
Her eyes went wide open in embarrassment as Molly smirked blinking her beautiful silver eyes. Poor Melissa had to blink back her big brown eyes.
"Let's go," Molly said giving her arm to Melisa.
Immediately the fingers touched everything went off service like the power supply was cut off and reconnected. The two young girls continued starring at themselves with mouths agape.
'What is going on!' Melissa thought.
She sucked her lower dry lips, biting the edge before putting a stray hair behind her left ear. She had wanted to break the silence and lead her out of the house. She still didn't know how Molly came in, Nikolas must have let her.
A moan escaped her throat as she tried to talk, heat flowed through her body to stop in between her weak legs.
All this was foreign and strange to her, even if she needed to start having such feelings it should at least be what she consider normal like with the opposite sex.
"Molly I...".
Hell, lose as Molly's lips dominate Melissa's own in a rough kiss! At first, Melissa hesitated before kissing her back, she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of having a foreign policy in her legacy.
The party wasn't what a nerd had expected. Melissa walked in and almost regretted it as the loudest music sound she had ever heard filled her ears. She notice Molly gave her wet hand an assuring squeeze which she responded to with her squeeze and a breathtaking smile.
"You're scared?".
"I've never been to a party" Melissa shouted, trying to make her voice be heard in the midst of the loud music.
"Yeah!" Melissa nodded "Although I have had lots of tea parties with my mum and my Teddies 'Mr. and Mrs. Willy' and that helped me stay alone a lot".
"Well," Molly took her hand and dragged her to the middle of the hall "You have me now".
Melissa opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. She forced an obviously fake smile as she shakes her head in disagreement.
"Oh!!" Molly exclaimed, "I meant us, u know you have me, Sam and Leah. We won't let you miss out".
Melissa stood still trying to stop herself from shaking as it seemed her heels were about to fail her.
"I don't think what we are doing is right!" She blurted.
Pain and disappointment flushed Molly's red face, she sucked in her lower lips as she stared Into the red hair's face.
"We are girls" she began "It doesn't mean anything Mel. Besides we have the same thing so we can't be so personal like you are thinking".
That went fast! Nobody in their love shoes would call that anything as Molly had said. Definitely, she said it to make Mel better and less confused or scared but deep down she loves Melissa Hart with all it takes.
Even if she had to lose her scholarship!
"My bad!" Melissa chuckled "I have never been into a relationship or kissed anyone except my mum. Although I had pecked my ex when I was twelve on the lips and cheek but it hadn't given me the kind of weird reaction".
Molly's unreadable face took a shade of light pink as she squeezed Melissa's hand.
"I understand all this are foreign but I can maybe st-".
"It's making you feel uncomfortable," Molly said "It's fun, I love it, I love you but it has to stop so you can be happy".
"I feel lonely when you don't touch me".
Molly smiled, she lean close and brushed her lips on Melissa's pink fluffy lips.
"Let's dance babe" she winked an eye "If you like I can give you a break to make it secret until when you decide to announce us". The music changed into something faster as she also changed her steps "I love you, Melissa".
As they dance many things kept on replaying in Melissa's Mind, she just wished the world could be what she had always wanted and imagined. She smiled as she stepped on Molly's feet a couple of times, muttering sorry, blushing, and hiding her tomato's red face giving her the matching color with her red hair.
"I love you, Melissa".
The statement bounced around Melissa's red brain like she doesn't understand what Molly was talking about. How would her fellow girl be talking about an open relationship about them!
Of the things in the world, she never wanted to be a lesbian even if she has to leave the 'losers club'.
"Shall we?".
Melissa turned to set her big brown eyes on a very cute-looking dude, she stared back at Molly who had a disgusting smile on her stern face.
"What are you doing here Ass hole?".
"I heard my baby sister got into a fight", said, "Who is this dull-looking red hair beside you".
"The dull-looking red hair is my shining Melissa Hart," Molly said between clenched teeth, she moved a step closer to him "You better watch what you say about her".
Melissa's face went hot as she blinked back tears, she made to move but Molly held her cupping her face in both hands.
"She means a lot to me, Dickson". Molly addressed him still looking at Melissa's face "I can't have you talk shit about her or I break your balls".
Dickson scoffed, he extended his strong hairy arm to Melissa whose face was hidden in Molly's hand.
"I'm Dickson, Monica's brother".
"Stepbrother!". Molly corrected.
"Well aren't you gonna introduce me to your girlfriend or are you scared I will take her away like before".
"My name is Melissa Hart" She took his hand, wincing a little in his garage grip "I would prefer my bones still together not broken Dickson".
Molly smiled, she likes the courage Melissa was trying to act and it's really making her proud. She placed her palm on their hand giving her brother a mischievous smile.
"She is not your type, Dick".
Dickson release Melissa's hand bowed slightly with a smirk on his handsome face.
"See you around Monica".
Melissa released her breath as Dickson walked away in a rage, she fell into Molly's open arms and began to shed tears.
"Do my hair look so horrible?". She sniffed
"You look, perfect Babe, that's all that matters".
"Why do people always talk ill about my red hair and freckles ?".
"Because you are naturally beautiful and they are not, you have what they can also never have" Molly took Melissa's hand as she lead her away from the crowd "Let me use Karen for example, she had to date Williams so she could go to school, she hardly pay her rent, barely pass with fake breast and hips".
She turned to look her Melissa's face that was red and her cheeks swollen.
"Laugh it out Mel, you look like a red Olaf".
That was harsh but Melissa burst up, laughing as she had never done in years since her mother died. She held her stomach as fresh tears rolled down her face.
"Great!" Sam yelled as she meet them "My girl of the year just messed her make-up ".
Melissa swallow to stop herself from laughing, she saw the awkwardness in Sam's eyes and she continued.
"What did you do Molly?".
"Nothing" Molly raised both hands "We meet Dickson".
Sam gasped, she pulled Melissa into a heartwarming hug. She looked at the red hair's face and pulled her again closer.
"Did he hurt you?". Her face shows a real expression of pity.
"I'm fine Sam".
Sam stared at Melissa for a while the took her hand, Molly followed immediately. She took her to a room and mend her makeup, they didn't give her much time to think before they pulled her to the middle of the hall.
"Hello everyone" Sam spoke into the mic "This is Melissa Hart a freshman in Loyola, just moved into Chicago and the newest member of the losers club".
There were a few hello few welcome and waves.
"I don't understand you guys," Melissa said, the four girls walk towards the main door "How did you afford all this and stay isolated in school".
"I don't stay isolated Mel" Sam smiled "They just can't afford to stay with me. Even the block we have lunch with you is reserved for us that's why Madam West could not call the cops on us when we fought, she could only resolve one's scholarship"
Melissa couldn't suppress her happiness as she began to wonder how lucky she had become to join the losers club. She just couldn't believe her stepfather had finally secured the place for her and would be going back to the state.
She read molly's good night text and had no idea if she should be irritated as before, feel special, or confused. She just laid on her bed butt naked she she smiled at the ceiling, letting all ungodly thoughts flow freely through her always empty red hair.