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"Sir it's your turn." The cashier woke me up, which was obviously flirting. I immediately gave her my black card, to pay for my purchases. Then I left the store. I have never seen a woman before.

I decided to go to a coffee shop. I'm drinking my coffee when I heard three different voices talking but one caught my attention. What a very beautiful soft voice.

"Take out for Shawn?" I heard her companion ask.

"Yeah." She replied. And that was the sweetest voice I've ever heard. And my heart wants to escape from my body.

"You really love him, huh." Another one with her said to her.

"Of Course, I love him so much. He's my everything, his life, my strength. And I'm so Blessed and Lucky to have Him. And I am so thankful for coming Him into my life." The women said. I know she was smiling while saying those words. Even though I can only see her back. I felt envy to that man. "Lucky bstard." I can't control myself, I whispered.

Suddenly she stood up and said goodbye to her companion. But the two stood up as well. I just followed her gaze again.

I also left. I still can't understand how I feel about that woman. My heart is beating so fast. It's like there's horse racing inside. The feeling was so strange.

"CHARRY, please contact the receptionist now. And tell her to get everyone ready. Did you inform her earlier?" I talked to Charry through entercom. My brother's secretary.

"Yes Kuya-(Big Brother) I already informed her earlier." She said, Charry is my cousin, first cousin from my mother's side. Her mom is my mom's younger sister. "Ok thanks, you can go now and check everything down there." As I said to her.

At exactly eight in the morning, I heard the voice calling the attention of all the employees. I just wait for ten minutes before I go down. To make sure everyone is already there.

I get out in the office and walked through the elevator. I frowned when I saw it moving. I did not press yet. But according to the monitor, it's going down. Someone is using my elevator. Did they didn't know? This elevator is private!?

Suddenly my head heats up, so I call the control room. "Check who's using my private elevator now !?"

I was immediately told the name of who. And I was surprised to hear his name. "So he's also here, what is his trick this time?" I just shook my head and smiled.

A minute later I heard the sound of the elevator door opening. I immediately step inside.

Lots of people in the lobby when I get down. I guess everyone is already here. So I walked into the front. All eyes are on me.

And here again the strange feeling. My heart was beating so fast that I could almost hear my own heartbeat. A deep sigh first, before I look around.

And then right there my eyes pinned on her, she's the woman I saw from yesterday at the mall. The woman who barely put me to sleepless nights. The woman is the reason why my heartbeat suddenly increased.

But I frowned when I noticed the man next to him. His arm on her shoulder, and the madman just smiled at me.

I cleared my throat before I speak

"Good morning, I hope everyone is already here now." My eyes are still on her. "To those who don't know me yet. I'm James Smith, older son and a brother of your Boss Jason Smith. I know you are already informed by my father about his condition. So I will be your BOSS for the meantime until he recovers.'' As I continued my speech.

Then I noticed the other two girls besides him. The girls pouted on them, then I saw her laughing at the girls. Shit she looks even more beautiful, when she laughs, and right there I felt like there's a warm hand touching my heart.

The madman just laughs at them, while the two give him a hug. I was still staring at her. I couldn't help it, and she was suddenly stunned and lost her smile as she looked up at me.

I only lost my attention to her when someone spoke behind me. "Sir, I just want to inform, you have a meeting with the board after ten minutes." It was Charry.

"OK." I told her. "Everyone, get back to your work now." As I dismissed them. And I immediately went to the elevator .

"Charry, come with me." She quickly followed me.

Before the elevator closed I saw them laughing while walking through the other elevator.

I CALL him after the meeting. "Hello" As he answered my call only after two rings.

"Hello your self ahole! Come to my office right now!" I just heard him chuckling and said "OK". After a few minutes I heard a knock.

From my office door. I have not yet answered but the door has already opened. And the man who was smiling at me entered. "Kuya James welcome back to back to the Philippines." The madman managed to make a joke. While Hugging me.

"So what's your trip this time, huh? What other mischief entered your brain?" I said to him,

"Kuya what are you talking about? Trip? Mischief? Nuh ah?" He shook his head as he said to me.

"So what was that earlier, huh?" I just laughed at him.

"Kuya James, those ladies are my friends. If that's what you mean. They are like sisters to me, especially Sha. She's like an elder sister that I don't have, you know." He further explained.

"I know what you're thinking, kuya, I'm already a good boy now." As he continued. I just looked at him like I was still not convinced.

"Just make it sure Mike, if you don't really want me to break up your neck. I really don't want to hear that you are doing nonsense here Mike. Anyways, I miss you little boy." I said to him while messing up with his hair.

He even laughed at what I did. He didn't want to be messing up his hair.

"Tsk! Don't you ruin my hair!" As he said while stepping away from me.

And suddenly the door opened, "Can I join?" She pouted like a child. "Your deceit, huh!" It still looks sullen.

We just laughed at her behavior. "Come on little sis, shu out! You're not allowed here! For boys only,shu!" He even annoys his sister. Charry is Mike's younger sister.

"You! Ugly ahole! Hmmp. I'll report you to mommy! I will ruin your party tonight!" It was rushing out of the office.

I even looked at Mike who was frowning. "Party?" I asked him.

"Yes party, brother it's my birthday. My twenty-fifth birthday don't tell me you forgot. You should be there. Will, just at home, seven starts." He told me while stepping to exit my office.

I was just shaking my head, I also missed these crazy, messy, nasty siblings.

I turned my attention to work. And I got busy. When Charry gets in the office. And remind me it's already time for lunch break.

So I decided to go down to the cafeteria for lunch. When I came out, Charry was no longer in her place. I went to the elevator.

When I'm on my way to the cafeteria, the employees immediately bowed their heads at me and greeted me. Other girls were so obvious to me. Will I already be used to it, Women's flirting. And they give a way when I order food.

Carrying the food tray, I'm looking for a vacant table. Then I saw Mike with the girls. My forehead furrowed, the madman ignored me. Seems like he didn't see me.

The good thing is there's a vacant table next to them. I immediately went there. I passed by them, then the two girls greeted me. I just nod at them. But the other girl seemed to see nothing. Suddenly I took my phone and texted him.

[ Me: So what's your drama huh! Acting like you don't know me huh. ]

I saw him take his phone and frowned at me.

[ Mike: Oh come on Kuya, just keep your mouth shut. Just eat your lunch and enjoy. Hahaha ]

He put down his phone on the table.

I could hear them talking and laughing. The two laughed so loud while on the other hand, the other one was just smiling, a smile is pure.

Then I saw them stand, and they finished eating. "We'll go ahead first Sir." Said the two women. They look so young, those in their early twenties. But the other one looks a little older than the two. She just looked at me and shyly bowed and smiled at me as if she's ashamed before leaving.

I was suddenly stunned by what she did. It was as if a warm hand caressed my heart. And My heartbeat got stronger.

But my crazy cousin, there rushing to the outside. And I also decided to finish my food, so I can go back to the office too.

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