A new beginning part II
Now, if Giacomo had an little of intelligence, I wouldn't have married Sartori but De Angelis, it would be more profitable for the Costello cocaine trade to join a family that has great distribution power.
The soldier and my sister looked ecstatic with laughter.
“Another Frank, that I know. – I said, trying to control my breathing, wiping the tears that flowed – Do you really think that when Giácomo offered to kill Stefano, my beautiful beauty wouldn't have planned everything already?!
I kept laughing and realizing that fools didn't understand, a woman always discredited, her voice was not heard and her presence discarded in front of the business.
They don't expect a woman to be able to be the mind, what they don't know is that we women act like snakes waiting for the moment to strike. My husband, may he burn hard in hell, believed that piously and now he's dead, what a pity isn't it.
And my moment has finally come.
- Well, nobody expects anything from a wife or a whore, as my late husband liked to call it - I took a deep breath thinking about how I would explain in a simple way everything that happened in that basement when my brother found me.
I saw a glass of water on the bedside table and I drank it, using the water to organize my thoughts, calmly thinking about what I can say at that moment, how the pieces will start to move in our favor.
- Giacomo wanted to go after Sartori with the excuse that he had dishonored his wife, but let's be convenient, this kind of punishment is only given with the support of the Don - I took a deep breath - Besides, I wouldn't get rid of him. She would continue to be held in prison or perhaps worse.
I ran a hand through my hair and Bianca offered me a hairpin, which I gladly accepted, given the heat in the stuffy room.
“Beatrice, what have you done?
I understood my sister, in a few days I had become someone else. Embraced in a part that only existed in my most beautiful dreams, Stefano died in them.
I smiled at the thought.
- I planned, organized and disemboweled my husband - The smile only grew with the memory of the viscera falling to the floor.
The amazed faces watching the little monster Stefano had fed these years only made sure who Beatrice Costello Sartori died, there was no guilt on my face, because there would never be an ounce of regret inside what was left, what he left with his damn blue manipulators.
“Anyway, while Giacomo was trying to convince me that he should kill Stefano, I made the plan. - I stopped without caring about their expressions, I saw the silence as an incentive to continue - Jack must have already provided the documents, that's what I ordered him and the reason he's not here yet, may be because he has to include another batch of false documents that was not planned.
I stared at Frank who absorbed the information faster than Bianca.
— Whoa! – He exclaimed – What are the orders ladies?
I ignored the sarcastic tone walking to the window that sets one of Fort George's most neglected neighborhoods. Hunter's apartment was supposed to be for doing business with those who wanted to supply the drugs, the best place to hide would always be under the men's noses and close enough to slit their throats.
— First Bianca, get a paper and a pen, make an order of the single women and what families they belong to, if to live my freedom my brothers needed to earn their handcuffs, that's what they will do - The soldier looked in disbelief - This will be the way they will pay for ignoring me for the last seven years Frank.
I exclaimed in view of what our steps will be like until they rise within the family.
“I think it's fair, they never listened to you and now they obey or go to the ditch, because that's what will happen if Don Sartori finds out about this.
Bianca returned to the bedroom with a crumpled pad and a broken pen.
— That's what I had — he justified himself.
“Giacomo is a trusted man for the Don, let's exploit this breach so that he can give up some land in order to reward loyalty in the midst of grief.
“You know that old man is like a fox.
"And I'm a very venomous snake, Frank, and do you know how a snake can swallow a fox?"
He smiled in agreement and my sister seemed lost in the middle of the conversation until she went back to writing on the small pad.
“Overall, what you two need to know right away, let's frame De Angelis. They are the two biggest families with the biggest possessions, playing against each other, Don Sartori will start a witch hunt within the family.
"While he's busy, we buy time," Frank added.
“But how are we going to do that? - Smiles at Bianca.
“The Sartori family only had one heir, Stefano, and thanks to Stefano, the Don doesn't have any grandchildren to try to fill the chair in a few years.
"That makes room for the second largest family with initiated heirs to try to fill the vacancy..."
My sister alternated glances trying to assimilate what we were saying.
— In the family we keep friends close and enemies closer, the biggest beneficiaries of Stefano's death would be the De Angelis brothers. - I watched some addicts in the alley rush to consume their drugs - We Costellos would have nothing to gain from his death and our death, it's as if our brothers lost their strength.
“So we're interfering with Beatrice.
The soldier laughed as he watched my innocent sister.
“Bianca, think of it like going back one square before checkmate.
I silently agreed with the soldier knowing it had been a good choice to bring him.
I walked away from the window that overlooked the alley and opened the door, taking in the small, shabby, musty apartment, a sofa in the center of the room as dirty as the floor.
Hmmmfffff, five days and he didn't think to do the cleaning.
I rolled my eyes, imagining how happy Bianca would be to use one of our brothers' cards indiscriminately, but that would have to wait for Hunter, he's the only one who can come to this side of New York without arousing suspicion.
I walked through the finished living room, entered a small kitchen and opened the fridge, and that was at least what the three of them had thought.
The food there would last at least a week, it would be enough time to provide the missing documents and to lessen their 'mourning'.
“Beatrice, all the names are here.
“Fine, throw the block on this countertop and we'll fix this crap.” I sighed, slamming the fridge door.
'How are we going to fix it?' - She looked at me suspiciously - No one can know we're alive, I can't call Antonella.
Frank's laughter filled the room.
“I hope you start to get used to not having maids, Bianca.” My sister looked in shock as the soldier had fun behind her.
“You too, soldier, stop laughing at my sister's discoveries about poverty and get a bucket to help.
He crossed the room and passed me heading towards a small door at the end of the kitchen. dropped the obvious
— You know she won't be very useful in this cleaning right - He rolled his eyes — Look at the despair, it's making me feel sorry.
I smiled dismissing the man with my hand, Bianca would have to get used to the new life it was this or death.
And I'd a thousand times prefer a life away from my family, free of Stefano, than to continue pretending to be a happy, loving wife, just the thought made bile rise in my throat.
I knew that Bianca would know how to do few things, so I put her to do what was most useful. A list of products we'd need living there, Frank looked relieved when my sister's frown eased.
With two buckets, a few bottles of bleach and a broom, five hours later we were done cleaning up. Life granted me the mercy of having an old washing machine, but working in the small laundry area, the sofa would go to waste anyway.
I tried to figure out what time it was and what day it was, two days off meant Wednesday.
- It's Thursday morning already - Frank answered the silent thoughts - I'm going to shower first.
He just warned and left towards the bedroom with the bathroom, Bianca finally seemed to have finished the list. There must have been an item saying 'buy a new apartment'.
I held back a laugh by going into the kitchen and putting the bucket in the small cupboard under the sink.
“I can't cook.” I looked at my sister, who looked like she was about to break down at the little statement.
Despite having been raised as a doll I learned a few small things from the nanny who took care of us, Stefano made me clean the house and make the food, always spitting in my face how bad it was and far from decent food for a man of your status. Trying not to hold on to the past, I consoled her.
- Check it out, then you'll have time to try to learn - I winked in his direction seeing his expression change - But not now, only when we're ready to replenish the purchases at the merchant.
Her laughter filled the small kitchen, and I took advantage of it by washing my hands in the sink.
“Beatrice, thank you.” His gentle gaze piqued my curiosity.
"Want to talk about you and Riina?" Never said anything to me – I let go.
— I don't want to talk about it — His eyes lost their life — Besides, you never said anything to me either.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an accusation. - I sighed - It's just that...
- We've grown so far apart that we can't see each other's pain - She interrupted me and I agreed.
Silence hung over both of us, when the two best friends had grown so far apart. Bianca was always my other half, her positivity, above all, completed my rationality, our childhood moments were always happy, because of her willingness to do something out of the ordinary, all the time looking for a way to make everyone smile at home.
- I think if I have time to learn to cook, then we have time to remedy that - Cutting the silence she got a smile - I need to be useful in something, at least cooking.
I laughed at his excitement, his hope to resolve everything filled my chest with determination, I started this would end. I needed to sort it out, my three stooges need help and my butterfly needs help learning to fly. First, then I would think about how to try to survive out here.
“Then I think I should start by teaching my sister how to make fried eggs.
- You know what to do? Her eyes widened as if she'd won an award.
— Yes Bianca, I can cook. – I remembered the beatings I took each time Stefano didn't like my food, thoughts being interrupted by a jumping Bianca hugging me.
“We're not going to starve.” I stared at my sister with watering eyes and for the first time since I got married, I felt something like happiness. - Can I ask you something?
Still smiling, I nodded, waiting for the brilliant question.
"How did one of Sartori's soldiers join us?" – He pointed towards the room.
I felt the tension rise up my spine, it wasn't a secret of mine to tell.
“I can't tell you that.
- Okay - She looked curious, but didn't ask again - Now come on, how do you manage to break the eggs inside the frying pan?
I looked at Bianca and started to laugh, when Frank reappeared with wet hair and started listening to my sister's questions about how to cook, it was inevitable to hold back laughter.
And so, the day dawned little by little through the living room window, Bianca went out to take a shower before eating.
And Frank's gaze found me.
— I heard her asking and you didn't say — It wasn't a question, at least I took it as a statement.
“It's not a secret of mine to tell.” I placed the eggs on each plate with a slice of bread on each.
“Thanks.” I lifted my head to the soldier. “If it had been any other wife, I would have given it up. – He seemed to search for words – And you kept it like it was your secret when you could have traded it for some pity from Stefano, my loyalty is your Beatrice.
“He didn't know what that was.” I shrugged.
I nodded for him to start eating without waiting for my sister, at least I was sure I would have a reliable ally.
I leaned against the now-cleaned countertop, pouring coffee and thanking me for being able to eat.
When Bianca came back in a different outfit, I raised a curious eyebrow.
- I woke up and the suitcase was there in the corner of the room, I think there must be some clothes that fit you - She shrugged - I practically woke up with you two squeezing me in that bed, so it's my turn to sleep there.
I shook my head imagining the scene, Frank rolled his eyes eating.
When I was done, I left him in charge of teaching Bianca how to wash the dishes and went to the bedroom finding the suitcase in the corner, typical of her.
I found a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I would be without panties, but I had a bra.
Inside the small bathroom, there was a worn mirror over a small sink, I felt like it must be rotten after spending so much time in the same clothes, I turned my back seeing the places, which were smeared with blood, now black sticking to the dirt of the House.
I got rid of the used clothes by throwing it in the small basket, there was no salvation for this baby doll. The matted hair would need a way, but there was only a tiny bottle of liquid soap and when I got under the shower, I hoped the soap wasn't expired.
The water ran dirty, I almost ripped my own skin trying to erase the last few days with Stefano, trying to erase his mouth from my flesh. When I felt that was enough, I got out of the shower, waiting for my body to drain the water since I didn't have a towel.
I watched in the mirror the marks that would be visible with the shirt, intending to add to Bianca's list, jackets and long-sleeved blouses, although I don't want to forget the past, seeing the result of the last few years is still painful.
Each scar representing a ripped part, a detail that I would not insist on erasing, maybe being a masochist, for not wanting to erase the pain, these marks are just one more reason to continue, to remember that all this is not just to keep my brothers alive or for my freedom, but also for the opportunity to finally have revenge, for me and my lost children.