Chapter 8
Williams scoffed as he picked up his black card. He his smirk had turned into something uncertain.
"What?" He yelled "What the heck! You just called my name for the third time red head".
"My name is Melissa not red head" She frowned slightly "What the hell are you doing in my apartment?". Her eyebrows connecting.
"Your apartment?".
Melissa both arms were folded under her heavy breast, tapping her right foot impatiently with her weight totally rested on the left leg. She unfold her hands, slightly showing Williams the bat like it was a very scary weapon.
Williams on the dead end stood erect with his mouth and eyes open. His gaze zeroed on Melissa's chest as she rant about how she hate him, how she would call the cops on him. She look like a three years old girl blabing how she should and sneak up on him and knock him out with the bat.
Her nipples tuck at the slim silk as she bounced close to him.
Wrong move!!
He didn't try to move back, he just stood still as he felt something growing rapidly in his zipper area. He swore softly as she angrily tuck her stray hair behind her ears breathing heavily.
"Are you fucking listening?" She yelled "Oh! You gat to be kidding me, you break into my apartment, went to my kitchen, maybe went through my stuff and now! YOU.ARE. FUCKING. LOOKING. LIKE. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M SAYING!".
Williams didn't flinch, he moved closer swiftly, it almost look supernatural. If they had a third party the person would have vouch Melissa was the person who moved.
Seconds ago she was few metres away yelling at him, but there she stood, wrapped in his strong arms. For what felt like eternity she didn't want to move, there was no possible reason why she felt save and super wet but she still prefer to be a bitch for a second or more.
It wasn't until Williams smashed his lips on hers in a devouring kiss! He smiled on her lips as she flinched and struggled to pull out but he held her firm, kissing her passionately, kissing her like he had never kissed before.
He pulled her hair roughly like he wanted to kiss her neck, hoping to do that on a good day, he pulled her closed as he bent to match with her height. His right hand went astray, from her waist where it had comfortably sat. He moved it to her stomach, slowly to the lower part of her breast as he seize it.
It felt warm and soft, unlike what he had been touching from other girls. His large palm cupped her full breast, squeezing it hard but gentle. His fingers found her already tight nipple as he began to softly squeeze it.
Melissa moaned involuntarily as her small hands moved away from it formal position, William's broad chest to his wide shoulder and neck. Her right hand fingers found its way into his jet black hair as it tangled itself.
"You are mine!" William groaned.
Just like lighting it struck her, she pulled away instantly as her right palm connected harshly to his cheek. She moved few steps backwards, her right hand to her wait and the left on her forehead, her face was tomato red not too similar with her hair.
"Fuck!". She yelled.
Williams stood still, with an unreadable expression on his red face. Few seconds ago he had been almost called to his glory until he fucked it up.
He couldn't have said anything, he shouldn't have looked for Karen to break up with her as he had in mind, he shouldn't have looked at her tempting nipples and inviting devilish lips.
'This girl might be my doom' he reminded himself.
"Somebody shot me! Get he fuck out of my apartment!" She yelled.
Her seductive big brown eyes were close tightly as her hair covered her face,her freckles face was hot red with her lips swollen. If she was a cartoon doll she would have probably have steams up her red hair, Her breast bounced as she stamped the left foot angrily.
"Fuck me" he groaned in raw frustration.
"Fuck you?" She intoned " Well fuck you, just get the hell out of this place right now".
The feelings Williams began to have was strange. He hadn't felt like he wanted someone so badly before, nor he had became erect so quick. He had no time for love after his so called first love had broken his heart. He felt like he own her, like he love her and would not survive without her.
In few months time he would have to request a transfer to Spain where his father want him to study and manage a new company. Casting Melissa one last sad look, he walked away, closing the door gently.
The cold mocking evening breeze slapped reality back into him as he left the building.
'How on earth would he think he could have Melisa?'
A very pretty lady stood at the front of the limo, she had a stern look with his hands hidden in pocket of her pink pant suit. She opened the door of the limo for him and closed it immediately he settled. He took out a bottle of champagne and began to drown his uncertainty with it.
The authority in his voice couldn't let the driver ask him his particular destination. She just drove ahead, not having a place in mind.
"Are you sure you won't mind to go home sire?". She spoke into her ear pod.
Williams flinched, he had forgotten that he still had his ear pod, Rosie must have been listening to his conversation. He sigh, after all that was what he had in mind when he asked her to drive.
"I didn't hear much as not much was said" Rosie said.
"Just go somewhere fucked up" Williams barked "Please do not listen to my conversation again".
"I wasn't" she chuckled "Was thinking something annoying was going to happen today. That your Karen bitch moan like a moving train".
Williams chuckled, if there was any other person was with them, the person would know their was something fishy between them.
Every since Williams fucked Rosie, she had always been trying keep him away from other girls and when he told her he want to break up with Karen, she felt so happy.
"That moan sounds yummy Williams, who is she? She seems not to know you".
The thought of Melissa moaning made him hard again, he smirked.
"She is not like others, Rosie".
"What else do they offer that I can't do Williams" Rosie sounded angry "What the fuck!".
"I am still your boss Rosie, either I have threesome with you and other girls makes no meaning to me. As long as I didn't force you I owe you nothing".
"This is not what you want Williams" Rosie sniffed "Who so ever the bitch is she won't last up to three months just like other girls".
"Let's be professional Rosie" he strictly "I prefer silent".
"But Williams, I lo-".
Her name alone from his lips could tell what he was trying to avoid, she hit the break as she rushed out to open the door for him. If she could, she would have slam the door against his head to knock him out and drive him home to his father.
The bar stood magnificent in the dark empty street. It was hidden but funny enough folks still find their there, just like how people located Sodom and Gomorah.
"Thanks for notifying Melissa's moan sounds yummy" Williams smirked as he got out of his car "You sound sexy" he gave her the ear pod that had been in his ear "You don't have to hear us moan".
Rosie said nothing, she nodded as he walked pass her into the bar. She was sure Williams was going to fuck Camila, one of his Italia stripper in his club.
Wondering how he owe the club so early? He father askw him to forget about his mother and he did.
She swore loudly blinking back the tears thats was already running down her pink cheeks. She bit how lower lips hard, hard enough to draw out blood.
"I rather drink my blood than shed my precious tears for you Williams." she sniffed wiping her tears angrily "Melissa it is?" It sounded more like a question "Bitch! You will fucking pay".
She brought out a stick of cigarette from its park, and try to lit it. Everything seem so frustrating that even the lighter refused to work.
"Fucking piece of shit!" She yelled, throwing it away. She squeezed the stick of cigarette and was about keeping the pack in her pocket
"Want me to lit you up? Bitch" A drunk stranger asked.
"Go fuck yourself!" She replied.
"Feisty much?" He moved closer offering her a lighter "I only meant this".
Rosie fake a smile for him to come closer, pulling him close was fasting than waiting, quick! was what she did. She hit his nose with her forehead, his balls with her knee, punched his neck before he could get up straight.
"Go call your momma BITCH" She gave him uppercut.
The man fell close to her feet like he was dead. How much of a lazy man been knock out completely by a woman.
She searched him to see if he have any valuable items. He had just fifty dollars, a diamond wedding ring in his finger, an expensive wrist watch and a folded picture of a smiling woman and two kids, she turned the back to and notice a boldly written RIP.
She shrug after she put the picture back in his pocket, took his watch and ring then left the money for him.
"Bet your mom would be happy that I knocked your ass out". She grinned "And sorry for your lost or lose rather ".
Rosie pulled him away from the car to a dark corner, the last thing she wanted was attention caused by drunk dude when she was angry.
She puffed out smoke, feeling slightly relieved. A blessing in a stranger felt unique to her as she played with the lighter she got form the drunk stranger.
At least she would send some money to her mother in Spain for her drugs, for the house rent, up keeping and her three years old child's school fees.
Rosie sometimes wishes she could die. Things get worst with her mother's health every day, her heart failure is causing too much damages to herself and her grand child. It was because she was trying to get some money by sleeping with different men that got her pregnant.
The same thing she want with Williams, if she could get her pregnant,she was sure she had nothing to worry about.
Mr Hughes, Williams father owns the 'world', is fucking rich that if the world can be on sale he was sure to buy it for his favorite legitimate son, Williams.