Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Two

"Welcome to the top floor of this building. We call this the Main HQ as this is where the boss' office is. This is also where his special employees are. The brains and brawns behind each success of this company," Mr. Kim explained as we walked down a short hallway.

We then entered through another glass door and the room was filled with workstations. Everyone was immersed into their work. Some were on the phone, some were on their computers, and some were working with each other.

"Everyone?" Mr. Kim's sudden voice caught the attention of others. All the employees turned to our direction and he continued, "Allow me to introduce Ryuk Mingyu," he gestured towards me. "She's the new member of our family. She's our new secretary and I trust that you'll make her feel right at home," he added.

As every eye landed on me, I bowed before everyone and introduced myself.

"Well then, come with me to the boss' office. I have a lot of things to discuss with you," he turned to me before he walked ahead of me.

I followed quickly behind him and smiled at everyone. However, instead of being welcomed, I only received death glares from some of the employees. Immediately, I avoided looking at them and kept my head low. The last thing I would want to happen was to leave a bad impression on everybody here.


"Please, have a seat," Mr. Kim said as he opened the door wide for me. I bowed briefly and entered the CEO's office. I entered the room with cautious steps. The sound of the door closing caused me to jump a bit, which was embarrassing, to say the least.

Mr. Kim sat on the main chair and he gestured at the seat across him. I obliged and slowly sat before him.

He said, "First things first, I will not sugarcoat everything. You're here to immediately start your first day. After the boss reviewed your credentials, he found you fit for the secretarial position. He specifically requested for me to watch over you while he's on a business trip."

My eyes widened as I froze. That was true?! What the receptionist said was true?! But why?! Why was I accepted right away? Why wasn't I given any proper training before I started? Were they in such a rush for someone to fill the position? And why was I chosen for this job when I only applied for a regular position?

Mr. Kim met my frozen stare and smiled softly. He continued, "I understand that everything is a shock to you. Trust me, I was also shocked with the boss' sudden decision. But being his assistant from the very beginning, I know he won't make a decision unless he knew what he was doing."

"But, why?" I stuttered with just two words. "I don't understand what sort of credentials that he saw on my resume to be deemed appropriate for such a heavy role." I added, "Being a secretary isn't an easy job. I don't understand why I'm chosen."

He sighed as he shook his head. "Believe me, you're not the first one who's confused and shocked about this. But you have nothing to fear. I will be with you throughout every step of the way," he smiled as he replied. "And besides, the secretarial duties in this company aren't as heavy as with other companies."

He added, "As you can tell, I'm his main assistant. So, technically, half of the duties of a secretary are already done by me. Think of your position as my co-captain in helping our boss."

"Ah, I see," I nodded. "What will I be doing, then?"

"Sorting out important paperwork. Sorting out the boss' schedule. You're the first one to review each paperwork that arrives. You're the one who can speak for your fellow employees on this floor. And you'll be the one to accompany him on business trips," he said as he listed everything on his tablet.

"What will you be doing, then?" I asked.

He replied, "I will be the one to finalize everything. And if you need to tell the boss something, you can tell me and I'll relay it to him."

I took a moment to process what was happening. Everything was too fast for me to handle. I didn't want to have a mental breakdown on the first day. That would be the worst way to start my new job. I didn't want to be seen as unfit for this position.

Truth be told, nothing about me indicated that I was qualified for this position. But since it was given to me, it wasn't something I would easily let slip from my grasp. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I would do my very best and would give my all for this job.

"If you don't mind me asking, if you're already the main assistant, why do you still need a secretary?" I asked.

"From time to time, our boss has business trips to attend to. And some of them can take a few days, even weeks or months. And he hates it when he doesn't have anyone to take his place here during his absence," he happily explained. "Since I'm the only one he can trust with company matters, we needed someone who can accompany him and help him with matters during those trips. And that's your biggest role in this company."

I nodded. By how he explained my job description, it didn't seem to be too much of a work. I would just be the helping hand of the main assistant. And for someone who never took courses in college related to this job, I found each task to be quite easy.

"Do you have any other questions for me, Miss Ryuk?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Are you ready for your first day at work?" he asked another.

I let out a deep sigh and pinned my hands in between my thighs. "Honestly, I'm nervous, Mr. Kim. I never expected to be working at such a prestigious company and at such a high position. I can only hope that I do a good job," I replied.

He nodded. "I understand how you feel. And I deeply apologize for the sudden start of your work. It was requested by the boss. But like I said, you have nothing to worry about. You have me to guide you. You have the whole floor to help you out. And once the boss returns, you can ask him any kind of question that you have," he answered with a smile.

I nodded but I still wasn't comforted by what he said. Especially when he said that I had the whole floor to assist me. I wasn't sure if he didn't notice. But almost every employee outside shot a death glare at me. I wouldn't be surprised if they would watch me as I sunk into a deep hole that they would cause.

He then pulled a drawer open and revealed a wide, flat box. He settled it on the table and said, "Here's a little something for you. Kindly look into it and tell me what you think."

I did just what he said. And as I lifted the top part, I couldn't believe what I saw.

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