CHAPTER 06: Hurtful Truth


Two weeks had passed. Two weeks without me talking to my bestfriend, or either way around. She’s not talking to me anymore, nor to Gabriel. Speaking of that guy, he always hangout with me even without Claire. I don’t know what happened between the two of them but suddenly, they became distinct to each other. Maybe because of the fact that Claire was avoiding him or something.

“Ms. Frias, your partner for your last project this year which is the research paper is Mr. Elijah Ramirez.”

I was dumbfounded when I heard that name. That guy, he always sticks around like a used bubble gum. Though it wasn’t his fault that our teacher chose him to be my partner for this project. In that way, I wouldn’t lift even just a single finger for this paper.

“Hey, let’s talk about our paper later, Ms. Frias,” he stated, before winking at me.

Or so I thought. Because this Ramirez guy or whoever he is was forcing me to sweat on this stupid paper. I didn’t even have much time left to hangout with Gabriel. And I’m afraid that maybe, just maybe, if ever I’m not around, Claire will take him away from me.

Call me stupid for thinking that way. But that is how I think, specially that I know to myself that my bestfriend is way even better than my personality.

“Hey! I’m talking to you, Ms. Frias,” Elijah stated.

“What? You’re so annoying. If it wasn’t for this stupid project, I wouldn’t even talk to someone like you,” I coldly answered.

“Ouch. Well that’s... Harsh.”

“And so?”

“May I know something about you?” he asked again, not bothering the bored expression on my face.


“Can I call you by your first name? Our teacher often calls you Ms. Frias so I wasn’t familiar to your real name. I mean, we don’t need to be so formal, right?”

“Let’s just leave things the way it is. You don’t need to know me so well now that this project is only temporary.”

“I’ll take that as a straight and heartless no. Though why stay with temporary things and relationship if we can have a permanent one?”

“Psssh. As if I want to with you.”

He chuckled, as if he didn’t heard every hurtful things that I’ve just said to him. If only... If only Claire was this tough. How I miss her so much. Two weekends that we hadn’t have any sleepover just because of that stupid fight...

“You’re friends with Claire, right?”

“Huh?” I looked at him, unbelievably. As if he could read my mind.

“Claire Braganza? I always saw you two hanging around the campus with each other the whole year. I’m just wondering why I couldn’t see you two together for weeks now. Does something happened?”

“It’s literally none of your business.”

“What? I’m just asking, you know. Come on, Ms. Frias. You can tell me anything.”

“Okay, fine. Just please, don’t tell this to anyone, okay?” I don’t know what hits me, but I decided to trust him. Maybe it’s because of his deep, hypnotizing eyes.

He nodded, looking excited for my story. I sighed before saying another word. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I’ll tell him about it, since I don’t have anyone to talk to about this stuffs. And besides, he couldn’t even remember my name. So what could be the possible harm, right?

“We fought.”

“Why? You two are very close to each other, right?”

“Maybe it’s my fault. Anyways, how did you know about my bestfriend?”

“We are classmates in one of our afternoon classes. Anyways, don’t try to change the topic of our conversation. Come on, please spill more tea. I want to hear more about you two. Why did you fight? And why are you blaming yourself about it?”

I thought only girls can gossip about silly things. Only now that I realized that guys have a special talent to gather some information too.

“We fought because of a guy. That’s so silly, right?” His brows furrowed.

“No, it’s not. Things like that often happen to kids our age.”

“You’re not a kid anymore.”

“I’m seventeen, so literally, I’m still a minor.”

“Whatever, Elij.”

“Elij? What was that? You gave me a nickname?”

“Uhm... Maybe?”

“I like it.”

For some reason, I’m also liking this guy. Not romantically, no way. It was only because of the fact that Claire and him have a very similar personality. They are both very friendly and a good listener as well. I can’t help but to think that maybe Elijah is the guy version of my bestfriend.

He was about to say something more when a bunch of people came running like a madman towards our direction. I nearly fall, but thankfully, he catches me before I did. I saw how his eyes widen in shock as he realized that he was holding me in his arms. I lightly pushed him away, before thanking him.


“You better watch out your step. They could have bumped onto you if I didn’t–”

His statement was cut short when I raised my palms for him to stop. My gaze is now focus on the commotion of those brainless people running around the hallway.

“What’s happening? Why are they even running?” I curiously asked.

“Do you want us to go there and take a look?” he asked.

I shyly nodded. He sighed before pulling my hand towards that direction. I instantly felt anxious with his hands on mine.

”Do you really need to hold my hand?” I asked sarcastically.

“Uhm... Y-yeah? I just wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t fall anymore.”

I don’t know if it was just my imagination or what but I think I saw him smiled and blushed.

“Let’s go...” he trailed off while whispering those words.

As soon as he pulled me and we reached the destination where people are keep on shouting and pushing each other, I tried to make him let go of my hands. But he still didn’t let me. He was gripping it tight, and I wonder why.

We are now on the open ground of our school. There are balloons and flowers everywhere. Someone is at the center of the field, mumbling something that I couldn’t even hear because of those shouting people.

“Excuse me!” I tried to pushed them away as I make my way to the center of the field, hoping to see what is going on while tugging Elijah along behind me.

“Kate... Please let’s get back inside to work on our paper,” he suddenly stated, looking bothered.

“Why? I promised we will go right after I saw what’s happening in here.”

“Please... I don’t want you to see this.”

I looked up at him in confusion. What does he mean? I harshly took his hands off of mine. I know he was hiding something from me. And whatever it is, it was already in front of us right now and he doesn’t want me too see it. That’s why I got curious even more. I decided to run through the center, not minding the people complaining as I passed them by.

As soon as I reached my destination, I looked up to the two people in front of me. We are now three at the center of the circle, while people are still screaming out of joy looking at the couple in front of me.

“Please, Claire? I really like you and I still don’t know the reason why you keep on avoiding me. Please, be my girlfriend...” Gabriel pleaded to my bestfriend as he kneel down on the ground.

Shocked is visible on my bestfriend’s eyes not because of Gabriel’s sudden confession, but because she saw me standing a few meters away from them. I gasped as our eyes met, and she mouthed the words, “I’m sorry...”

“Claire, please say something. Do you like me too?” Gabriel asked once more.

Claire looked back at him, and she slowly shook her head. People gasped in surprise, and they all came into silence right after that. My bestfriend looked at my direction, hoping to see that I could understand what is happening right now. But I couldn’t for all that I was feeling at this current moment is purely pain.

“Kate...” She took a closer step towards me.

“Stop! Just stop right there, Claire! I don’t want to hear it!”

“But... I didn’t know that Gab...”

“I said stop it!”

I burst out in tears, and I could see the amusement in the eyes of those people who just witnessed our little drama in front of the whole school. It was as if they are enjoying the scene themselves. I felt ashamed, crying in front of everyone just because of a guy. But also, I couldn’t help but to feel betrayed by my bestfriend.

I ran away from that place. I didn’t mind those people I passed by specially now that I’m still hurting inside. I didn’t even let Elijah touch me when he tried as he saw me running away. Maybe he’s right. I shouldn’t have come here. He’s just protecting my feelings, but I didn’t allow him to do that. And now I’m facing the hurtful truth, badly wanting to erase it from the shadows of my memories.

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