CHAPTER 07: Heart Disease
“Are you okay? You want me to get you a food or something?” Elijah asked me, for a hundred times I think.
“I’m fine, Elij. You can leave us here. I know you’re tired. Get some sleep. I can handle this.”
“Are you sure?” He looked at me, worried.
“Yeah. And thank you for helping us.”
He nodded before walking towards Alexa.
“Hey,” I heard him greeted my little sister.
Alexa just smiled at him. A few moments later, after he realized that my sister wasn’t planning to say a word or anything, he just tap her head before saying goodbye.
“Bye, Alexa. Bye, Claire.” He waved at me and I waved back.
As soon as he was out of sight, Alexa came near me and hugged my legs. I instantly knew that she’s crying because my jeans was starting to get wet.
“Please don’t cry, little sis. Don’t worry, Dad’s going to be alright soon.”
I tried to be brave, but I still gave in. I cried. I can’t help but to release the unbearable pain inside of my chest. I knew one thing for sure, our Dad’s life is going to be in danger and we need a lot of money to save him.
“Ms. Braganza?” The doctor appeared out of nowhere. “Are you Ms. Claire Braganza?” he asked me once more as he saw the tears streaming down from my eyes.
“Y-yes. That’s me. How’s our Dad?”
“Frankly, he’s in a critical condition. But the good news is, we can still save him. But I need to be honest with you, Ms. Braganza. You need a huge amount of money in order to save your father.”
“H-how much?”
“Half million dollars.”
I felt my knees wiggle as I heard those words. Five hundred thousand dollars. Where can I get that amount of money? Even if I work twenty-four hours as a teacher, I still wouldn’t be able to pay it.
“Claire? Are you okay?” Alexa asked, still hugging my legs.
“I-I’m fine...”
I looked up to the doctor, still waiting for my respond. I gulped several times before saying another word. I couldn’t think of some other ways on how can I save my father. Maybe I’ll get the stupid job that Mr. Herrera offers to me earlier. My pride and dignity doesn’t matter now. The only thing that’s important is my father’s safety. I know Alexa couldn’t live without Dad. Me too. That’s why I need to save him.
“Please do anything to save him. I’m ready to pay you. Just please... Save our Dad.”
The doctor nodded before giving us a sympathetic smile.
“Do you want to see the patient?” he asked.
“Claire, I want to see Dad,” Alexa whispered.
I just smiled at her and nodded to the doctor. After that, he gestured us to a small private room where our Dad was lying, sleeping peacefully like a baby.
“He has a heart disease, Ms. Braganza. But you don’t need to worry. As long as we do our best, your father is going to be safe.”
I sighed. Finally, the doctor decided to leave us all alone. Alexa rushed to our father’s side before whispering something.
“I told him to be strong for us, Claire.” She beamed at me.
My heart melted at that hopeful smile of hers. If only I could make things better for all of us. If only I could provide a better life... Anything that I can offer. Even myself.
“Why are you crying again, Claire? Dad is just sleeping, right?”
I nodded before wiping my traitor tears away.
“Like what you’ve said before, Dad’s going to be fine soon so don’t be worried anymore.”
I nearly laughed as I heard my own words coming from my little sister’s mouth. I often put on a facade of bravery just to show to the people that I’m always happy. That I always saw the bright and positive side of the things. But they just didn’t know... They didn’t know that I’m already hurting inside.
I left Alexa at the hospital and decided to head home to get some stuffs and toiletries. I tried to get back as fast as I can because I know that Alexa was too afraid to sleep alone at the hospital. She needs me, and I need to be there for her.
I grabbed everything I need. Tissues, blankets, some clothes, and even a reading material. Alexa loves to read. She needs something to divert her attention from our current situation.
Halfway through the hospital, I passed by a small grocery store. My stomach growled, probably because of hunger. Then I remembered that I didn’t ate lunch earlier. And also, we haven’t had any dinner too because of what happened. Alexa’s probably hungry too. I need to buy something that we can eat.
I entered into the store and the fresh scent of different products awakened my senses. My stomach growled, once again. I sighed as I go through the towering storage of food section.
“Hi, Ms. Braganza. We met again.”
I was about to picked up some biscuits when I heard that voice. The voice coming from the man I hated the most. But also, he is the man who can save us.
“M-Mr. H-Herrera.” I tried not to stuttered, but I failed.
“You’re here. What are you doing here at the middle of night?” He arched one of his brows.
“N-nothing.” I looked away.
I should tell him now. I should said everything that happened to us. But I’m afraid that he would laugh at me, after I rejected his insane offer earlier.
“Are you okay? You looked... Uh... Pale.”
“I’m fine,” I tried to answer him as coldly as I can.
“Well, you don’t look like you’re fine. Did you already think about my offer?”
When I didn’t answer, he continue to blabber about that deal. I’m badly tempted to grabbed it, but because of his arrogant voice, my pride was getting in the way of my decision.
As long as I can face my problems alone, I won’t ask help from anyone. That’s my motto ever since.
“Ms. Braganza, I’m sure you wouldn’t looked bad with me as your husband. And one more thing, the money I’m offering to you, it would be a big help for someone like you.”
I faced him, with an emotionless expression on my face. I can’t take his arrogance anymore. His last sentence was all I can think of as of this moment.
“And what exactly do you mean by ‘someone like me,’ Mr. Herrera?”
He smirked before answering.
“Someone below my level.”
“Excuse me? How about your best friend, huh? Do you think of him as someone below your level too? Well I hope not. Because Elijah’s feelings going to be hurt when he heard about this.”
For an instance, I saw hesitation from his eyes. He blinked several times, trying to digest what I’ve just told him. When he finally got it, he has this surprised look on his face before occupying with regret and amusement at the same time.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to degrade you or anything.”
“You didn’t mean to. But you still said it. All the words coming from your mouth is a secret your brain was trying to hide. I don’t know you that much but... Base on my judgement, you looked down to the people below your level. You’re a man aiming high with a low attitude.”
“Tsssk.” Finally, I made him speechless.
He suddenly walked a few steps away from me, still shocked by my response. I was about to continue buying our food when he opened his mouth again. This time, I was the one who couldn’t answer his savage statement.
“You’re smart, but not smart enough. Sooner or later, I know you’re going to come to me, begging to be my wife, Ms. Braganza.”
He leave the store before I could even say a word. I was stunned for a moment, thinking about what he’d just said to me. My knees are shaking, knowing that maybe, somehow, maybe he’s right.
I sighed before mentally scolding myself. Did I really talked to him like that? What if he’s right? What if I was placed in a situation where I needed his help? A situation that will force me to be his fake wife?
“Miss, that was two hundred pesos.”
I came back to my senses as I heard the cashier’s voice. He was referring to my receipt and the purchased items on the counter.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Here you go.”
I handed him a whole two hundred pesos before reaching the bags of items. I already stepped out of the store when I heard my cellphone’s ringtone, indicating that someone is calling me. I quickly answered it before panic rushed through my system.
“Claire! Please comeback! Something happened to Dad!” It was Alexa, crying.