3 - Helpless Hope
My eyes flutter open, the blaring light above me causing my head to pound, like a troll beating a war drum. I choke, trying to sit up to vomit, but find myself strapped down. Unable to fight the nausea, I turn my head to the side and vomit on the cold steel to which I’m strapped. Groaning, I scoot as far away from the mess as my restraints will allow, and attempt to look around.
The view of some sort of sterile room reminds me of a lab… or at least, it was sterile, before I vomited all over the place. The thought makes me chuckle mirthlessly. I tug my limbs, finding that my wrists and ankles are strapped down. Looking down, the view of needles sticking from my bare arms has me shivering as I become aware that I’m naked.
It doesn’t take long before someone realizes I’m awake, and soon I see my handler… Cynthia, the vampire called her, standing over me.
“You just had to go and piss off Ramsey… Of all the vampires in this place, you piss off the one who enjoys causing pain,” she says, shaking her head at me. “I should’ve guessed that you’d be too damn stubborn to just keep your head down and survive… Let’s get you off of this damn table,” she mutters, pulling out a key and unlocking the metal restraints, and pulling me to a sitting position. The sudden movement makes my head swim, and I clutch at my temples. Cynthia shakes her head at me and helps me to stand, grabbing a bottle off of one of the tables and leading me out of the room.
“Best to get you washed up… I’m sure you’ll end up back in here before we’re done with you, now that you’ve peaked Ramsey’s curiosity. Here, drink this,” she says, shoving the bottle into my hand.
“What is it?”
“Can you just listen, for once?” she huffs before her eyes soften and she shakes her head. “It’s a healing potion, should fix up any aches you have, at least until you instigate someone else to attack you, I’m sure it’s only a matter of time,” the wry smile on her face convinces me to chug the potion, which takes immediate effect, making me feel brand new. Cynthia takes me to the small bathroom between my room and the one next door, and stands outside while I clean up. As I wash, horror dawns on me when I realize that every iota of body hair that I had before being strapped to that table is gone… Places that I’ve never been touch by anyone else are bare. Shivering, I open the door to find Cynthia holding out a new change of clothes, lips pursed. She shakes her head at the tears brewing in my eyes and shoves me into my room, warning me to keep my head down.
Cynthia comes to get me as the sun sets, telling me to behave myself as she leads me down the winding halls to my next ‘lesson.’ We enter a room with a raised platform, once again, the others in my ‘class’ lined up and waiting, some of their faces looking disgustingly eager for whatever indoctrination we’re due for this evening. My stomach growls as we take our places, and Cynthia frowns at me.
After several minutes, four vampires in robes enter the room, glancing at us before taking spaces up on the stage and dropping their robes. I look on in horror as they expose their naked bodies to us, looking at Cynthia, praying that this is some sick joke. Her grim face tells me all I need to know, as I fight the urge to either run or puke. One of the other girls claps excitedly. I watch numbly as the vampires explain how to pleasure someone, demonstrating several techniques as the others watch on in fascination.
“Now, some of you have been untouched, and as such, we will preserve your physical purity… at least for your nether regions,” one of the male vampires says with a smirk, “by forgoing penetration. However, you must all demonstrate mastery of pleasure using your mouths.” He steps back, gesturing to one of the females to demonstrate oral pleasure on the other male. While they do that, the other male kneels before the other female and begins lapping at the junction of her thighs with his mouth.
After several minutes, they stop, leading the first girl forward to kneel between the man’s legs, guiding her in how to pleasure him using her mouth and hands. I look away in disgust. I’m not shy, I’ve seen a penis before, but the fact that we don’t have a choice disgusts me. I may have seen naked men and women, but I’ve never touched anyone in the way they want us to touch them, and the thought of being forced to do so makes me sick.
When it’s my turn, I shake my head, refusing.
“Esme,” Cynthia hisses with frustration, “if you don’t, you’re going to find yourself strapped to that table and drained!” The thought of being strapped down again causes my feet to move robotically forward, one stiff step at a time, until I’m kneeling in front of the male, who smirks down at me, gripping his length and smacking my face with it. I shakily reach out and grip him, bring his girth to my mouth before shaking my head and trying to back away. With a frown, he grips my neck with one hand and forces my jaw open with the other, shoving his length to the back of my throat and making me gag as he pumps into my mouth.
“As you can see,” says the other male, his voice taking on a lilting tone, “your benefactors will take their pleasure if you refuse to provide it… it’s better for everyone involved, usually, if you just cooperate.” As the male pumping into my mouth stares at me, our eyes clash, his trying to draw me in as mine water. With a strangled growl, I struggle to get enough leverage to get free, and when that doesn't work, I chomp down as hard as I can, severing the tip of his penis. His shocked eyes bleed red as he begins to wail, and I spit out the offending lump of flesh, jumping up and attempting to flee the room.
In seconds, the other male clasps an enraged hand around my arm, dragging me backwards and throwing me against the wall. My body collides with the wall, a sickening crunch leaving me dazed with crippling pain. I try to lift my arms to protect myself as he kicks me repeatedly in the ribs, but all I manage is to curl into a ball. When I hear a shout, the sound is more terrifying than the enraged vampire who’s beating me.
“Stop. We don’t want to break her just yet. Take her to the lab, a couple days on my table should teach her some manners,” says the cold voice of the vampire Cynthia called Ramsey. The vampire kicks me one last time before storming out of the room after his companions. Cynthia kneels in front of me, shaking her head.
“I warned you…” she glances behind her, nodding as someone hands her a syringe. “Now Ramsey will make you his pet, and there’s nothing I, or anyone else, can do to protect you.” I try to struggle as she brings the syringe closer, the movement sending shooting pain throughout my body. Cynthia gestures at me, and a sudden shock causes me to gasp and still, my muscles seizing up as Cynthia forces the needle into my neck, depressing the plunger. In seconds, I flop backwards, fading into unconsciousness.