A weak hybrid


"You are cursed... Cursed!!!"

Laura jolted awake, perspiration bathing profusely on her skin. Yet another nightmare. This was getting out of hand, she can't keep suffering like this in the hands of the unknown. She never wanted to be born as a hybrid, why won't the nightmares just stop.

Sometimes she even sees things in reality that she saw in dreams. Her spirits grew worse and worse.

She began to cry in the silence of her room, not wanting to awake anyone in the mansion.

Her room was located at the bottomed end of the house, close to her parent's bedroom. She used to live at the first floors two years back, but when the nightmares began getting worse, her parents made her come to the upper story chamber, since it was closer to theirs.

She's been having these dreams so long as she could remember. Then, her mom always stays with her in her room, and read her bedtime stories, watching her sleep before she goes back to her chambers, and occasionally, she would stay with her, watching her sleep.

But now that she's grown up, and her parents have more responsibilities on their shoulder's, she learned to endure her nightmares because her mother will say, she's strong and should start acting strong.

But the truth is that, she's not strong at all, she could feel it in her bones. For this reason, she stopped having training's with kids her age, not because she's scared, of course She likes being around them, but it's not the same case for her.

They hate her and gave her a nickname as "White Fangs." The name came to be because she was extremely white, compared to the others, not withholding her wavy thick dark hair, that stretches down to her waist.

Her eyes are the color of the mixture of silver and gold, which shone whenever she was happy. Her skin shone and glowed brightly, which was perfect in every sense. Regarding beauty, she didn't lack any, for she could be termed as the fairest in her kingdom. But the truth is, the outside world do not know about her identity apart from those living in the palace, and this was because she never goes out.

The reason for not going out wasn't because she didn't want to, but it was because there have been enemies lurking outside the kingdom who are looking for the slightest opportunity to hunt her. The grudge was because the king, her father choose to make her mom who was a vampire, the queen over Acrinide tribe, which was the most popular and ancient werewolf kingdom among all others. Especially, since it was first the kingdom where the ancient witch ruled as Queen.

She wondered when this enmity will come to an end because it doesn't seem like the feud will end any time soon.

She curled herself in the darker part of her room, as she slightly scared to sleep. Just then, the door to her room flew open, she slowly raised her gaze towards the door, and suddenly, her mom came into view.

She watched as her mom darted her eyes around the room in search for her, she waited patiently in the dark corner of the room, for her mom to find her, since she also has a good sense of smell.

And just as she had thought, her mother looked towards her direction. There you are, my love.

Her mom walked towards her, and sat at the edge of her bed. She slowly left the dark side of the room and came towards the direction where the moon illuminated.

"Should I turn the lights on?"

Her mom said, looking intensely at her. She shook her head disapprovingly, which made her mom heaved a long sigh.

"Had nightmares again?"

"Yes, mom, and it's getting more scary by the day."

She lamented her fears, which made her Mom move towards her and embraced her tightly.

"It's okay my love, you will be fine, mom is here for you."

Laura felt so safe being in her mother's arms. And it reminded her about when she was little. Her mom will always hold her to her chest whenever she was unable to sleep because of the nightmares.

"Would you like to come with me to a place?"

Laura broke out from her mother's tight embrace, to stare at her mom's face.

Within minutes, Laura was already tailing behind her mom in the dead dark night, but the dim colored lights in the mansion passageway lit up the area, though, her mom could see brightly even under opaque darkness. And she thinks it is one of the qualities her mom possessed for being a vampire. Those awake in the mansion her the soldiers keeping watch over the pack, and they have no right over things inside the castle.

Laura persisted behind her mom until they came in front of a door.

This door was familiar, but she's never, for once, got inside because it was a strictly prohibited room, which was only used by the king and of course, her mom.

Her mom took a quick glance at her, with a little smile on her face.

"Are you ready to find out what's in there?"

Why won't she? This is a room she's been secretly eyeing to go into, because no one was allowed to get into the room without permission.

She nodded quickly in agreement.

Her mom gently opened the door and gestured for her to go in first. At this point, she was a bit nervous because she was about discovering what the room was all about.

Quietly, she walked in, and she was instantly taken aback, seeing how beautiful and gigantic the room looked.

Wow, she never knew the room was this magnificent inside.

There happens to be layers after layers of shelves, which contained maps, different collections of diamond and gold treasures.

She became perplexed at the magnificent sight in front of her.

She immediately gazed up at her mom, who smiled brightly at her. Now she's curious.

"Mom, why did you bring me in here? This is a full house of treasures and maps you know?"

"That's precisely why I brought you here. You need to know everything there is to know about your kingdom because you, Laura will be leading the Kingdom soon and all these treasure caches will be yours."

Laura opened her eyes wide, shell shock. She stared at her mom, not believing what she just said.

"Mom, you can't possibly be saying all these treasures will be mine and I will have to take care of the kingdom?"

Her mom walked closer to her, placing her two hands on her shoulders.

"This is your destiny Laura, you have to bear this in mind, your father and I won't be here forever, and you will lead your people."

Laura stared at her mom in a flummoxed state. This was the first time her mom was talking about her taking over the throne.

Why will she say that to her when she's barely of age?

"Laura, I know you are confused now, but rest assured, everything will become clearer to you in due time."

"But I'm not eighteen yet." She watched as her mom, brought out an ancient box and placed it on an ancient stoned table.

"Come here."

Immediately, she walked over to her mom, to see what she's setting out to show her."

"This box contains all secrets to the kingdom. I'm giving it to you for safe keeping"

Laura became more confused at where her mom was attempting to drive at.

"I think you need to know about all these now, Laura. You can't keep acting weak because you are not. You are stronger than most, and you will find out when you become of age. Don't tell me you've forgotten your coming of age is in two weeks?"

Laura gasped, honestly, she's totally forgotten about her coming of age.

Now she understands why she was being lectured by her mom. The truth bus that, she knows nothing about the activities of her kingdom as she was constantly hidden away from the outside the world.

Now, she listened to her mom as she made her understand everything she needed to know about the treasures in the safe room.

Actually, she somewhat felt useful now because, recalling how her bullies kept calling her weak and comparing her to the daughters of some pack Alphas who were known to be powerful, made her feel useless.

In rank, she was supposed to be their leader, but who would bow to a leader who was nothing but a damn weakling. Not to mention the fact that she was a cursed breed.

No matter how she sometimes wished to give herself the benefit of the doubt, the fact still remainsthat she's a rare kind who bore the weight of a witch's curse.

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