5 - Desperation
We’re led into a chamber with a large stage, guards stationed around the room. A single table is setup near the front with four chairs and two wineglasses. Novak takes a seat as I look around the room, making sure to mask my disgust.
“You’ll be pleased with the selection of Virgins, m’lord,” assures our guide. Novak crosses his legs and chats with our host, discussing the virtues of purchasing a blood slave, particularly a virgin. The whole practice disgusts me, but news of me speaking out is guaranteed to reach my ‘father.’ The world he built isn’t the one I was promised, but any act of defiance is a death sentence. So, I keep quiet, and bide my time. Novak and a trusted few within my own household are the only ones who know of my views, and since my life depends on that fact, I plan to keep it that way.
After what feels like hours of banal chatter, but was probably only minutes, someone clears their throat behind me. Looking back, I see one of my father’s messengers, the royal seal wrapped around his throat, denoting him as property of the Emperor. He holds out a scroll, the emperor’s personal seal stamped on the outside. In an age with mass produced paper and other conveniences, my father’s insistence on the useless ceremony of missive scrolls is just one small irritation in a long list of them. I flick open the scroll and read through it quickly, careful to keep a passive face. Father’s servants always give detailed reports of their interactions, so it’s in my best interest to not give them anything to report.
Glancing up at the waiting messenger, I tilt my head towards the double doors through which we entered. The messenger follows me out without question, waiting while I scribble a response on the scroll.
“Did he tell you what’s in this scroll?”
“No, sire. Only that he requires a response posthaste.” Dipping my head in understanding, I wrap the scroll back up, prick my finger, run my blood over my seal ring, and press it into the scroll before handing it back to the small human. He bows and turns. He glances back at me when I touch his elbow.
“Safe travels, young one, please deliver this in a timely manner.” I tell him. His lips twitch into a smile as he bows, backing away. As I turn to rejoin Novak, the sight of two humans arguing in the corner catches my attention. Frowning, I watch as the elder of the two grabs the younger one’s arm. They glance at me, and I’m stunned by the fire in the young one’s eyes. Usually those who come through the Enlightenment Centers are beaten into submission, all of their fight pounded out of them by the center’s ‘training.’ Not this one, though. The older one glances at me, a mixture of fear and hope lighting up her gaze.
“…If Ramsey finds out about this, you’re dead!” whispers the elder harshly, her voice carrying in the open space. My frown deepens as I turn to resume my place in the auction chamber, the words running circles in my mind. I smooth my face as I return to my seat.
“What did they want?” asks Novak, never once glancing my way. Shaking my head, I drink my wine, holding the glass out for a refill.
“Later.” Novak winks, downing his wine and refusing another.
Ramsey tugs us into the shadows as Cynthia herds me back into the room. Meeting his gaze, I try to hide the fearful flinch.
“What’s going on?” he asks Cynthia, voice deadly quiet. Huffing, Cynthia shakes her head and tugs me closer.
“She was sneaking out.” Frowning, Ramsey inspects me.
“I figured she would try… I guess she’ll just have to be my permanent guest,” he whispers, smirking. Cynthia blows out a breath and shakes her head.
“Apologies for contradicting you, Doctor, but the prince saw her, I don’t think we can pull her from the auction without consequences.” Cursing, Ramsey nods, glaring at me.
“You’re likely correct… If the prince saw her, we need to present her… We’ll deal with her disobedience after the auction,” he hisses, storming away. Cynthia lets out a relieved breath and glares at me.
“You’re lucky the prince saw you… Now you best hope that your luck holds, and he takes you home!” Grimacing, I take my place in the line of people waiting to be presented like cattle to the prince of vampires. The line slowly files out, each person before me prancing down the stage, turning, and then flouncing to a chair waiting off to the side. When it’s my turn, Cynthia jabs me in the back, glaring at me.
“You best make sure you go home with them,” she hisses, storming off as I strut out onto the stage, accompanied by the sound of a deep baritone voice reading off my profile from the center. I walk to the end of the stage, flash what I hope is a winning smile at the lone table of men, and then twist around, sauntering to my seat. I sit as gracefully as I can manage and cross my legs, flashing some skin. Taking a moment to carefully glance around from under my eyelashes, I do my best to look seductive. I’m shocked to find that the Overseer is the vampire who escorted me to my room last week and find myself struggling to keep the frown from my face as he continues announcing the line of slaves.
The Overseer’s voice echoes hypnotically through the room as he reads off profile after profile, adding little flairs here and there. By the time he finishes, the last slave flounces into their seat, a come-hither smile on their face. I have to force myself to maintain my smile, rather than grimacing at the members of my group who fawn over the vampires as they approach us. *This is your last chance to get out of here, just hide your disgust for a little longer…