Executioner part III
Face to face with my brother without any disappointment as to the fate of the man who was my husband, he understood all the look between the lines, words were unnecessary and the sigh when he held my hand was his way of asking 'are you okay?' the increase of my smile joining his equal to mine, couldn't give another answer.
My brothers were there for me, the first to speak was always Hunter
— Need help with cleaning? His gaze is careful, worried.
Green eyes scanning every part of me exposed making anger fill the chiseled face of square jaw and full mouth.
The decision I made is going to affect all of us in some way and this is your way of giving your support.
“Just the garbage bag by the door.
He turned and walked to the door taking the bag out of the house, we all silently watched the movement back and forth. Until he was standing by the counter again as if waiting for an order or a request.
“Okay, what's the plan? - Jack turned on his side sitting on the couch now with his body turned towards us asking what was going on in everyone's mind.
The dark hair in contrast to our blond ones, the well-shaped face, full lips and perfect teeth, the slightly crooked nose and the usual sarcastic expression.
“We need a story,” Hunter replied without taking his eyes off mine.
"We faked their deaths," Giacomo said and for the first time I looked at everyone there, realizing Bianca was missing.
- Why she did it? – I whispered without really wanting confirmation of thoughts.
"Apparently Stefano wasn't the only one to disrespect an Italian wife," Jack roared. “I needed to talk to her so she could share her death with us, and I found her tied up like an animal in that apartment.
The tension in each of the three's bodies revealed more than words, yet I felt the need to confirm.
"What did you do Jack?" – I asked scared, afraid that the plan would go through the sewer.
"What could a brother do seeing his own blood like that?" - He snorted - When Salvatore Riina arrived I spent a few hours having fun with him.
“You idiot, the soldiers could have seen you entering the building.” The fear of losing my brother washed over me.
Hunter laughed, beckoning me to calm down, as if it was obvious he wasn't going to let Jack have all the fun for himself.
— I helped the idiot to forge the scene, in the end it will look like it was a coordinated attack so we need to act fast, in a few hours our phones started ringing reporting Riina's death and the Don will have the city cleaned up looking for the traitor - He stopped with a sigh.
— We need to be home right now — Giacomo decrees — Don Sartori will probably notify me of Bianca's death in person, as a way of showing his appreciation.
Giacomo is one of Sartori's trusted men, and he deserves the post. Always hardworking, loyal, executing his Don, never disobeying a single order. The guilt for putting them in a position of betrayal has hit my traitorous heart, they are the only family I have and among all the possibilities, among all the shit to know that we really are a true family, that at no time did my brothers hesitate to follow a wild plan to free myself and now free Bianca, only made my love and admiration grow.
This loyalty is ours alone, and I doubt anyone else within the mafia is as loyal as we are to each other.
“I'm making you lose the honor of your names.” I sighed, knowing this should be like torture for honorable men.
“Don't think about it Beatrice, defending my blood is the only honor I need. Your husband and Bianca's husband should honor them, I won't forgive myself for taking them to the altar and handing them over to these dishonored ones. – Giacomo spoke with a tone of regret.
“Besides, the family rule is clear, wives shouldn't be treated that way, and Don Sartori was certainly aware of the actions of Riina and Stefano, his son and his nephew, both of whom he trained. - Jack snorted.
“Rules are for everyone, we're just going to put the house in order, Cosa Nostra is just going to have a little cleaning up.” Hunter smiled darkly and I understood.
They are by my side for everything, with all our faults and over every stupid fight between brothers, that for some reason I was sure one of them would end up doing this, killing Stefano Sartori for me.
But she didn't need to be protected, not anymore.
— For all intents and purposes, Bianca died at dawn in an attack, along with her husband Salvatore Riina — Giacomo continued — The poison that Hunter got has a twenty-four-hour effect, it will look like a cold body and that's the time we need to do it. the closed casket funeral.
— Enrico should show up here at any moment to report Bianca's death, the hypothesis of a betrayal will be confirmed when he finds her body and doesn't find Stefano since only we capos know the addresses of each member - Jack breathed - We need to kill soldiers who are in security.
The door slammed and in the midst of the warm conversation surprising us with the unexpected visitor, the short hair and the soldier's always well composed suit.
- No need, I already did that - Frank's voice cut the silence, Hunter already had the gun pointed in his direction.
'Why would you do that?' – Giacomo questioned the Sartori family soldier.
"Your sister knows why." He looked at me with green eyes.
I discovered his secret a few years ago, in the first few days he seemed to expect me to tell Stefano until one of the few times we were alone in the car, I assured him that no one would know.
Apparently, this is their way of retribution.
- Beatrice has my loyalty, if you want to kill me do it now, but know that it would be a good ally.
I've pondered the possibilities, I need help, protection and none of my brothers can do that, they won't be able to be available all the time, I have no idea what life is like outside this house or outside the mafia.
They need to show that they are looking for the sisters' killers.
- Hunter has enough venom for Frank too - My brother looked exasperated in my direction - Frank will come with me.
'Do you trust him?' Jack looked suspicious.
- Yes, and he has no reason to stay, if Don Sartori finds him alive with the disappearance of his son he dies, if he betrays me I will make sure they find out his secret, that would lead to his death too - My brothers looked at each other for a few seconds , Hunter lowered the weapon.
Frank watched knowing my every word was a silent threat, just because I was merciful once doesn't mean it would be a second. I give you this chance as a vote of confidence for going to warn Giacomo of my captivity, something I've never had the courage to do in all these years.
I analyzed the whole scene set up around the house with the blood smeared on the hideous carpet.
My brother's fury was just the incentive to finally make my voice heard. But how wrong they are, a woman never loses her power, a woman never loses the war, and when she wants to, she destroys everything.
Stefano's biggest mistake was not having caused my death when he had the opportunity, karma is a treacherous bitch and this turnaround was only possible thanks to his exacerbated egocentrism thinking he was indestructible. And my biggest mistake was thinking that he was capable of love, wasn't he, toast destroyed any opportunity for any feeling to be born in here.