Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

Derek spent the rest of his morning working out in the gym until his muscles were sore and begging for mercy. It was the only way to successfully obliterate his encounter with Rachel from his mind permanently. Feeling invigorated afterward, he took a shower, got dressed, and took his favorite Lamborghini for a spin.

While in the car, he put a phone call through to Cassie but she didn’t respond, so he scrolled through his contact list and found another woman who might be available for him. His call was answered on the second ring.

“Hi, Derek!” The woman on the other end of the line said with a high-pitched voice that showed how excited she was to receive his call.

“What’s up, Gwen. How are you doing?” He said casually.

“How are you doing, babe? I thought you’d forgotten all about me.”

Derek chuckled. “You know that’s not possible. I’ve been very busy.”

“That’s what you always say,” said Gwen sulkily.

“All right, let me make it up to you. Where are you right now?”

“At home.”

“Why don’t you come over to Dario’s? We’ll have lunch and then I’ll take you out for some shopping and we can end the day at my place. How does that sound?”

“Ooh, that sound’s fabulous! Gimme 15 minutes and I’ll join you at Dario’s,” said Gwen, unable to hide her joy.

“Great. See you soon.”

A superior smile played on Derek’s lips after he hung up. This was how he liked his women; available, sensible, and grateful. Not snobbish, entitled, and haughty. He couldn’t stand women with a self-righteous attitude like Rachel, or the ones that overestimated their importance like Cassie. A man like him shouldn’t have to beg for a woman’s attention when he can simply buy it. He had more money than he could spend, so why not lavish it on the women who appreciated his generosity? Women like Gwen.

His phone rang and it turned out to be Cassie. He contemplated whether to ignore the call or respond to it since he no longer needed Cassie, unless…

“Hey, Cass,” he said when he answered the call.

“You called me,” said Cassie in her usual cold tone that Derek hated. Why did she always sound annoyed?

“Yeah, I did. I was checking to see if you’d be available to hang out with me tonight.”


“My place.”

“What time?”

Derek sighed. Why did he still have this cold woman on his contact list? Why was he still talking to her? She was a beautiful and successful supermodel but she had the personality of a dead fish. And she was feisty between the sheets, he reminded himself. That last part was what kept him coming back for more because she knew how to knock a man’s socks off in the bedroom.

“I don’t know, Cassie. Just later tonight. Can you make it?”

“I’ll be there at 9 p.m.”

“Cool. Want me to get you something?”

“A Cartier bracelet with diamonds,” she said instantly.

He laughed softly. “I could never give you an open check, Cassie. You’d empty my bank accounts without batting an eyelash.”

“You asked me what I wanted, didn’t you?”

“That I did. You’ll get your bracelet tonight. Come looking hot.”

“Don’t I always?”

Ok, Cassie may have lost her sense of humor in an accident, but she does make up for it with her wisecrack replies which he enjoyed. So, after all was said and done, he was going to enjoy the best of both worlds tonight – Gwen with her dramatics and Cassies with her aloofness. He’d never had a threesome involving these particular women before and the thought of it made his cock twitch in his pants. He couldn’t wait to see what their reaction would be tonight, but he knew one thing for sure, neither of them would say no because they wouldn’t want to miss out on what could be one of the most exciting nights of their lives. The two women were pleasure junkies just like him so there was no way they would refuse his offer. Not when he was paying heavily for it already. This was how he wanted his life to always be – uninhibited, carefree, guiltless, and that’s how it would always be.

“Are you ok?” Robert Lane asked his younger sister after spending nearly an hour in her company and not hearing a pip from her. Rachel was a chatterbox, so it was super weird to be sitting with her in the dance studio on a bubbly summer afternoon and not hear her say anything at all. She always had something to say and that was why he found her silence a bit bothersome.

“I don’t know if it’s my imagination, but you’ve been acting weird since your birthday weekend two weeks ago,” said Robert, trying to get his sister to talk to him. “Did something happen?”

“On my birthday weekend? Are you kidding?” Rachel scoffed. “I’m fine, Rob. You always complain about me talking non-stop, and now you are worried that I’m quiet. What do people want?”

“Jeez, is this what I get for being a concerned brother?”

Rachel smiled at her brother. “Stop being dramatic, and thanks for your concern but there’s no need for it. I’m fine.”

She knew her brother’s suspicion was correct but she wasn’t going to admit to him and spill her dirty little secret about how she shagged a complete stranger that she’d met at the nightclub. She had sworn all of her friends to secrecy and pleaded with them never to breathe a word of it to anyone in her family, especially her religious mother. Rachel guessed that her saintly father would probably roll in his grave if he heard about her wild birthday escapade too.

The siblings were in Rob’s dance studio where he’d just finished teaching a vigorous session of salsa to his middle-aged ‘students’ and was getting ready to out to lunch with his boyfriend, Taylor Bates, who was a personal trainer and worked in the gym next door. Meanwhile, Rachel was getting ready to welcome her little students who will be showing up in the studio soon for their bi-weekly ballet lessons.

Taylor shows up just then, dressed in an oversized singlet, a pair of spandex tights, and trainers. His brown skin glistened like polished brass and his long locs were tied up in a neat ponytail.

“Goodness, Taylor, but you look yummy,” said Rob with an appreciative grin.

“Thanks, darling,” said Taylor, kissing Rob on the lips. “You don’t look bad yourself.”

“Wait, don’t you two live together?” Asked Rachel.

“He left very early this morning before I woke up,” Rob explained. “And he’s been out and about looking like hot, juicy cinnamon rolls.”

Rob emphasized his words by spanking Taylor on the bum, eliciting an excited laugh from the latter.

“Ew, you guys. Get a room!” Rachel laugh. “I have little kids showing up in a few minutes with their parents, so you two better get your cheesy asses out of here quick.”

“You’re cute when you’re jealous, Raych,” Taylor laughed. “Come on, baby. Let’s give the single lady some breathing space.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “I’m only single, not infested with a virus.”

“What’s the difference?” Rob asked, and Taylor laughed.

Rachel was used to being teased by Rob and Taylor, but for some reason today, their jokes didn’t quite sound funny to her. In fact, nothing seemed funny to her anymore since Derek. She was becoming short-tempered with everyone, always getting irritated by things that she would normally overlook, almost everything people did or said appeared to get on her nerves.

“Are you two going to leave or what?” She asked in a snippy tone that killed their laughter instantly.

“Easy, babe. You know we’re only playing with you, right?” Taylor said soberly.

She exhaled. “I know. I’m sorry I snapped at you. I think I’m just tired.”

“Are you sure you can take the class today? Why not just cancel it and give yourself the rest of the day off?”

“Nah, that’s not nice. I don’t want to disappoint the kids, besides, it’s not the physical tiredness I’m talking about. It’s my mind that needs a break.”

Rob couldn’t hide his concern anymore. “You know you can talk to me if anything is wrong, don’t you?” He asked her softly. “I know you Rachel, and I know something is bothering you. What is it?”

Before she could respond, her first student arrived with her mom in tow. “Saved by the bell,” she sang under her breath and winked at Rob who replied with a slow shake of his head. “Go on and enjoy your lunch, darling Rob. I’ll be fine.”

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