Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Dangerously Yours Till Eternity


124.3k Words / Ongoing


... and people claim different things, beautiful, wonderful. But for Ivy, she claimed "dangerous".
"Truly, I am dangerous but it is nothing for you to fear." He said, tossing away the head of the vampire he had just yanked out and was still dripping with blood, while he moved closer to her.
"Why?" She asked, trying her best to sound bold.
"Because I am yours."
Maybe if someone had showed Ivy what the future would hold if she decided to go to a nightclub a night before her arranged wedding, throw the word 'mine' to the first greek god she sees and have a one night stand with that stupidly rich greek god, maybe she would have just accepted her fate, stayed home and gone to her arranged wedding in the morning to pay up her father's debt.
But no fortune teller had warned her and so she did all the above.
Now here comes the consequences.
Some are bad, some are spicy and some are just mysteriously unexpected.

About Author


  • AT_Imagination

    Hello, everyone. Thank you for supporting my book so far, it really means a lot. I apologize for the recent inconsistent updates but I will like you to know that you can blame that on my exams. Once the exams are over, we will be going back to a chapter daily by God's grace. There will also be a mass release to make up for this. Thank you for your understanding 🤍🤗

    11/28/2022 01:34
  • AT_Imagination

    I'm trying to build a community. Please look for the page "Author AT_Imagination" on Facebook, like and follow the page. I will be posting a lot of things about my novels on the page, announcement for an update, videos made for the novels and several other things that inspiration and creativity might later lead me to. Also, if you have an idea if anything interesting that can be added to the list. Please, comment it as a reply to this comment. I will really appreciate it. Thank you all for your support 🤍

    07/10/2022 19:58