Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

As soon as Rachel left, Derek felt like an asshole. Why had he behaved that way like a jilted teenager? Ok, so it was shocking to him that she had turned down his offer to meet again, but so what? Men got turned down every day, so why did he think he was too good to be rejected? Because he had more money than most men?

Disgusted with himself, he threw back the covers and got out of bed then marched angrily to the bathroom. Inside, he got a faint whiff of Rachel’s perfume and his gut tightened involuntarily. Perhaps it was just as well that things had ended sourly between them this morning because that woman was trouble, plain and simple. He didn’t quite believe in love, but Rachel looked like the kind of woman that might make him start thinking about that strong emotion.

He had seen what love does to even the strongest and most level-headed men, how it turned them to mush and made them do stupid things. His father was an example of a victim of love – the older Fraser had made the mistake of falling in love with a selfish woman who was more interested in hosting lavish parties and spending money wastefully than actually being a wife or a mother to her only child – him!

The memories of how his father had suffered scandal after scandal after Derek’s mother had gotten caught repeatedly cheating on her husband, still haunted him until today. When he’d finally summoned the courage to ask his father why he was still married to his unfaithful wife, Jeremy Fraser had said, “I love her, son. I love your mother and I know she’s not a perfect human being. I have always known that even before I married her. I love her and I will keep forgiving her until she comes to her senses and realize how good she has it with me.”

“Dad, that doesn’t make sense,” he’d protested. “She has made you a laughingstock by how she disrespects you publicly and you still welcome her back home. Why do you keep letting her do that to you?”

“You don’t understand, Derek, but you will when you fall in love. You’ll see.”

“If falling in love means taking leave of my senses, then I don’t want any part of it,” he’d replied passionately.

That conversation had taken place in his father’s home office seven years ago. About a week after that, his mother died in a plane crash off the coast of Bermuda on her way back from a party hosted by one of her lovers, a Russian billionaire named Ivan Yulensky. They had been flying in his private jet when they’d hit strong turbulent winds that messed up the pilot’s visibility, and everything had literally gone downhill after that. Although Derek had been saddened by the news of his mother’s death, he had felt a sort of relief, knowing that his father was finally free from his loveless marriage and possibly had a chance of finding true love, but that had turned out to be wishful thinking on Derek’s part.

His father had taken ill after his mother’s demise and no treatment or medical intervention had helped. Derek had been crushed when his father’s doctor told him in a mournful tone that Jeremy Fraser had lost the will to live. His father died of a broken heart five months after his mother’s death and, Derek had sworn to himself never to fall in love. He would not allow love to rob him of his life as it had done to his father. He was glad that he’d come to his senses quickly before things got out of hand with Rachel.

“I’ve just dodged a bullet,” he whispered to himself.

“Tell me about it,” said Brittany on the phone. “Does he own the place?”

“Obviously,” Rachel drawled and rolled her eyes even though she knew her friend couldn’t see her expression through the phone. “The guy is mega-rich, but not my type.”

“What do you mean by ‘not my type?’ Since when is a good-looking gentleman not your type?”

“He is good-looking, but I wouldn’t describe him as a gentleman.”

Brittany inhaled sharply. “Why? What happened? Did he… do something to you?”

“If you are asking if he forced himself on me, the answer is no. Everything that happened between us was consensual.”

“Oh em gee! So you had sex with him?” Brittany sounded excited.

“Yes, I did.”

“And how was it?”

Rachel chuckled. “Darling, Brittany, I don’t kiss and tell, but I will only tell you this because you’re my favorite bestie.”

“I thought that spot was already filled by Leticia. Anyhoo, gimme the details, baby. How was it?”

“It was… dreamy, Brittany,” Rachel sighed. “It was by far the best sex I have ever had in my entire life and I’m not even exaggerating, I swear.”

“Aww, I can imagine,” Brittany giggled. “So, if it was that good, why do you think he’s not a gentleman?”

“Honestly, I don’t want to go into it. It’s just that his vibe this morning was just wrong. I turned down his offer to meet again and let’s just say he didn’t like being rejected.”

“Nobody likes being rejected.”

“I know, but the way he reacted was just tasteless, in my opinion. Anyway, that’s that about that. Water under the bridge. Moving on!”

Brittany laughed. “I like your spirit, Rachel. You just dust off the bad vibes and keep it moving.”

“That’s me. Listen, darling, I’ve got to go. I have to film a new video for my channel today and then head out to the dance studio by 2 p.m. so I’m looking at a busy Saturday ahead of me right now.”

“Ok, boo. Talk to you later then.”

“Sure thing. Tell Harry I said hey, and give my darling Jason a big kiss for me.”

After she hung up, she got about setting up her one-room apartment for her content filming. According to her content calendar, she was supposed to do an outdoor vlog today at the park close to her neighborhood. She had wanted to do a video on five simple workout routines she does regularly to keep her waistline trim, and she’d intended to vlog her trip there and back, but she didn’t feel up to it anymore. She didn’t feel like socializing or seeing anyone for that matter, not after that sour exchange she’d had with Derek this morning.

She had avoided thinking about him since she got home, but now that he has crossed her mind, she wondered if she may have perhaps overreacted when he’d offered her the wad of cash. Why did she automatically assume that he was trying to pay her for her “services?” Wouldn’t it have been odd if he had offered her a single hundred dollar bill, seeing that he was a billionaire?

“Doesn’t matter anymore,” she muttered to herself as she set her ring light and adjusted the brightness. She had decided that she would shoot a ‘Get Ready with Me’ video in which she would apply makeup on her face and talk about her birthday experience, and of course, leave out that nasty business with Derek from her story. Informing her 200,000 plus YouTube subscribers that she’d had a one-night stand with a stranger she met in a club wasn’t going to do her channel any good.

Satisfied with her filming set, she went to her tiny closet to find the right outfit to wear and tripped over a pile of clothing on the floor. They were the clothes she’d worn yesterday and for some reason, after she took them off when she got home, she hadn’t been able to put them in the laundry basket along with her other clothes. Looking at them now brought back memories that she wasn’t ready to deal with right now. She grabbed them off the floor and noted with chagrin that they faintly smelled of Derek’s musky perfume.

That’s it, You’re going out,” she said and marched straight to her kitchen to grab an empty plastic bag which she shoved the clothes into before tying it up and dumping it inside her trash can. She didn’t want a constant reminder of her time with that overgrown rich kid who humiliated her with his rude offer and condescending tone, but she knew that was what would happen each time she set eyes on those clothes.

“We can’t have that now, can we?” She said aloud as she picked up her trash can to take it outside.

That minuscule chapter of her life was over and done with forever.

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