Alpha Doesn't Want A Mate

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Her Alpha Mate 9

"She's going to be fine, Alpha Nathan. I know it's been two days since she passed out, but that's perfectly normal for a female who just went through a strong heat cycle. She'll wake up again soon."

"Adam, I hear you, but this is my pup we're talking about. My mate and I can't stand to see her like this. It worries us to death that there's another reason she's not waking up."

"She's just exhausted, Alpha, trust me.

These heat cycles are brutal."

The voices grew louder with each passing moment, not because they were speaking aloud, but because Freya was being brought back to the real world from her unconsciousness.

She furrowed her brows, cracked one eye open, and stared at the white wall. 'Was I in the hospital? Moon goddess, how bad was my heat?'

She opened her other eye and stared at the wall.

'Why is everything so bright?'

A groan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes to escape the brightness of the room. It felt like someone had taken a flashlight and shined it into her eyes.


Soft footsteps sounded before a warm hand touched her cheek.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?"

She didn't know you could lose your hearing in heat cycles.

With difficulty, she opened her eyes a little and stared at her father, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Dad," she croaked, coughing because her throat was so dry. He quickly reached for a cup on the nightstand.

"Here," he said softly, helping her up. Gratefully, she gulped down the water and cleared her throat once more. Two cups of water later, she finally felt a little better and heaved a sigh of relief. At least her throat didn't feel like she'd swallowed a bunch of thorns.

Her father set the cup on the nightstand and ran his fingers through her hair,

"How do you feel?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, she suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. She knew that if she stood up, she'd probably fall over. Her limbs felt like jelly.

"Tired," she whispered, closing her eyes against the pounding in her head, "and hungry."

He gave her a sad smile, "I know, sweetie. Imade a mind connection with your mother. She should be here any minute with some food. You just need to take it easy for a few more days."

She nodded slowly and closed her eyes again. Her eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds.

"Oh Freya,"

'Oh moon goddess. My mother is here.'

Freya tensed mentally as her mother tended to her as if she were a child - checking her temperature, her pulse, her tongue. Freya had no idea why she did half the things she did, but apparently they were important. Every time Freya moved, she asked her to sit still so she could finish her examination.

Meanwhile, Freya wondered where the doctor was and why her mother was examining her instead.

"Honey, the doctor is about to examine her.

You're being overdramatic. Now let the poor girl eat. She hasn't eaten in two days."

Her mother froze, and she gave her father a pitying look. He was at his wits' end.

"What did you say?" Her mother growled,

"I'm being overdramatic? My puppy has been passed out for two days and I can't even check on her to see if she's okay! Nathan, how dare you!"

Freya winced as her voice became a little shrill for her taste. Her eardrums felt like they were about to burst.

Her father kept his mouth shut, which was the smartest thing he could've done at that moment. He stood up and kissed Freya on the head, "I'll be back to check on you later, sweetie. I've some pack chores to do, but Oliver should be by to see you in a bit."

Freya nodded and watched him hurry out of the room as fast as he could. Her lips twitched into an amused smile as her mother glanced after him.

"Can I eat now?" asked Freya, looking at the tray her mother had placed on one of the tables.

"Oh, of course. I forgot all about the tray," she said, reaching for the tray and carefully placing it on Freya's lap. Freya quickly popped a spoonful of scrambled eggs into her mouth and sighed as her taste buds came back to life. After savoring the first bite, she began shoveling the eggs into her mouth without once breaking her pace. That's how hungry she was.

Her mother stared at the empty plate in shock, "You ate that in less than two minutes."

Freya chuckled and popped a strawberry into her mouth, "That's nothing. You should have seen me after the pack run. I inhaled a huge turkey leg."

Jennifer shook her head in amusement and stood up, "Finish your fruit, sweetie. I'm going to find the pack doctor so he can check your vitals."

Freya nodded and continued to devour the bowl of berries while Jennifer marched out of the room. Freya's eyes wandered around the room, taking in every detail as her mind raced.

'What happened after I passed out? Did Zack even care that I passed out? Why do my hair smell like hand sanitizer? Why is that blueberry so sour?'

She grimaced and spat out the blueberry into a napkin.

Sour foods were definitely not among her favorites.

She threw the napkin into the trash can and pursed her lips.

Since she'd woken up, her she-wolf hadn't even stirred in her mind. She hadn't felt her since she'd come into heat. She closed her eyes and tried to reach Aurora, bracing herself against the mental block Aurora had set up. A few moments later, the block disappeared and she could feel Aurora stirring.

'Are y'all right?'

She shook out her fur and stretched her legs.

'I'm fine. And you?'

'Quite well, could've been better.'

'I'm sorry mate didn't accept us.'

Freya sighed.

Her wolf was taking the blame for something that wasn't even her fault. Aurora must've thought she wasn't good enough for him or something.

'It's definitely not your fault. If anything, it's his. He can't pull his head out of his ass.'

She remained silent, and Freya felt sorry for her. It was harder for her than it was for Freya. Freya couldn't imagine how it felt to have such a deep connection to his wolf and not be able to be close to him.

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